  • 俱乐部这一季节已签约雇用一新守门员
    The club has signed up a new goalkeeper this season
  • 俱乐部这一季节已签约雇用一新守门员。
    The club have sign up a new goalkeeper this season.
  • 金钱、望、权利——这些就是他的人生目标。
    Money, fame, power - these were his goals in life.
  • 柴可夫斯基的第四交响曲就是献给这仕非凡的女人的,她是音乐世界最著的慷慨朋友。
    Tschaikovsky's Fourth Symphony is dedicated to this remarkable woman, who was the most famous Fairy Godmother in music.
  • 对一般经常去听音乐会的人来说,在伟大的音乐家中还很少有像柴可夫斯基这个宇如此让人着迷。
    Few great names in music spell as much magic to the average concert-goer as that of Peter Ilyitch Tschaikovsky.
  • 实至名归。
    That is gold that is worth gold.
  • 双人高尔夫赛在两选手间进行的高尔夫球比赛
    A golf match between two players.
  • 商誉可包括贸易声誉、专利、所用的商品称以及所处地段好等,准确的确定是非常困难的。
    Goodwill can include the trading reputation, the patent, the patent, the trade name used, the value of a' good site', etc., and be very difficult to establish accurately.
  • 一个叫固特异的美国人曾经想方设法地寻找一个能使橡胶变硬不粘且有弹性的方法。
    Goodyear, an American, had been trying to find a way in which rubber could be made hard, nonsticky, and yet elastic.
  • 就在这些可怜的人的附近住着一个叫固特异的人,他着手研究使橡胶变硬变结实的问题。
    Goodyear was living near some of these poor men and he got to work on this question of making rubber hard and strong.
  • 另一个失败:在1988年ipo中获利三千万美元后,1989年,戴尔努力以超级先进的命为olympic的计算机在技术上超越ibm和康柏,他花费了至少一千万美元。
    One more goof: After raising $30 million in the 1988 IPO, Dell blew at least $10 million in 1989 trying to technologically leapfrog IBM and Compaq with a super-advanced computer code-named Olympic.
  • 黑雁中最知的品种。
    the best known variety of brant goose.
  • 超速驾驶罚款单使他在他父亲那儿倒了霉。当她考试作弊被抓住时,一下声扫地
    The speeding ticket cooked his goose with his father. Her goose was cooked when she was caught cheating on the test.
  • 美国著作家马克-吐温说,传教士“从贫困的中国农民身上榨取13倍的罚款,因此让他们、他们的妻子和无辜的孩子们势必慢慢地饿死,而可以把这样获得的杀人代价用于传播福音”。
    According to Mark Twain, the renowned American writer, some of the missionaries imposed on the poor Chinese peasants fines 13 times the amount they were supposed to pay, driving their wives and innocent children to lingering death from starvation, so that they were thus able to use the money gained through such murder to propagate the Gospel.
  • 伍德,格兰特1892-1942美国艺术家,其以中西部生活为基础的画而著,尤指美国哥德人(1930年)
    American artist noted for his paintings based on life in the Midwest, especially American Gothic(1930).
  • 为了代替这一切,代替这整个高卢历史②,代替这全部峨特艺术,人家塞给了我们什么堂呢?
    What have they given us in exchange for all this, for this great page of Gallic history, for all this Gothic art?
  • 我忘记了她的名字。
    I have-gotten her name.
  • 他是个有的捣蛋鬼。
    He had gotten a reputation as a foul-up.
  • 後来我想起我没有问他的字。
    It struck me later I hadn't gotten his name.
  • 追求时髦的时装店以设计师的字命,与大型时装屋、著珠宝商店和美食家们精挑细选的食品场所相映成趣。
    Trendy boutiques with designer names alternate with large fashion houses, famous jewellers and the select temples of the gourmet.
  • 今天,经过三四十年的良好管理和奋斗,新加坡已经成为一个繁荣的国家。新加坡公民的人均国内生产总值在世界上排第四位。
    Today, after decades of good governance and struggle, Singapore is a thriving nation with the world's fourth highest per capita income.
  • 自1991年至1992年,当家庭女教师,辅导一中学生的数学和生物,每周两次。
    served as a governess, helping a high school student with his maths and biology, twice a week.
  • 世界性的足球管理机构的称是什么?
    What is the name of the world governing body of football?
  • 政府部长的职责、功能或任期
    The duties, functions, or term of a governmental minister.
  • 在共和党候选人单上他是竞争州长的候选人。
    He runs for governor on the Republican ticket.
  • 由政府赦免的已宣告有罪的犯人
    A convicted criminal who was pardoned by the governor.
  • 该党的忠诚分子提曼哈顿区的领导人竞选州长。
    The party regulars slated the Manhattan district leader for the governorship.
  • 名誉扫地
    A lapse from grace.
  • 我的字叫格瑞丝·汉德尔逊。
    My name is Grace Henderson.
  • 好演员能够表现出由快乐至痛苦的每一阶段的感情变化。
    A good actor can express every gradation of feeling from joy to grief.
  • 中国最早的一部诗歌批评作品叫《诗品》,书中将诗人分成各种等级;此外当然还有叫“画品”的艺术批评著作。
    " The earliest Chinese book of poetic criticism is known as Shihp'in ( Personalities of Poetry ), with a grading of the different poets, and of course there are books of art criticism known as huap'in or "Personalities in Painting."
  • 每年有3万工程师从学校毕业。
    They graduate 30,000 engineers every year.