  • 葛:赵先生,可以坦地讲,我们今天不是初次一起做买卖,一直是公平合理互相对待,没有啥事要抱怨的。但是货币波动使得我们在开价方面有些困难。
    Mr Zhao, let's be frank. This is not the first time we've done business together. We've always been straight and fair with each other. There's nothing serious to complain about. But the currency fluctuations could be responsible for some of our difficulties in pricing.
  • 调色液一种用来改变照片底片颜色或保留黑底片及影片的化学药液
    A chemical bath used to change the color of a photographic print or to preserve black-and-white prints or movie film.
  • 对不起,这卷冲了只能印黑片。
    Sorry, this roll can only is developed for black and white prints.
  • 噢,我明了,洗印多少张?
    Oh, I see. How many prints do you want to have for each negative?
  • 新闻记者一直在硬逼着向宫发言人打听详细情况。
    Newspaper reporters have been trying to prise the details from the White House spokesman.
  • 山上洁白的雪
    Pristine mountain snow.
  • 宫对姐妹俩的隐私一向护得很紧,对此没作任何评价。
    The White House, very protective of the twins' privacy, had no comment.
  • 他在公开的场合里拥护官方的政策,而在私下里却明那是行不通的。
    He supported the official policy in public, but privately he knew it would fail.
  • 他在公开的场合里拥护官方的政策,而在私下里却明那是行不通的
    He supports the official policy in public, but privately he knows it will fail
  • 那时候他最喜欢的一件是兰印花布做的,但是她试穿后,痛苦地发现裙子腰身太宽大了。多年的贫困使她的身体早变得很瘦小了。
    The one he liked best in the old days was a blue-and-white print. But when she tried it on she saw with distress that the waist hung loose, so thin had her body become from the years of privation.
  • 他有进入宫的特权。
    He had the privilege to enter into the White House.
  • 当然,没有人真正知道宫那扇紧闭的大门后有什么故事,但劳拉自童年起的一位女友说:“我相信他们一定相亲相爱。”
    Of course, few are privy to what goes on hehind the closed doors in the White House. " I'm sure this has been an emotional time," says one of Laura's many girlfriends since childhood.
  • 第二届中国戏剧梅花奖和首届上海戏剧玉兰表演艺术主角奖得主。
    Liang Gu-yin is the winner of Second Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Prize and Leading Role Prize of First Shanghai Magnolie Drama Prize.
  • 负责报道宫事务的资深记者海伦·托马斯说,在布什夫妇结婚初期,布什非常喜欢参加晚会,劳拉设法劝说丈夫不要沉迷其中。在布什喝酒的问题上,劳拉更加坚决。她曾警告布什说:“要酒还是要我?”并以此使布什不再饮酒。
    " Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas,referring to the period earlier in their marriage when Laura's influence stopped her husband's proclivity for partying,puts an even sharper point on Bush's drinking and once warned:" Jim Beam or me," and got him to stop drinking.
  • 北美北部和日本的一种生长很慢、常绿的平卧灌木,有色花和许多色、有粗毛的肉质种子。
    slow-growing procumbent evergreen shrublet of northern North America and Japan having white flowers and numerous white fleshy rough-hairy seeds.
  • 我们想通过公开招标购买1,055万台小型黑电视机。
    We want to procure through open bidding 10, 550 small black and white TV set.
  • 这两部电影都十分直,对低俗,而且充斥着暴力镜头。
    Both movies are frank, verbally profane and violent.
  • 他明表示非常关心我的幸福。
    He professed a great interest in my welfare.
  • 东印度常绿的蔓生植物,由于其丰富的香的花而被载植。
    East Indian evergreen vine cultivated for its profuse fragrant white flowers.
  • 南非的灌木,由于其丰富的花而被种植。
    South African shrub grown for its profusion of white flowers.
  • 《中国海洋事业的发展》皮书
    The Development of China's Marine Programs
  • 我为他制定了训练计划,使他不仅明了在水中的触觉,而且明了身体在水中的阻力感以及身体在水中前进过程中的体位感。
    I worked out a plan for him and led him to understand not only the sense of touch in water but also the sense of resistance of body and the sense of body position in the process of progression though water.
  • 我不明这项禁令的原因。
    I do not understand this cause of prohibition.
  • 我不明这项禁令的原因。
    I can't understand the reason for this prohibition.
  • 玉米醇溶蛋从玉米中提炼出的醇溶谷蛋,用于制造各种的塑料、涂层和漆
    A prolamine protein derived from corn, used in the manufacture of various plastics, coatings, and lacquers.
  • 有生殖力的南美洲水生野草,有类似草的叶子和色穗状花序;大量漂浮阻塞水道。
    prolific South American aquatic weed having grasslike leaves and short spikes of white flowers; clogs waterways with dense floating masses.
  • 他以“晚上好”开始了他的开场
    He began his prologue by saying "good night".
  • 鱼的蛋质在日本人的饮食中占重要地位。
    Fish protein features prominently in the Japanese diet.
  • 但政府也明到,政府所应担当的工作,是推动和促进这方面的发展。
    But the Government does recognise that it has to play the role of a promoter and facilitator.
  • 一个奉行自由市场经济政策的体系理应如此的,但政府也明到,政府所应担当的工作,是推动和促进这方面的发展。
    This is only right in a free market economy. But the Government does recognise that it has to play the role of a promoter and a facilitator.
  • 到控烟问题复杂,控烟办公室采取多元化的方式,以达到所订目标,其中一项工作重点是协助禁烟区的管理人及员工遵从并执行《吸烟(公众卫生)条例》。
    Recognising the complexity of tobacco control issues, the office has adopted a multi-pronged approach to achieve its goals. One of the priority areas is to assist managers and staff of statutory no-smoking areas to comply with and enforce the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance.
  • 既然缺乏关于他的地位的明证据,我认为最好还是不去注意他那古怪的举止。
    In the absence of clear proofs of his condition, I deemed it best to abstain from noticing his curious conduct;