| - 游泳者忽然抽筋,因而不得不由他人救助出水。
The swimmer was seized with cramp and had to be helped out of the water. - 当他游到深不着底的地方,他的腿忽然抽起筋来,于是给淹死了。
When he was out of his depth he was seized with cramp and was drowned. - 那个在游泳的人突然抽起筋来,让别人帮著上了岸
The swimmer was seized with a cramp and had to be helped out of the water - 那个在游泳的人突然抽起筋来,让别人帮著上了岸。
The swimmer is seize with a cramp and have to is help out of the water. - 脑袋虽然狭窄,但它蕴藏着无限的思想;
the brain is cramped, and yet it is the seat of thought; - 假如我们这般生活在一八三○年的人能凭借想象,厕身在十五世纪这群巴黎人中间,跟他们一起被拉来扯去,被撞来撞去,跌跌冲冲,挤进司法宫宽阔无比的大厅——在一四八二年一月六日这一天却显得那么狭小——,就不会觉得眼前的景象索然无味,不会觉得没有吸引力,正好相反,我们周围所见的事物尽是如此之古老,反而觉得十分新鲜。
If we of the nineteenth century could mingle in imagination with these Parisians of the fifteenth century, could push our way with that hustling, elbowing, stamping crowd into the immense Hall of the Palais, so cramped on that 6th of January, 1482, the scene would not be without interest or charm for us, and we would find ourselves surrounded by things so old that to us they would appear quite new. - 但是,这种社会主义按其实际内容来说,或者是企图恢复旧的生产资料和交换手段,从而恢复旧的所有制关系和旧的社会,或者是企图重新把现代的生产资料和交换手段硬塞到已被它们突破而且必然被突破的旧的所有制关系的框子里去。
In its positive aims, however, this form of Socialism aspires either to restoring the old means of production and of exchange, and with them the old property relations, and the old society, or to cramping the modern means of production and of exchange, within the framework of the old property relations that have been, and were bound to be, exploded by those means. - 塔吊突然倒塌,砸坏了一些临时性建筑物,但幸好没有人员伤着。
A tower crane keeled over and crushed some temporary buildings, but fortunately nobody was hurt. - 小汽车轰然相撞。
The cars crashed into each other. - 他突然听到一声巨响。
All at once, he heard a tremendous crash. - 海浪砰然撞在岩石上
Breakers crashing against the rocks. - huneke以缓慢的节奏顺利地完成了第一部分,然而随后的一整套快速翻转和灵活的高踢腿动作却使他手忙脚乱,结果摔到了练功房薄薄的地毯上。
Huneke passed through the first section in slow motion and without difficulty, but the following set of fast turns and swift high kicks sent him crashing to the practice room's thin carpet. - 虽然外地佳肴在本地唾手可得,国人还是钟情于海南鸡饭、马来椰浆饭和印度煎饼。
Singaporeans, despite their exposure to a wider availability of foreign cuisines, still crave for their chicken rice, nasi lemak and roti prata. - 我们终于发现,蛇是通过地基上的一个小洞进入地窖的,显然它们是去年秋天来的,可能是地下室对它们产生了吸引力,因为地下室比毗邻的爬行空地暖和,也许温暖的天气使得这些蛇从冬眠中苏醒过来的时间比平常来得要早。
We even-tually discovered that the snakes had gotten into the cellar through a small hole in the foundation. Apparently they had come in the previous fall. Perhaps they had been attracted to the basement because it was warmer than the adjoining crawl space. Perhaps the warm weather had caused them to come out of hibernation earlier than usual. - 虽然她在公众眼里显然是个烟不离口、热衷于社交聚会的夜猫子,但对她与阿姆斯特朗-琼斯的两个孩子而言,玛格丽特是个慈爱的母亲。
Yet even as she honed her reputation as a chain-smoking, party-loving night crawler, Margaret also proved herself a loving mother to her two children with Armstrong-Jones. - 出事现场到处都是警察。我毛骨悚然
The accident scene was crawling with police officers. My flesh crawled in horror. - 阿然宛的韩说,在性这个问题上,青年人像在奔跑,他们的父母却在爬行。
" When it comes to sex," says Aeranwon' s Han, " the children are running and the parents are crawling." - 3个小时以后,就在活儿快要干完的时候,他突然听到嘎的一声巨响。
Now,three hours later,he was almost finished when suddenly,he heard a loud creak. - 委员会就有关建议增加会员的问题已经开了三个小时会,他们仍然在激烈地讨论着。
