  • 人不熟练地做事的。
    of a person unable to do something skillfully.
  • 这篇文章很短, 只对这一问题作肤浅的探讨.
    This essay is so short that it can only scratch the surface of the topic.
  • 工人们熟练地操纵机件。
    The workers can manipulate the gears and levers of a machine skillfully.
  • 腱的接合手术做得非常高明,那个男孩在四个星期以后,就相当正常地伸屈他的手指了。
    The tendon had been so skillfully grafted in that the boy was able to flex his finger quite normally after four weeks.
  • 约翰巧妙地七弯八拐地穿过人群,是为数不多的几位清楚地看见总统的人之一。
    John weaving his way skillfully through the crowds, was one of the few who managed to get a good view of the President.
  • 如果你的某位同事善于应付老板的情绪,那你就向他请教一下你怎么做才更为有效,不妨借用他的一些手段。
    If one of your coworkers manages your boss's moods skillfully, ask him what you could be doing more effectively, then borrow a few of his moves.
  • 气垫船掠过水面飞速行驶。
    The hovercraft is able to skim over the water.
  • 我没有时间,只把这本书大致地翻阅一下。
    I don't have time to do more than skim through the book.
  • 而一位减肥者如果在她每日的食谱中加入几杯脱脂牛奶,就够有效地控制其体内的卡路里含量,并且使新陈代谢速度保持在正常的脂肪消耗水平。
    But if a dieter adds a couple glasses of skim milk to her daily menu, she can keep her calorie count in check and her metabolism at a normal fat?burning level.
  • 为执行清理工作,污染控制小组配备一艘专用油污控制船、5艘以化油剂清理油污的拖船、一艘撇油艇和一艘储油船。
    Forclean-up jobs, the unit is equipped with a dedicated oil pollution control launch, five tugs capable of dispersing oil spills with chemical dispersant, one oil skimming boat and an oil storage vessel.
  • 她此刻虽然还不需要你的钱买衣料,但她很喜欢,比自己的钱买的,或者是我买给她的还要高兴,为的是你记着她的生日,而且够用自己劳力所得的钱买给她一份的礼物,不过她再三嘱咐,你把月中余剩的钱存积起来,虽然不错,但自己的身体健康方面,不可疏忽,应该吃什么补品,就要买吃,不可太俭。
    Although she does not as yet need your money for her dress, she is extremely happy, as she values your gift even more than if she had bought the dress herself, or even if I had bought it for her. This is because you remember her birthday; moreover you have bought this gift for her with money which you have earned by the sweat of your own labour. But she exhorts you repeatedly that, although it is a good thing to be able to save whatever surplus money you can each month, you should never skimp on taking care of your own health. You should spend on whatever nutrition supplement that you require and should not thrift over these.
  • 告诉我往火车站的路怎么走吗?
    Can you tell me the way to the railway station?
  • 我们一直注意寻找可解开这个谜的任何线索。
    We kept our eyes skinned for anything that might provide a clue to the mystery.
  • 只要看准有人同情她,斯金纳夫人随时哭给人看。
    Mrs Skinner was quite good at turning on the waterworks when she thought there was a chance of sympathy.
  • 他们也可用过木头和皮子,但这些东西都烂掉了。
    They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away.
  • 从废物堆里往往捡到一些挺好的旧家具。
    You can often scavenge nice bit of old furniture from skip.
  • 这问题可要花点时间,跳过去吧。
    This question looks like it'll take a long time, so I'll skip it.
  • 我不要布丁了--我把第一道大菜吃完就已经很不容易了。
    I won't have a pudding it was as much as I could do to finish the very large first course.
  • 我想我们从中学到许多。
    I think we may learn much from it.
  • 这孩子早上起床时感觉不舒服,不和10岁的妹妹斯蒂芬尼一起去上学。埃里卡本想留下来陪她,但是她和丈夫哈维都是刚开始做一份新工作,都不好不去上班。
    When the child had awakened not feeling well enough to accompany her sister Stephanie,10,to school,Erica wanted to stay with her.But she and her husband Harvey had just started new jobs,and neither could skip work.
  • leaf和skipjack的细节是保密的,公众使用。
    The details of both LEAF and SKIPJACK are classified, and publicly available.
  • 切成鱼片干燥后是日本人的烹调原料;可与飞鱼同种。
    fish whose flesh is dried and flaked for Japanese cookery; may be same species as skipjack tuna.
  • 打字机或其它打印设备的控制机构,自动控制走纸、空格、跳格以及弹出打印纸或表格纸。
    A control mechanism for a typewriter or other listing device that can automatically control the feeding, spacing, skipping and ejecting of paper or preprinted forms.
  • 不过,这是假设高等教育对向上升迁仍然起关键作用一这是个很大的疑问。有人警告说,他预见过不了多长时间,当学位不那么受重视时,不上大学而去工作,可是比较明智的职业选择。
    But that's assuming higher education remains the key to upward mobility--a big "if", warn some, who foresee a time not too distant when degrees are not so prized, and skipping college might be a wiser career choice.
  • 你早些走就避开交通拥挤时间。
    If you go early you'll miss the traffic.
  • 一种应用于小冲突的军事编队;在战术情况允许的情况下尽可广泛的分开。
    a military formation for skirmishing; as widely separated as the tactical situation permits.
  • 在这么短的时间要走这么多里路,并且还遇到小的战斗和下雨,有这种惊人成绩,是靠指战员奋不顾身的英勇精神,这种英勇精神过去表现在战场上,这次主要表现在脚上。
    The reason our officers and men could accomplish this striking feat--travelling such a long distance in such a short time despite skirmishes and rain--lay in their bravery in the face of personal danger. Previously, their bravery had been manifested on the battlefield; this time it was manifested mainly through their feet.
  • 沉默不总理解为同意。
    Silence must not always be read as consent.
  • 拿条裙子让我看看吗?
    Can you show me some skirt?
  • 看懂法文但不会说。
    I can read French but I can't speak it.
  • 消防队员需用呼吸器械才进入燃烧著的房屋.
    Firemen needed breathing apparatus to enter the burning house.
  • 你认为长裙还再流行起来?
    Do you think long skirts will ever come back?