  • 由於香港主要是一个服务中心,我们的竞能力端视乎基础设施的质素,和相对於邻近对手而言,我们提供这些服务的成本。
    As predominantly a service centre, our competitiveness is a function of both the quality of our infrastructure and the cost at which these services can be provided vis-a-vis our neighbouring competitors.
  • 图图,德斯蒙德生于1931南非主教。种族隔离斗的领袖,他是对南非的国际经济制裁的重要拥护者,他获得了1984年诺贝尔和平奖
    South African prelate. A leader in the antiapartheid struggle, he has been a prominent advocate of international economic sanctions against South Africa. He won the1984 Nobel Peace Prize.
  • 然而,“凡事预则立,不预则废”,没有事先的计划和准备,就不能获得战的胜利。
    Yet, since "preparedness ensures success and unpreparedness spells failure", there can be no victory in war without advance planning and preparations.
  • 有战斗力的,备战的为使用或行动准备的,尤指在战
    Prepared for use or action, especially in warfare.
  • 那样的事件常成为战的前兆。
    Such incidents often presage war.
  • 他们论起来。不久就动起手来了。
    They began to argue, and presently came to blows.
  • 每一战都须支付代价,有时是极大的代价,岂非和“保存自己”相矛盾?
    Every war exacts a price, sometimes an extremely high one. Is this not in contradiction with "preserving oneself"?
  • 她希望取到总统职位。
    She hopes to win the presidency.
  • 对民主党总统候选人的竞已经开始。
    The race is on for the democratic presidential nomination.
  • 这使得总统竞选成一场全然不同的竞
    This has made the presidential election a whole new ball game.
  • 西方国家借口“教案”,向中国政府施加军事或政治压力,提出种种无理要求,强迫赔款,捕杀无辜,甚至以此为口实发动侵略战
    On the pretext of these religious cases the Western powers imposed military and political pressure on the Chinese government. They put forward various unreasonable demands, compelled the Chinese government to pay indemnities, and arrested and executed innocent people. Moreover, they even launched aggressive wars on such a pretext.
  • 西方国家借口“教案”,向中国政府施加军事或政治压力,提出种种无理要求,强迫赔款,捕杀无辜,甚至以此为口实发动侵略战
    On the pretext of these religious cases the Western powers imposed military and political pressure on the Chinese government. They put forward various unreasonable demands, compelled the Chinese government to pay indemnities, and arrested and executed innocent people.
  • 他们竭力防止战争。
    They tried hard to prevent the war.
  • 为了确定一个公平的价格,企业必须对他们自己的成本、现行的定价法、竞状况以及折扣的种类和行业中惯常的销售条件进行评估。
    In settling on a fair price, firms will evaluate their own costs, current pricing laws, what the competition is doing, arid the type of discounts and terms of sales that are customary in the industry.
  • 在正常情况下,行业越竞,价格就越便宜,而盈利也是。
    All things being equal, the more competitive the industry is, the lower the pricing power, and hence profits.
  • 对他容忍而不作原则上的论是不对的。
    It's wrong to bear with him and refrain from principled argument.
  • 因为是熟人、同乡、同学、知心朋友、亲爱者、老同事、老部下,明知不对,也不同他们作原则上的论,任其下去,求得和平和亲热。
    To let things slide for the sake of peace and friendship when a person has clearly gone wrong, and refrain from principled argument because he is an old acquaintance, a fellow townsman, a schoolmate, a close friend, a loved one, an old colleague or old subordinate.
  • 虽然面对电子出版等新兴媒体的竞,但本港印刷商仍然继续大量投资购置先进机器和设备,近年更陆续把劳工密集的生产工序迁往内地进行。
    Despite competition from new media such as electronic publishing, Hong Kong printers are investing substantially in advanced machinery and equipment. In recent years they have shifted the labour-intensive production processes to the Mainland.
  • 期间人人都生活困苦。
    Everyone suffers privations during a war.
  • 他们进行反对特权的斗以便建立较为公平的社会。
    They fight against privilege in order to create a fair society.
  • 他们进行反对特权的斗以便建立较为公平的社会.
    They fought against privilege in order to create a fairer society.
  • 有3名学生夺这份奖金。
    Three students contended for the prize.
  • 政府的电讯政策是要鼓励竞和维护消费者。这些政策由电讯管理局局长推行。
    The government has pro-competition and pro-consumer telecommunications policies, implemented by the Telecommunications Authority (TA).
  • 大有希望的候选者、竞者等。
    In all probability he's already left.
  • "在今天的世界上,战是确实可能发生的事。"
    War is a real probability in the world today.
  • 在1938年就很有可能爆发。主队得分遥遥领先,很可能成为胜利者
    War seemed probable in1938. The home team, far ahead, is the probable winner.
  • 并随即开始经济斗,期于根本解决贫农的土地及其他经济问题。
    The economic struggle should follow immediately, so that the land problem and the other economic problems of the poor peasants may be fundamentally solved.
  • 战争和战略问题
  • 军事学战的技巧或程序;军事科学
    The techniques and procedures of war; military science.
  • 如果在行政诉讼之前或过程中发起任何有关成为申诉主题的域名议的法律程序,陪审团有权决定是否暂停或终止行政诉讼,或者继续进行裁决。
    In the event of any legal proceedings initiated prior to or during an administrative proceeding in respect of a domain-name dispute that is the subject of the complaint, the Panel shall have the discretion to decide whether to suspend or terminate the administrative proceeding, or to proceed to a decision.
  • 在中国对外贸易中,来料加工的贸易量超过50%,如果人民币贬值,进口料件的价格就要上涨,这对加工后产品出口的竞不利。
    In addition, of China's foreign trade, the volume of supplied materials processing exceeds 50 percent. If the RMB is devalued, the price of imported materials will go up, which is unfavorable to the export of such processed goods in international competition.
  • 抗日战的政治目的是“驱逐日本帝国主义,建立自由平等的新中国”,必须把这个目的告诉一切军民人等,方能造成抗日的热潮,使几万万人齐心一致,贡献一切给战
    The political aim of the war is "to drive out Japanese imperialism and build a new China of freedom and equality"; We must proclaim this aim to everybody, to all soldiers and civilians, before we can create an anti-Japanese upsurge and unite hundreds of millions as one man to contribute their all to the war.