  • 伊比利亚外高加索的一个古代国家。大体相当于现在的格鲁吉亚的东部;伊比利亚曾经和罗马联盟,后来被波斯帝国统治。在元前6世纪成为拜占庭的一个省
    An ancient country of Transcaucasia roughly equivalent to the eastern part of present-day Georgia. Iberia was allied to Rome and later ruled by a Persian dynasty. It became a Byzantine province in the sixth century a.d.
  • 弗里吉亚小亚细亚中部一古代地区,位于今天的土耳其中部。从元前1200年起就有人定居,并从元前8世纪到6世纪繁荣一时,之后受到吕底亚古国、波斯、希腊、罗马和拜占庭的统治
    An ancient region of central Asia Minor in modern-day central Turkey. It was settled c.1200 b.c. and flourished from the eighth to the sixth century, after which it came under the influence of Lydia, Persia, Greece, Rome, and Byzantium.
  • 中国国际航空司(简称国航)711航班下午3点20分离港。
    CA Flight 711 departs at 20 p. m.
  • (约元前335-263年)创立斯多葛学派哲学的古希腊哲学家。
    (ca 335-263 BC) Greek philosopher who found the Stoic school.
  • (约元前495-430年)通过阐明似非而是的论点来维护运动和变化只是幻影的观点。
    (ca 495-430 BC) Greek philosopher who formulated paradoxes that defended the belief that motion and change are illusory.
  • 考虑到还有别的进口商,估计我们司今年最多能从中国订购大约五千万日元的丝绸。
    Considering the total number of the importers, we estimate that the maximum quantity of silk goods we ca buy from China this year is about 50 million Japanese Yen.
  • cab的规章制度不仅有益于航空司,也保护了乘客。
    The CAB regulations not only benefit the airlines, they also protect the passengers.
  • 每天早晨他们一起乘车走完这段路,然后马克再乘出租车返回办室。
    Each morning they made the journey together, and Mark would take a cab back to his office.
  • 例如,在美国,不得到cab的许可,没有一家航空司可以经营某一条航线。
    For example, in the United States, no airline may operate on a route until the CAB gives permission.
  • 当然也可以在街上叫出租。因为在大多数城市里叫出租并非十分便当,所以可翻一下电话号码簿里的黄页打电话到出租汽车司,让他们派车到你处。
    Of course, he can also stop a cab on the street, but that's not easy in many cities, it's actually easier to call a taxi company listed in the Yellow Pages of a telephone directory and ask them to send a cab to your door.
  • 菜农每隔约30分种一颗大白菜。
    The vegetable farmers space out the Chinese cabbage about 30cm apart.
  • 英国内阁中没有务的高级内阁大臣。
    the senior cabinet minister in the British Cabinet who has no official duties.
  • 30年后内阁文件开发表。
    Publication of cabinet papers take place after thirty years.
  • 电线电缆出口联营
    Electric Wire& Cable Export Corporation
  • 电话司已经在用光缆重建其网络,光缆拥有提供高几个数量级带宽的潜力,但用光缆连接整个国家既费钱、又慢,因为这需要把每一条街都挖一遍。
    The phone companies already are rebuilding their networks for fiber cabling, which has the potential to deliver orders of magnitude more bandwidth, but wiring the entire country for fiber is a costly and slow process because it requires the digging up of just about every street.
  • 现在,该司在其分布全国的30台pointcast服务器上每台都装了高性能的数据缓存。
    The company now uses a high-performance data cache on each of PointCast's 30 point servers distributed across the country.
  • 他的出席给予了司一定的威望;音乐给演出增添。
    Her presence lends a certain cachet to the company; The music added a lot to the play; She brings a special atmosphere to our meetings; This adds a light note to the program.
  • 价格虽然还未布,但卡迪拉克司说,这种附件的要价可能与高档汽车的立体声系统差不多,起价大约是1,500美元。
    The price hasn't been announced, but Cadillac says the option will cost as much as a fancy car stereo system, which suggests it will begin at around $ 1,500.
  • 通用汽车司的onstar系统,通过专门的蜂窝电话网可将司机与提供各种咨询服务(从提示方位到寻找急救中心)的咨询人员相连,这个系统是卡迪拉克的新型埃斯科拉德运动小卡车(新型多用途赛车“云梯”)上的标准设备。
    GM's Onstar system, which links drivers to advisers who provide everything from directions to emergency assistance via a dedicated cellphone network, is standard equipment on Cadillac's new Escalade sport utility.
  • 如果这一政策不被采纳为政府的政策,那么我有责任诉诸国民决。
    If this policy were not accepted as the policy of the Government, I should feel it my duty to appeal to Caesar.
  • 凯撒在元前48年占领英国南部的军港。
    Caesar defeated Pompey in 48 BC.
  • 古罗马人的姓古罗马民的第三个名字,通常是最后一个名字,如凯撒在格尤斯·尤里乌斯·凯撒中
    The third and usually last name of a citizen of ancient Rome, as Caesar in Gaius Julius Caesar.
  • 竭力发动反对朱利叶斯恺撒阴谋的鼓吹者(死于元前42年)。
    prime mover in the conspiracy against Julius Caesar (died in 42 BC).
  • 古罗马人的首名古罗马民姓名中的第一个名字,如盖阿斯就是盖阿斯·朱利斯·凯撒这个姓名中的第一个名字
    The first name of a citizen of ancient Rome, as Gaius in Gaius Julius Caesar.
  • 法萨卢斯希腊东北部萨塞利一古城,元前48年,裘力斯·凯撒曾于此决定性地打败了庞培
    An ancient city of Thessaly in northeast Greece. Julius Caesar decisively defeated Pompey nearby in48 b.c.
  • 和凯修斯共同预谋刺杀朱利叶斯恺撒的古罗马政治家(元前85-42)。
    statesman of ancient Rome who (with Cassius) led a conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar (85-42 BC).
  • 古代意大利和高卢的边界;凯撒和他的部队于元前年越过此河发动战争。
    the boundary in ancient times between Italy and Gaul; Caesar's crossing it with his army in 49 BC was an act of war.
  • 无论在小餐室或路旁厕,我们使用过的都是清洁异常,无丝毫臭味。
    The toilets which we had used, whether in cafes or the public toilets by the road, were all extraordinarily clean and free from odours.
  • 我呆在那个办室里感觉真像在笼子里一样.
    I felt terribly caged in in that office.
  • 他们合伙开了这间司。
    They went cahoots in the establishment of the firm.
  • 假如我得不到平的一份,我就要生气。
    I'm going to raise Cain if I don't get my fair share.
  • 天文台设于大老山的天气雷达,能监察香港约500里范围内的降雨区,和估计雨势及雨区的移动。
    The Observatory's weather radar system at Tate's Cairn detects rain within about 500 km of Hong Kong and gives estimates of rain intensity and movement.