  • 抓取置抓东西的一种机械
    A mechanical device for gripping an object.
  • 防滑钉一种钉状备,在攀登中用来抓住树或柱
    A spurlike device used in gripping a tree or pole in climbing.
  • 轧头,夹架用以抓起重物的钩状或u型金属
    Any of various hooked or U-shaped metallic devices used for gripping or holding heavy objects.
  • 环索一种类似于绳圈、钩子和线圈、皮带或金属索眼的置,用于把松了的绳索、桅杆或桨保持或紧固在其位置上
    A device, such as a looped rope, hook and eye, strap, or grommet, used to hold or fasten loose ropes, spars, or oars in position.
  • 精心打扮极其用心地打扮或修饰自己;精心
    To dress or groom oneself with elaborate care; preen.
  • 细心打扮,过分修饰打扮或饰(自己),过分注意细节地修饰或整理
    To dress or groom(oneself) with meticulous or excessive attention to detail.
  • 婚宴之后,新娘新郎换上去度蜜月的服
    After the wedding reception, the bride and groom changed into their go away clothes.
  • 婚宴之后,新娘新郎换上去度蜜月的服
    After the wedding reception, the bride and groom changed into their going away clothes.
  • 连新郎都换三次盛!又不是艺人!
    Even the groom has changed his clothes three times! Do they think they are in show biz or something?
  • 连新郎都换三次盛!又不是艺人!
    Even the groom have changed his clothes three times! Do they think they be in show biz or something?
  • 例如,给唱片做一个凹槽或者以一个凹槽备。
    make a groove in, or provide with a groove, as of a record, for example.
  • 滴水嘴似的饰一种奇形怪状的,起饰作用的画像或图案
    A grotesque ornamental figure or projection.
  • 头像面或头部通常奇怪的象征,用于
    An often grotesque representation of a head and face, used for ornamentation.
  • 真人真事:1996年一架有普拉特和威特尼飞机引擎公司生产的一个小塑料部件阻塞了飞机油路并使其迫降。
    True story: In 1996, a small plastic part clogged an oil line and grounded a jet equipped with Pratt & Whitney engines.
  • 我公司准备按市场价供应一千吨花生仁,即期运。
    We are prepared to offer 1000 tons of groundnut at the market price for immediate shipment.
  • 只要一月份有船,我方同意延长l.c.船日期。
    We agree to extend l.c. shipping date provided Jan shipment guaranteed
  • 保护物一个起保护作用的置;保护
    A device that protects; a guard.
  • 这种武斗争的总概念,在目前就是游击战争。
    In general, armed struggle at the present time means guerrilla warfare.
  • 信标,无线电发送器一种向飞机发送特殊导航信号的无线电传送
    A radio transmitter that emits a characteristic guidance signal for aircraft.
  • 夹具,配架导引工具或使机器固定在适当位置上运转的设备
    A device for guiding a tool or for holding machine work in place.
  • 灯塔位于海岸用以发送信号或导航的置,如灯塔
    A signaling or guiding device, such as a lighthouse, located on a coast.
  • 导航系统任一种以其本身置引导运载工具路径的过程,尤指导弹
    Any of various processes for guiding the path of a vehicle, especially a missile, by means of built-in equipment.
  • 这是戏剧艺术和舞台置结合的新生儿,多么天真,多么可敬!
    Dear and guileless infancy of art and of stage machinery!
  • 有个人扮成樵夫的样子出现在城堡大门口。
    A man appear at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter.
  • 成友善的样子对我说话
    Spoke to me under the guise of friendship.
  • 只有识破敌人的伪才能打败敌人。
    under the guise of friendship he betrayed them.
  • 扮成乞丐挤在街道上
    Huddled on the street in the guise of beggars.
  • 叛徒假友好暗地出卖他人的人
    One who betrays another under the guise of friendship.
  • 强盗之一扮成一个邮差。
    One of the robbers went under the guise of a postman.
  • 有个人扮成樵夫的样子出现在城堡大门口
    A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter
  • 侦探伪成僧侣,未被敌人识破。
    The spy went in the guise of a monk and was not recognized by the enemy.
  • 他善于假鼓励家人自己作出决定而实则把自己的意愿强加于他们。
    He's an expert at imposing his will on other members of the family under the guise of encouraging them to make their own decisions.