  • 析数据方面,我们指望着你的支援。
    As to analyzing the data, I am figuring on your support.
  • 该过程可用于析一个群体怎样达成决议。
    The procedure is useful in analyzing how groups reach a decision.
  • 商业银行的管理人员在析客户的贷款申请时必须考虑许多因素。
    Commercial bank management in analyzing a customer's loan request considers many factors.
  • 废弃物社会学通过观察和析废弃物对一个社会及文化进行的研究
    The study of a society or culture by examining or analyzing its refuse.
  • 不可否认,在析混和样本和克服各种各样的污染物方面,dna析比其他鉴定要好的多。
    DNA analysis is undeniably better than other tests in analyzing mixed specimens and overcoming a variety of contaminants.
  • 要使xml不只是一种设想,需要授权认证、生成、管理和析xml数据的工具。
    For XML to become more than just an idea, tools are needed for authoring, generating, managing and analyzing XML data.
  • 他依然在对语音进行析,并且打算让人们对此做出反应。但是,他的初步发现揭示了很不一样的发声法。
    He's still analyzing the sounds and plans to have people screen them, but his preliminary findings reveal very different vocalizations.
  • 近年来,尽管在xx领域的应用迅速增长,但析xx、尤其是xx的尝试仍然很少。
    Though application in the filed of xx has proliferated in recent years, effort in analyzing xx, especially xx, is lacking.
  • 杰克已写了一份6页长的备忘录来析伯氏烧烤馅饼的市场潜力,而且为他反对这种产品的推出阐明了理由。
    Jack has already written a six-page memo analyzing the market potential for Burt's Barbecue Burger and justifying his position against introducing it.
  • 析这些音乐的基本元素基础上将歌曲归类,只要根据特质划去寻找,就能轻而易举地找到你想找的歌曲。
    By analyzing these "primary colors" and cataloging them for every song, finding musical near-twins is a simple matter of matching the traits.
  • 析实物证据的新技术正在迅速发展,私人公司正在成为司法系统日益重要的资源。
    New technologies for analyzing physical evidence are growing rapidly and private companies are becoming an increasingly important resource for the legal system.
  • 通过收集和析这些信号,就能计算出一个三维图像。这种三维图像与计算机x射线断层摄影技术图像一样,通常显示在二维切面上。
    By collecting and analyzing these signals, it is possible to compute a three-dimensional image, which, like a CT image, is normally displayed in two-dimensional slices.
  • 尼卡斯特罗试图证明自己观点的方法之一就是析家猫的一套发声法,然后再测试人们对这些发声法的反应。
    One way Nicastro is trying to prove that idea is by analyzing a range of vocalizations of domestic cats and then screening people's reactions to them.
  • 这是总结近代以来中国发展的历程得出的结论,也是析许多国家发展的经验教训得出的结论。
    This is a conclusion drawn by reviewing the modern history of China's development and after analyzing the experiences and lessons of many countries in their development course.
  • 我们所谓总结和集中,并不是群众意见的简单堆积,这里必须要有整理、析、批判和概括;
    What we mean by analyzing the experience of the masses and pooling their wisdom is by no means a simple process of accumulation; it requires classification, analysis, critical judgement and synthesis.
  • 但是与传统计算机相比,dna计算机真正的优势在于它可以同时对整个子库里的所有子(或答案)进行处理,而不必按照次序一个一个地析所有可能的答案。
    But its real advantage over a conventional computer is that rather than analyzing each possible answer in sequence, the DNA computer would act on the entire library of molecules, or answers- simultaneously.
  • 独立评审委员会实际工作的4天,“2.15”故障调查尚处于故障模式析验证阶段,大量系统、部件和元器件的试验尚未进行。
    During the IRC's four actual work days, the February 15 failure investigation was still in the stage of analyzing and verifying the failure mode, and a great deal of testing work of the sub-systems, parts and components remained to be done.
  • 监管工作人员对罪犯的改造表现要进行记载,定期析、汇总,对改造表现突出的及时给予表扬、记功,并在生活和监内活动等方面给予较优惠的待遇;
    They keep records of the prisoners' progress in reform, regularly analyzing and summarizing their records. They commend and record the merits of those who have made outstanding progress in reform-through-labour and grant them favoured treatment in their living conditions and activities within the prison ,etc.
  • 整理、析、批判和概括也是会犯错误的,但是不断地同群众商量,不断地研究群众的实践,这就使党有可能少犯错误,并且及时地发现和纠正错误,而不致使得错误发展到严重的地步。
    Mistakes may still occur even after classification, analysis, critical judgement and synthesis, but by constantly consulting the masses and analyzing their practices, the Party will be able to avoid mistakes or to discover them once they are made, and correct them in time to prevent their becoming serious.
  • 贸易统计小组只负责调查析中美双方公布的贸易统计之间的差异,双方的贸易统计方法并没有进行相应的调整,美方对华贸易逆差高估的格局至今也没有实质性的改变。
    The trade statistics expert group was only in charge of investigating and analyzing the difference between the trade statistics published by China and the United States.The trade statistics methods adopted by the two sides have not been correspondingly adjusted, and the US side's over-estimation of its trade deficit against China has not since changed substantially.
  • 贸易统计小组只负责调查析中美双方公布的贸易统计之间的差异,双方的贸易统计方法并没有进行相应的调整,美方对华贸易逆差高估的格局至今也没有实质性的改变。
    The trade statistics expert group was only in charge of investigating and analyzing the difference between the trade statistics published by China and the United States. The trade statistics methods adopted by the two sides have not been correspondingly adjusted, and the US side's over-estimation of its trade deficit against China has not since changed substantially.