The committee has in session for three hours on the question of the proposed in crease in membership fees, and they're still going at it hammer and tongs. - 用天然材料或通过化学过程制造而成。
created from natural materials or by chemical processes. - 缪尔,约翰1838-1914英裔美国博物学家,他建议建立国家公园和自然保护区
British-born American naturalist who promoted the creation of national parks and reservations. - 在这行星上的无数生物中,所有的植物对于大自然完全不能表示什么态度,一切动物对于大自然,也差不多没有所谓“态度”。然而世界居然有一种叫做人类的动物,对于自己及四周的环境,均有相当的意识,因而能够表示对于周遭事物的态度:这是很可怪的事情。
IT is a curious thing that among the myriad creations on this planet, while the entire plant life is deprived from taking any attitude toward Nature and practically all animals can also have no "attitude" to speak of, there should be a creature called man who is both self-conscious and conscious of his surroundings and who can therefore take an attitude toward it. - 她突然爆发出创作灵感。
She was suddenly fired with creative inspiration. - 虽然这件雕刻作品的创作者早已离开了我们,他的艺术却永存。
Although the creator of the sculpture has long left us, his art is forever. - 当joe联络她,同时她也就这个应当在uddi注册中心中公共可见的关联关系达成一致之后,xina向她的uddi操作入口站点发出了完全相同的断言(当然,使用了另一个authinfo认证令牌)。
Since Joe has contacted her and she agrees that the relationship should be visible within UDDI, Xina sends the exact same assertion (with a different authInfo credential) to her UDDI operator site. - 年轻的技术人员在掂量究竟是上商学院还是立即就业对自己更有利时,他们当然会置疑工商管理硕士学位的含金量,但商学院的工作安置人员和公司招聘主管们却说,在高技术、咨询、及金融领域,拥有此硕士学位的人员跟过去一样仍然十分抢手。
While young teches weighing B school against immediate opportunity might logically question the value of an M.B.A.,placement officials and corporate hiring chiefs say demand for the credential is as robust as ever,in high technology as well as consulting and finance.“ It’s a great market for M. - 虽然ldap已存在一段时间了,但只是近年才受到重视,信誉得到提高。
Although LDAP has been around for a while, it gained attention and credibility in recent years. - 当然,是不是要像《壹周刊》那样颠覆媒体本质,以传媒的信誉交换读者的数目,不同立场,不同利益考量,各有不同看法。
Is Next - a magazine that changes the nature of the media industry by trading credibility for a higher readership - a good example? Of course, views differ due to different stands and interests. - 这股民粹主义的思潮固然给予台湾社会前所未有的思想言论自由,却也使旧有政治体制的精英权威性和法律公信力受到质疑,国家认同和民族认同产生混乱。
True, the new changes helped to bring along unprecedented freedom of speech in Taiwanese society. Yet it also encouraged people to challenge the credibility of the original power structure and question the authority of law. Meanwhile, people got confused about their state and national identities. - 一些好像中国那样基本因素良好、负债比率低,而所推行的政策又切实有效的经济体系,都能安然度过这场风暴;
Those economies that have sound fundamentals, credible policies and low leverage, such as China, have succeeded in weathering the storm. - 虽然华族选民普遍上被视为是国阵力保江山、击退来势汹汹的反对党联合阵线的关键,马国华社并不因国阵继续在国会取得三分二议席的优势而受惠。
Though Chinese voters are generally credited with the National Front’s (NF) defeat of the serious challenge by the opposition alliance, the Chinese community in Malaysia has not benefited from the NF’s continued two-thirds majority in Parliament. - 然而,在实际作业上,为了避免赔钱方到时赖帐,期货交易透过交易保证金实施“逐日结算制”(mark-to-market),在这个制度下,8月24日闭市结算后,张三存于其经纪商的保证金户头就会增加480元。
Unlike holding shares where profits are merely on paper unless the shares are sold, futures positions are "marked to market" on a daily basis, with the settlement price taken as the market price. As such, Mr Tan's margin account will be credited $480 for the 24 August settlement.