  • 要么就拿行动或证据来,要么就住口。
    Put up or shut up.
  • 然后她拿了她的礼物并把它放在艾贝面前
    Then she brings out her present and puts it before Abe
  • 责令企业事业单位停业或者关闭,由作限期治理决定的地方人民政府决定;
    The order for suspension of operation or shutdown of an enterprise or institution shall be issued by the local people's government which sets the time limit for elimination of the pollution;
  • 子系统支持服务系统参数表中的一种开关。当该开关合上时,表示发生了严重故障(如无能力对子系统库进行存取,或发生其它类型的输入输错误),而且该子系统支持服务正在被关闭。
    A switch in the Subsystem Support Services system parameter table that, when on, indicates that a serious error has occurred(such as inability to obtain access to the sub system library or another type of I/O error), and that Subsystem Support Services is being shutdown.
  • 这个快门好像故障了。
    This shutter doesn't seem to is working properly.
  • 松动了的百叶窗落在了他身上;他抽了他的手臂,跑了。
    the detached shutter fell on him; he pulled his arm free and ran.
  • 能够在固定的时间内推迟照相机快门以便使摄影师能够现在相片中的自动机器。
    a mechanism that automatically delays the release of a camera shutter for a fixed period of time so that the photographer can appear in the picture.
  • 在航天飞机上,对每一种可能现的电气故障都作好了排除的准备。
    In the space shuttle every possible electrical failure has been provided for.
  • 往返递送象打羽毛球一样扔或来回递送。
    send or toss to and fro, like a shuttlecock.
  • 切开孕妇腹部从子宫中取胎儿的方法(传说恺撒就是这样生的)。
    the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus (from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way).
  • 他看了这个害羞的小人想要什么。
    He perceived what the shy little man wanted.
  • 研究人员已经成功地在动物腹腔内培养了新的肠子和膀胱;培养肝脏、心脏和肾脏组织的工作也已经开始。
    Researchers have successfully grown new intestines and bladders inside animals' abdominal cavities, and work has begun on building liver,heart and kidney tissue.
  • 苏西害羞地伸她的手。
    Susie held her hand out shyly.
  • 苏茜害羞地伸了手,手中是一个创可贴。
    Susie held her hand out shyly. In it was a Ban-Aid.
  • 他因害羞而说不话来.
    Shyness inhibited him from speaking.
  • 在空肠和前腹膜之间割一个小口的手术;用来人工进食。
    surgical creation of an opening between the jejunum and the anterior abdominal wall; will allow artificial feeding.
  • 羞怯的,局促不安的具有害羞的、胆怯的、不安的特征的,表现此种特性的,由此种特性引起的
    Characterized by, showing, or resulting from shyness, self-consciousness, or awkwardness.
  • 我在课上尽量教他们克服羞怯,因为他们中许多人是要国学习的。
    I'm trying hard in my class to teach them to overcome their shyness,because a lot of these students are going overseas to study.
  • 回肠造口术在腹壁上造一个排泄口并接入回肠的外科手术
    Surgical construction of an artificial excretory opening through the abdominal wall into the ileum.
  • 在胎儿生时,收缩腹部肌肉使安逸地产
    contract the abdominal muscles during childbirth to ease delivery.
  • 咝咝作声的声音。
    make a sibilant sound.
  • 用初始的齿擦音发
    pronounce with an initial sibilant.
  • 发出轻柔的呼呼声
    To make a soft sibilant sound.
  • 咝咝声表示,咝咝地说
    To utter with a sharp, sibilant sound.
  • 咝咝声由呼气造成的短促的咝咝声
    A short, sibilant sound produced by a puff.
  • 就是那多年分居,不相闻问的四孙舍、六孙舍,此时为着兄弟的情分,也不得不来排解。
    Although 4th and 6th Sun-she had lived apart from them for many years, for the sake of their sibling they had no choice but to come and help settle the matter.
  • 产卵器管状结构,通常隐蔽的但有时延伸腹部外部,雌性虫子用以放置蛋或卵
    A tubular structure, usually concealed but sometimes extending outside the abdomen, with which many female insects deposit eggs.
  • 一根空心的细针被小心地插入了病人腹部,抽了一些液体。
    A thin, hollow needle was carefully introduced into the patient's abdomen, and some fluid was drawn off.
  • 婴儿吐出了一点奶.
    The baby sicked up a little milk.
  • 西西里的居民聚集在埃特纳火山山坡上一起祈祷神灵的保佑,在离他们不远的地方,火山喷的红黑色的熔岩流正朝着为保护旅游景点修建的土堤渗过来。
    Sicilians gathered on the slopes of Mount Etna to pray last night as a river of orange-black lava oozed towards the mounds of earth protecting a tourist resort.
  • “我跟这个傻瓜打交道是搞不什么名堂来的,”他默默地自语道,“我竟在这儿夹在了一个是醉鬼,一个是懦夫中间,这真让我不安,可这个迦太罗尼亚人那闪光的眼睛却象西班牙人、西西里人和卡拉布兰人,而他不仅将要娶到一位漂亮的姑娘,而且又要做船长,他可以嘲笑我们这些人,除非——”腾格拉尔的嘴边浮起一个阴险的微笑——“除非我来做点什么干涉一下。”他加上了一句。
    "I shall get nothing from these fools," he muttered; "and I am very much afraid of being here between a drunkard and a coward. Here's an envious fellow making himself boozy on wine when he ought to be nursing his wrath, and here is a fool who sees the woman he loves stolen from under his nose and takes on like a big baby. Yet this Catalan has eyes that glisten like those of the vengeful Spaniards, Sicilians, and Calabrians, and the other has fists big enough to crush an ox at one blow. Unquestionably, Edmond's star is in the ascendant, and he will marry the splendid girl--he will be captain, too, and laugh at us all, unless"--a sinister smile passed over Danglars' lips--"unless I take a hand in the affair," he added.
  • 公元79年8月24日下午,西西里岛上的维苏威火山爆发了,喷一大片炽热的灰云。岩石像暴雨般地落到周围的地区。
    In the afternoon of August 24 AD 79 Mount Vesuvius on the island of Sicily erupted sending out a huge cloud of glowing ash and barraging the surrounding country with showers of rock.