  • 诚然,他深恶痛绝种人的种族歧视制度,但他却热心地提出应通过对话解决问题,而不是对种人的错误思想诸多谴责。
    True, he dislikes their racial system, but he is more concerned to propound the advantages of dialogue than lecture the whites on the errors of their ways.
  • 达西先生非常有礼貌地要求她赏光,跟他跳一场,可是他要求了。
    Mr. Darcy with grave propriety requested to be allowed the honour of her hand; but in vain.
  • 应当起诉大型复杂的案件,以使公众明在税法之下,人人平等。
    Large, complex cases must be prosecuted to project the perception that everyone is equal under the tax law.
  • 一年生有轮生叶子和小绿色花的杂生野草;广泛分布于北美洲。
    annual prostrate mat-forming weed having whorled leaves and small greenish-white flowers; widespread throughout North America.
  • 轮生粟米草一种(轮生粟米草粟米草属)属匍匐的、可做草席的一年生杂草,广泛分布在北美洲,生有轮生叶和细小的绿色花
    A prostrate, mat-forming annual plant(Mollugo verticillata) widespread as a weed throughout North America and having whorled leaves and small, greenish-white flowers.
  • 罗尔夫·希尔根菲尔德说,上述两种病毒中含有的蛋酶同非典病毒中的非常相似。
    The protease used by these two SARS cousins is very similar to that used by SARS, Hilgenfeld said.
  • 罗尔夫·希尔根菲尔德的实验室里有一种可以阻隔病毒中蛋酶的药物,但是这种药物对人体毒性太大,因而不能用于人类。
    Hilgenfeld's lab has a drug that blocks the protease, but it is too toxic to use in people.
  • 但是研究者们在本周《科学》周刊中发表的报告中说,这种新型病毒有一个弱点,那就是蛋酶。
    But this new virus has a weak point called a protease, the researchers report in this week's issue of the journal Science.
  • 对於素食者来说, 豆类食物是蛋质的理想来源.
    Pulses are a good source of protein for vegetarians.
  • 多吃些水果, 少摄入些蛋质, 使饮食均衡合理.
    Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less protein.
  • 你需要增加蛋质以增强体质。
    You need more protein to build you up.
  • 质化合物;蛋质丰富的膳食
    Protein compounds; protein diets.
  • 多肽及蛋质的人工合成
    chemical synthesis of peptides and protein
  • 质的来源有哪些?
    What are the sources of protein?
  • 质的来源有哪些?
    What sre the sources of protein.
  • 它含有丰富的蛋质。
    It's very rich in protein.
  • 它含有丰富的蛋质。
    It 's very rich in protein.
  • 质,已不再作科学术语使用
    A protein. No longer in scientific use.
  • 还记得蛋质曾是有利于健康的吗?
    Remember when protein was good for you?
  • 肉、鱼和蛋是蛋质来源。
    Meat, fish and eggs are sources of protein.
  • 关于或具有蛋质特征。
    relating to or of the nature of protein.
  • 壳体,衣壳包裹着一个病毒粒子的蛋质外壳
    The protein shell that surrounds a virus particle.
  • 谷物种子中的简单蛋质。
    a simple protein found in the seeds of cereals.
  • 尿症尿液中蛋质过多
    The presence of excessive amounts of protein in the urine.
  • 许多动物组织和体液中的一种单纯蛋质,可溶于水。
    a simple water-soluble protein found in many animal tissues and liquids.
  • 他们日常饮食中蛋质含量不足,因而身体虚弱
    They are weakened by a diet that is low in protein
  • 水解的与蛋水解有关的,有其特征的或引起蛋水解的
    Relating to, characterized by, or promoting proteolysis.
  • 南美洲和中美洲大型的黑色秃鹫,头和颈上有彩色条纹和疣状凸起物。
    large black-and-white vulture of South and Central America have colorful wattles and wartlike protuberances on head and neck.
  • 尚未证实他有罪,就得假定他是清的。
    We must assume him to be innocent until he is proven guilty.
  • 这一协议的目的你也明,是为了防止可能出现过分刺激对方的行动。
    The purpose of this agreement,as you know,was to prevent acts that might appear to be unduly provocative to one side or the other.
  • 为了挑拨达西厌恶这位客人,她常常闲言闲语,说他跟伊丽莎终将结成美满良缘,而且估料着这一门良缘会给达西带来多大幸福。
    She often tried to provoke Darcy into disliking her guest, by talking of their supposed marriage, and planning his happiness in such an alliance.
  • 马克也笑了--因为他明,只要费罗斯在眼睛里滴上一滴氰化氢,倾刻之间他就会被送入地狱。
    Mark did too, for he knew that a single drop of pure prussic acid inside the eye would kill Old Man Fellows almost as quick as lightning.