  • 你把这件事瞒我,真可恶。
    You are a brute to keep it from me.
  • 毕竟,如果有人执意要偷你的数据,他们可能用“暴力法”来对付口令,他们是不是衣像看门人并在夜间偷窃你存档的柜子?
    After all, if someone is so intent on stealing your data that they're likely to "brute force" a password, aren't they just as likely to dress like a janitor and rifle through your filing cabinets at night?
  • 日本帝国主义在夺取平津之后,依靠其野蛮的武力,借助德意帝国主义的声援,利用英帝国主义的动摇,利用中国国民党对于广大劳动民众的隔离,毫无疑义将继续坚持其大规模进攻的方针,实行第二步、第三步的预定的作战计划,向整个华北及其他各地作猛烈的进攻。
    There is no doubt that, having seized Peiping and Tientsin, Japanese imperialism will press ahead with its policy of large-scale offensives, take the second and third steps in its premeditated war plan and launch fierce attacks on the whole of northern China and other areas, relying on its own brute military strength while at the same time drawing support from German and Italian imperialism and exploiting the vacillations of British imperialism and the estrangement of the Kuomintang from the broad masses of the working people.
  • 水在锅里轻轻地冒气泡。
    The water was bubbling gently in the pan.
  • 你什么时候才能舍弃热门摇滚乐而学欣赏莫扎特?
    When will you learn to appreciate Mozart instead of that bubble gum music?
  • 便是网络公司陷入困境,去年网络泡沫破裂,致使包括微软在内的所有高技术公司的股价直线下降。
    Then there was the dotcom truouble. Last year the bubble burst, dragging down the shares of all high?tech companies, including Microsoft.
  • 快点,我们都等呢。
    Buck up, we're all waiting.
  • 快点,我们都等呢。
    Buck up, we are all waiting.
  • 桌子上每天都放一束鲜花。
    A buck of fresh flowers stands on the table every day.
  • 飞机顶强烈的逆风飞行。
    The plane bucked a strong head wind.
  • 天下着倾盆大雨。
    The rain was coming down in buckets.
  • 他头上平稳地顶那桶水。
    He poised the bucket of water on the head.
  • 那个男人头上平稳地顶一桶水。
    The man poised a bucket of water on the head.
  • 是不是一直都必须扣
    Do I have to keep them buckled all the time?
  • 西藏处处可见从事佛事活动的信教群众,到处悬挂经幡,堆积刻有佛教经文的麻尼堆。
    Believers performing Buddhist rituals, and prayer umbrellas and Mani rocks carved with Buddhist sutras can be found all over the Tibet Autonomous Region.
  • 在这首诗中,含苞待放的花朵象征青春
    In this poem, the budding flower means youth.
  • 他们既确知了他还在迦太罗尼亚人的村里。便在长嫩叶的梧桐树下和大枫树底下坐下来。头上的树枝间,小鸟们正在动人地合唱,歌唱春天的好时光。
    and assured that he was at the Catalans, they sat down under the budding foliage of the planes and sycamores, in the branches of which the birds were singing their welcome to one of the first days of spring.
  • “干活可不能打盹呀,小宝贝,”她对吃奶时睡了的孩子说。
    “ No sleeping on the job,buddy,” she says to little Danny James as he nods off while nursing.
  • 小男孩让他弟弟坐在最下面一级台阶上,然后紧紧靠他,指保罗的车说“那就是,老弟,就像我在楼上跟你说的。
    He sat him down on the bottom step. then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car. "There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs.
  • 他的好友名单中有一大堆国家元首和"前任们"。他依然与英国首相布莱尔、加拿大总理克雷蒂安、南非前总统曼德拉等朋友保持密切接触。
    In the meantime, he works his buddy list of heads of state and " formers," staying in close touch with friends like British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and Nelson Mandela.
  • 可怜的阳光不知所措,它一次又一次试想帮雪球从这种悲伤的状态中解脱出来,但都遭拒绝。
    Poor Sunshine didn’t know what to make of it. He kept trying to push Snowball away from her sad station, but she refused to budge.
  • 不管我怎样用劲拉缰绳,那条老母牛一点儿也不动窝。它只是站在那儿,静静地望我,嘴里咀嚼从胃里吐出的东西。
    No matter how hard I pulled on her rope, the old cow refused to budge. She just stood there calmly gazing at me and chewing he cud.
  • 马拉绳索在沙尘中拖动看起来像是耶稣雕像的野牛头骨。
    Horses were pulling the ropes, they were dragging buffalo skulls in the dust like Christ figures.
  • 一个在北美洲的大平原的赶水牛过游牧生活的北美印第安部族的人。
    a member of one of the tribes of American Indians who lived a nomadic life following the buffalo in the Great Plains of North America.
  • 大型水蝽,长易于刺或吸的嘴;吃小鱼。
    large water bug with piercing and sucking mouthparts; feeds on young fishes.
  • 你的马车在等你,不是吗?”
    Your buggy’s waiting for you, isn’t it?
  • 那里停基米的马、车和车夫。车夫将赶车把他送到火车站。
    There stood Jimmy’s horse and buggy and the coachman who was going to drive him the railroad station.
  • 我们到了公园,我可以弯下腰,让自己忙把米莉弄出婴儿车。
    We're at the park now so I am able to bend down and busy myself letting Mille out of her buggy.
  • 标签在一个程序里数量的增多,他发现产生错误的机会也越来越多。
    He observed that the number of bugs seems to increase with the number of labels in a program.
  • 我的口袋因装苹果而鼓起来了。
    My pockets were bulging with apples.
  • 瞪眼圆睁凸出的眼睛看
    To stare with wide and bulging eyes.
  • 她用手指卷头发;大面积的用弯曲的缝线将边缘缝起来。
    hair twined around her fingers; bulky with twisted stitches around the edges.