  • 这一年的四月,英国驻华大使卡尔往返于蒋介石和日本之,企图拉拢中日“议和”。
    In April of that year, Clark-Kerr, the British ambassador to China, acted as an intermediary between Chiang Kai-shek and the Japanese aggressors in arranging a peace parley.
  • 真可惜两个音乐会时上有冲突,我本来想两个都去。
    It's a pity the two concerts clash; I wanted to go to both of them.
  • 真可惜,两个演奏会时冲突了。
    It's a pity the two concerts clash.
  • 一定不要让他的约会跟我的约会订在同一个时
    Make sure his appointment doesn't clash with mine.
  • 敌对团体(或个人)的公开冲突。
    an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals).
  • 从某种意义上来说,我们的冲突是不同文化的冲突。
    In some ways, ours is a clash of cultures.
  • 矛盾由人们之不同的观点或利益造成的冲突;抵触
    Conflict, as between persons having dissimilar ideas or interests; clash.
  • 这场争论确实可归结为左派与右派之的冲突
    The issue really boils down to a clash between left and right
  • 或者说在社会主义与资本主义之是否有不可避免的冲突,使合作注定失败呢?
    Or is there an inevitable clash between socialism and capitalism that dooms cooperation to failure?
  • 短链系于腰用来悬挂钥匙、钱包或表的钩环或链子
    A clasp or chain worn at the waist for holding keys, a purse, or a watch.
  • 在过去五十年,社会等级差别已经变得不那么重要了。
    Class distinctions have become less important during the last 50 years.
  • 课间休息
    During the class interval
  • 上课时间到了。
    It's time for class.
  • 希腊古典悲剧中两段合唱之的部分
    A section of a classic Greek tragedy that occurs between two choric songs.
  • 一九九七年适逢艺术中心二十周年纪念,中心举办了一连串庆祝节目及活动,包括"今日.九七──新生活运动"、"现代艺术经典──wurth珍藏"、"香港三世书"、"另类空──台湾艺术聚焦"等。
    To celebrate its 20th anniversary in 1997, the centre launched a series of programmes and activities, including NOW '97-New Life Movement, Modern Classics and Contemporary Art from the Wurth Collection, Hong Kong Incarnated and The Other Space - Taiwan Focus.
  • 秘密搜集一些敏感机密的消息;从事谍活动。
    secretly collect sensitive or classified information; engage in espionage.
  • 对各民族包括宗教文化在内的文化遗产和民艺术进行普查、收集、整理、研究和出版。
    Special programs have been carried out to survey, collect, classify, study and publish the cultural heritages-including religious cultures-and folk arts of all the ethnic groups.
  • 对各民族包括宗教文化在内的文化遗产和民艺术进行普查、收集、整理、研究和出版。
    Special programs have been carried out to survey, collect, classify, study and publish the cultural heritages -- including religious cultures -- and folk arts of all the ethnic groups.
  • 二楼教室;室外教室
    A second-floor classroom; an outdoor classroom.
  • 我们可以在就餐时来杯葡萄酒或在一高档的鸡尾酒吧里享用高杯酒(掺有苏打水、姜汁酒的威士忌或白兰地),而不用担心因不到饮酒年龄而遭指控。
    We can order a glass of wine with our dinner or enjoy a highball16 at a classy cocktail lounge without the fear of being charged with underage drinking.
  • 关于篡改的清晰证据;克劳迪亚斯是第一个带着清晰的征服目的来侵略英国的;正确与错误之的清晰差别。
    clear-cut evidence of tampering; Claudius was the first to invade Britain with distinct...intentions of conquest; trenchant distinctions between right and wrong.
  • 分号一种用来连接主句的标点(;),其显示的主句的关系比句号连接的主句的关系更密切
    A mark of punctuation(;) used to connect independent clauses and indicating a closer relationship between the clauses than a period does.
  • 当我进入到狭小的卧室时感到有些害怕,这卧室里塞满了陈旧发霉而厚重的家具,它们早该成为收藏者的藏品了。
    I felt claustrophobic as I entered the narrow living room, which was filled with old musty overstuffed furniture that today would be collector's items.
  • 你真会选度假时正是天气最好的时候.
    You've timed your holiday cleverly the weather's at its best.
  • 给顾客分配房间
    Assign room to a client
  • 告诉客人房间的价格
    Tell a client about price
  • 一些客户在另一房等候。
    Several client is wait in the other room.
  • 客户们在另一房等候。
    The client is waiting in the other room.
  • 他与顾客的关系是事务性的,理所当然不可能跟他们之有多少个人感情。
    His relations with his clients were also cut and dried, very little personal feeling could in the nature of things come into them.
  • 一些客户在另一房等候。
    Several clients are waiting in the other room.
  • 客户们在另一房等候。
    The clients are waiting in the other room.
  • 和气候使这些悬崖峭壁变得千奇百怪。
    Time and climate fantasticated the cliffs.