  • 物候关系周期性的生物现象与气候条件之的联系
    The relationship between a periodic biological phenomenon and climatic conditions.
  • 长时的攀登以后我感到非常疲劳。
    I feel clapped out after that long climb.
  • 阅读有关爬山的报道而感到接的激动心情
    Read about mountain climbing and experienced vicarious thrills.
  • 综观新中关系,在密与疏之一直存在着深刻的张力。
    In Singapore-China relations, there is always a tension between closeness and distance.
  • 因此,尽管情报可能已随后发现,但考克斯报告中的断言,还是建立在安全部门(doe及fbi)官员的怀疑基础上的。这些官员不能确定李文皓(wenholee)赴中国旅行与中国情报机关机密文件之的关系。?
    Hence, despite what information may have been unearthed since, the allegations contained in the Cox Committee Report had to have been based upon the suspicions of the Security [DOE and FBI] officials about the closeness in timing between the trip to PRC by Wen Ho Lee and the "date" on the document "planted" with the CIA by the PRC Walk-in.
  • 在空向某物靠近的动作。
    the act of drawing spatially closer to something.
  • 小房间,食橱,壁橱
    A small room, cupboard, or closet.
  • 她去卫生间洗手。
    She went into the closet to wash her hand.
  • 衣橱用来装衣服的高橱柜、壁橱或小房
    A tall cabinet, closet, or small room built to hold clothes.
  • 她住的那个房让他看起来就像一个壁橱。
    She lived in a room that seemed to him like a closet.
  • 里有一个很大的壁橱,你可以把你的行李放进去。
    The room has a big closet. You can put your baggage in it.
  • 我把那个小衣清理出来,你可以把衣服挂在那里。
    I'll clear out that closet and then you can hang your clothes in there.
  • 汽车厂关闭后,轮胎制造商受到接的影响。
    The closure of the car factory had a knock-on effect on the tyre manufacturers.
  • 机械开关闭合时产生的振动,它会在短时内引起歇导电。
    Vibration of mechanical switch contacts following closure, which results in a short period of intermittent conduction.
  • 这种衣服在青少年中很畅销.
    This clothing sells well to the teenage market.
  • 一月和二月云量较多,中有冷锋过境,带来干燥的北风,市区气温有时会降至摄氏10度以下。
    January and February are cloudier, with occasional cold fronts followed by dry northerly winds.
  • 笼罩在pci-x未来的阴云是pci-x联盟与以intel为首的厂商集团之的标准化争端,后者正在开发叫做"下一代i/o"的并行输入/输出技术。
    Clouding PCI-X's future is a standards dispute between the PCI-X faction and a group of vendors led by Intel that is developing a parallel I/O technology called Next Generation I/O.
  • 今天夜间多云.
    Tonight will be cloudy.
  • 在模糊的问题中摸索着渺茫的结论——h·t·摩尔;骄傲和狂妄之模糊的区别。
    gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion- H.T.Moore; nebulous distinction between pride and conceit.
  • 四月大部分时多云,总日照量只有73.6小时,是四月份的第十最低纪录。
    Cloudy conditions prevailed for most of April. The total bright sunshine duration was only 73.6 hours, the tenth-lowest April record.
  • 第五,这里有多云多雾的日子,也有明朗光亮的日子:宇宙真没有一样东西比此更好。
    In the fifth place, there are cloudy and misty days alternating with clear and sunny days, and there is nothing better than that.
  • 那小丑可心在一瞬把他的表情从悲伤变成快乐。
    The clown could change his expression from sadness to happiness in a flash.
  • 游行示威事前要经过允许,指定时地点;禁止不同单位之、不同地区之的串连;禁止非法组织的活动和非法刊物的印行。
    These documents should also rule out marches and demonstrations unless they are held by permission and at a designated time and place, forbid different units and localities from clubbing together for harmful purposes, and proscribe the activities of illegal organizations and the printing and distribution of illegal publications.
  • 我们赶时,只能吃一道快速的火腿蛋。
    We're in a hurry so we can only have a quick cluck and grunt.
  • 那纵横字谜的提示,我琢磨了很长时才恍然大悟。
    I wrestle with the crossword clue for age before light finally dawn.
  • 小心隐藏在灌木丛里的谍,一直监视着那幢房子。
    Take care the spy hiding inside the bush clump, and is watching that house continuously.
  • 微小环境一个非常小的特殊的区域,如岩石的一团草或一个空
    A very small, specialized habitat, such as a clump of grass or a space between rocks.
  • 一股难以形容的气味充斥着房散不出去。
    The unspeakable odour clung to the room.
  • 胡特金森说:"边境安全不能再像现在这样仅仅是两国之的一条海岸线或者地界这样简单。
    "Border security can no longer be just a coastline, or a line on the ground between two nations.
  • 苏珊可以在一上午的时织好一件小孩子的紧身上衣。
    Susan can knit up a baby's coatee in a morning.
  • 一种服务于局域网的网络技术;最初由施乐公司发展;同轴电缆以每秒兆的速度在计算机之传输无线电连续信号。
    a type of networking technology for local area networks; originally developed by Xerox Corporation; coaxial cable carries radio frequency signals between computers at a rate of 10 megabits per second.
  • 补鞋匠是个伪装的谍。
    The cobbler is a spy in disguise.