  • 因此,对待这些同志,应该着重实事求是地析错误的实质和根源,应该着重使这些同志提高思想上的觉悟,并且也使其他同志以至全党都得到必要的教训,而不应该着重组织上的处,不应该依靠简单地“扣帽子”和简单地实行惩办的方法去解决问题,尤其不应该加重惩办的程度,扩大惩办的范围,造成党内的紧张状态和恐惧情绪,使党的力量受到损失。
    Therefore, in dealing with such members, the emphasis should be on dispassionately analyzing the root and essence of their errors, raising their ideological consciousness and drawing the correct lesson for other comrades or the entire Party, but not on the disciplinary action taken by the Party organization; solutions to the problem must not be sought through "putting labels" on such members or simply resorting to punishment.Unduly severe or widespread punishment is especially to be avoided, for it would create tension and cause fear in the Party, and this is detrimental to the Party's strength.
  • 目前,利用个人计算机进行此类运算仍然比使用生物计算机快得多。但是硅芯片计算机之所以会具有不可思议的运算能力只不过是因为它能够以电流的速度一个一个地检验所有有可能解决的方案。因为dna拥有存储信息的能力--几克dna也许就可以存储这个世界上已知的所有信息--所以一些科学家认为这种生化物质最终将会成为效率最高的存储和处理信息的媒介。但是与传统计算机相比,dna计算机真正的优势在于它可以同时对整个子库里的所有子(或答案)进行处理,而不必按照次序一个一个地析所有可能的答案。
    At the moment, it is still much faster to use a PC to perform such calculations. But silicon-based computers perform their magic simply by running through every possible answer one by one at the speed of electrical current. Because of DNAs power to store information, a few grams of the material could store all the data known to exist in the world, some scientists believe that such biochemicals will eventually be the most efficient medium of storing and manipulating information. But its real advantage over a conventional computer is that rather than analyzing each possible answer in sequence, the DNA computer would act on the entire library of molecules, or answers- simultaneously.
  • 被成为细胞裂后期的有丝裂的一个时期或与之相关的。
    of or related to the stage of mitosis known as anaphase.
  • 中期细胞核的有丝裂和减数裂阶段,发生于前期之后和后期之前,在此期间内染色体在中期板平面上定向排列
    The stage of mitosis and meiosis, following prophase and preceding anaphase, during which the chromosomes are aligned along the metaphase plate.
  • 有丝裂细胞裂过程,其间细胞核裂典型为四步:前期、中期、后期和末期,并正常裂成两个细胞核,每一个都含有母染色体的完全内涵
    The process in cell division by which the nucleus divides, typically consisting of four stages, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, and normally resulting in two new nuclei, each of which contains a complete copy of the parental chromosomes.
  • 林彪、“四人帮”的流毒,特别是派性和无政府主义的流毒,同一些怀疑社会主义、怀疑无产阶级专政、怀疑党的领导、怀疑马列主义毛泽东思想的思潮相结合,开始在一小部人中间蔓延。
    Their poisonous influence -- reflected particularly in factionalism and anarchism -- has begun to spread again among a small section of people, along with doubts about socialism, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the Party's leadership and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.
  • 1978年至1995年期间,一名被称为"尤那邦摩"的无政府主义者兼恐怖主义子放置或邮寄自制炸弹,在全美各地造成了16起爆炸事件,使3人丧命,23人受伤。
    Between 1978 and 1995,an anarchist and terrorist known as the Unabomber planted or mailed homemade bombs that killed 3 people and wounded 23 others in 16 separate incidents throughout the United States.
  • 他们是革命战争的主力军;然而他们的小生产的特点,使他们的政治眼光受到限制(一部失业群众则具有无政府思想),所以他们不能成为战争的正确的领导者。
    They are the main forces in the revolutionary war, but, being small-scale producers, they are limited in their political outlook (and some of the unemployed masses have anarchist views), so that they are unable to give correct leadership in the war.
  • 他们制造各企业和整个工业、整个国民经济的无政府状态,反对社会主义的计划经济,反对各尽所能、按劳配的原则,反对一切合理的规章制度,破坏劳动纪律。
    They created anarchy in individual enterprises in industry and in the economy as a whole.They opposed socialist planning of the economy, the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work", and all rational rules and regulations.And they sabotaged labour discipline.
  • 它确凿地证明了机器和工的破坏作用、资本和地产的积聚、生产过剩、危机、小资产者和小农的必然没落、无产阶级的贫困、生产的无政府状态、财富配的极不平均、各民族之间的毁灭性的工业战争,以及旧风尚、旧家庭关系和旧民族性的解体。
    It proved, incontrovertibly, the disastrous effects of machinery and division of labour; the concentration of capital and land in a few hands; overproduction and crises; it pointed out the inevitable ruin of the petty bourgeois and peasant, the misery of the proletariat, the anarchy in production, the crying inequalities in the distribution of wealth, the industrial war of extermination between nations, the dissolution of old moral bonds, of the old family relations, of the old nationalities.
  • 古安纳托利亚语的是或有关包括希提特和其它已灭亡的古安纳托利亚语言在内的印欧语系的一
    Of or relating to a branch of the Indo-European language family that includes Hittite and other extinct languages of ancient Anatolia.