  • "犹太人,至少其比较开明的分支,已从怒目相向转为主动求和,"埃贡.迈耶(egonmayer)解释道。他是布鲁克林学院的社会学教授,也是纽市立大学北美犹太人数据库的前任协同主管。
    "The Jewish community, at least its liberal branches, moved from a posture of outrage to a posture of outreach," explained Egon Mayer, who is a sociology professor at Brooklyn College and former co-director of the North American Jewish Data Bank at the City University of New York (CUNY).
  • 年内,共有370万人次参与临时市政局的文学及推广活动。
    In all, some 3.7 million people took part in the council's literary and outreach programme in 1997.
  • 翰被其他的跑者追过去了。
    John was outstripped by all the other runners.
  • 此外,今年本港整体经济会有大5%的负增长。
    And our economy, this year, will contract some 5% overall.
  • 因为到那时菜肴或许会因烹饪时间过长而失去应有的美味。你应去人家吃饭时,不妨带件小礼物以示礼貌。
    Dinner might be overcooked and ruined by then, When you're invited to someone's home for a meal, it's polite to bring a small gift.
  • 翰报读博士学位目标太高了,未能成功,他若报读硕士学位本来是可以成功的。
    By applying to a PH.D programme, John overreached himself; he could have been successful applying to a M.A. programme.
  • 不要会对你的薪水过于感兴趣的女人。
    Don't date a woman who is overly interested in your salary.
  • 看来[纽]市勉强过得去,可以避免[由州政府]监管。可是这是一项错误,因为[监管]局可以协助应付更严重,且随时可能发生的危机——据估计1992会计年度将有35亿元的赤字。
    It seems the city can scrape by and avoid having such an overseer. But that would be a mistake, because the board could help deal with the even deeper crisis just around the corner—the $3.5 billion deficit projected for the 1992 fiscal year.
  • 1994年以来,联合国内部监督事务厅帮助节或回收8700万美元
    The UN Internal Oversight Office has helped save or recover some $87 million since 1994.
  • 过去几年中,联合国为提高其效率和效力进行了重大改革,其中包括任命主管内部监督事务副秘书长、减少业务费用、裁减高级别员额、取消1000个职位。
    In the past few years, the UN has enacted major reforms to enhance its efficiency and effectiveness. These have included appointing an Under-Secretary General for Internal Oversight Services, reducing operating expenses, cutting high-level posts and eliminating some 1,000 positions.
  • 翰过去常常睡觉睡过头。我也一样。
    John used to oversleep. So do I.
  • 翰过去常常睡觉睡过头。我也一样。
    John used to oversleep. So did I.
  • 翰·布朗和他的合伙者们由于密谋推翻实行奴隶制度的美国各州而被审讯。
    John Brown and his associates were tried for conspiring to overthrow the slave states.
  • 一旦你提出会的试探遭到拒绝,如果下次还有希望,你也要让你的同事采取主动。
    Once you've made an overture and been turned down,let your co worker make the next move if there is to be one.
  • 不,可这又不是开玩笑,因为指挥翰·施特劳斯的音乐是一件非常严肃的工作。我们坚信:哈农考特肯定会打破我们对维也纳华尔兹固有的观念。
    But no,it's not a joke.Conducting Johann Strauss is a serious business,and we can lay a safe bet that Harnoncourt will overturn our preconceptions of the Viennese waltz.
  • 医护专家所说将使纽市医穷于应付的爱滋传染病,显然已造成损害,并将继续如此。
    The AIDS epidemic that health-care experts said would overwhelm New York City hospitals has clearly taken its toll and will continue to do so.
  • 当老板意识到翰工作过多时,他便给他减轻了负担。
    When the boss realized that John had been overworking, he eased off his load.
  • 翰还欠着买衣服的钱。
    John still owes for his clothes.
  • 翰由于有病不大参加社交活动了。
    John doesn't round much owing to his illness.
  • 由于有在后,不得不谢绝您的邀请。
    I must decline your invitation owing to a subsequent engagement.
  • 由于承过多,我方不能将你方订货提前装运。
    Owing to heavy commitments, we cannot advance shipment of your order.
  • 当老师问我们谁拿了那本书时,翰承认是他拿的。
    When the teacherasked us who had taken the book, John owned up.
  • 翰逐步建立了自己的事业,他拥有一家饭店。
    John has built up his own business. He owns a hotel.
  • 翰赢得奖金时,他觉得自己犹如拥有了世界。
    When John won the scholarship, he felt as though the world was his oyster.
  • 其他类似的科学技术机构也根据与臭氧层有关的国际条开展业务。
    Similar scientific and technical bodies also operate under international treaties dealing with the ozone layer.
  • 同温层中的一层,在高空大英里处,含有较高的臭氧量,足以阻挡太阳的大部分紫外线。
    a layer in the stratosphere (at approximately 20 miles) that contains a concentration of ozone sufficient to block most ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
  • 翰和彼得需要请人搞出他们的包装设计并排列出他们的供货人。
    John and Peter need to get their packaging produce and to line up their supplier.
  • 里根总统……将会坚持该条必须在“全部接受,否则不签”的基础上予以考虑。
    President Reagan?? will insist that the pact be considered on an"all or nothing" basis.
  • 这一公并没有促进国际和平。
    That pact didn't advance peace among nations.
  • 苏日中立条约
    Pact of Neutrality between Japan and Soviet Union
  • 以公或条维系的民族或国家的组织。
    an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty.
  • 里根总统……将会坚持该条必须在“全部接受,否则不签”的基础上予以考虑。
    President Reagan … will insist that the pact be considered on an "all or nothing” basis.