  • 将近一万名西方平民(多半是国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们将被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。
    Nearly 10,000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed.
  • 国至荷兰铺设了新的海底电缆。
    A new submarine cable was laid between England and Holland.
  • 他同意转到荷兰的psv爱德荷温球队,年薪四百万镑!
    He agreed to transfer to PSV Eindhoven of Holland for £4m!
  • 荷兰曾经同国争夺公海的控制权。
    Holland once competed with England for the mastery of the high seas.
  • 由路易斯十四发动的反对西班牙格兰荷兰和其他州的战争(1689年到1697年)。
    an aggressive war waged by Louis XIV against Spain and the Empire and England and Holland and other states (1689-1697).
  • 烘烤的国松饼,上覆有火腿、水煮荷包蛋(或牡蛎)和荷兰辣酱油。
    toasted English muffin topped with ham and a poached egg (or an oyster) and hollandaise sauce.
  • 末端的总状花序为艳丽的白色到粉色到紫色的花的植物;国别墅花园里的蜀葵。
    plant with terminal racemes of showy white to pink or purple flowers; the English cottage garden hollyhock.
  • 格利·褒曼,扮演过修女、圣女,成为人见人爱的好莱坞明星。
    Playing nuns,saints and missionaries,she became the Hollywood star everyone loved."
  • 格利·褒曼,扮演过修女、圣女,成为人见人爱的好莱坞明星。
    Playing nuns, saints and missionaries, she became the Hollywood star everyone loved.
  • 伽柏,丹尼斯1900-1979裔匈牙利物理学家,因在全息摄影术方面的成就而获1971年诺贝尔物理奖
    Hungarian-born British physicist. He won a1971 Nobel Prize for his work on holography.
  • 希腊神话雄;荷马的伊利亚特中与特洛伊交战的战士。
    a mythical Greek hero; a warrior who fought against Troy in Homer's Iliad.
  • 但待我们赶到范·伦斯堡家,坐在他们家屋前的门廊上喝咖啡时,却听说理查德已经不辞而别回国去了。
    But when we reached the homestead and were sitting on the stoep drinking our coffee, we heard that Richard had left quite suddenly and had gone back to England.
  • 格斯特,爱德加·阿尔贝特1881-1959出生于国的美国新闻记者,以其辛迪加式的、亲切自然的韵文而闻名,这些韵文被收入生命的积累(1916年)等书中
    British-born American journalist known for his widely syndicated, homey rhymes, collected in books such as A Heap o' Livin'(1916).
  • 《迟来的蜜月》这本小说是我在业余时间把它从中文译成文的。
    The novel The Lated Honeymoon was translated from Chinese to English by me after hours.
  • 他因在战斗中的勇表现而受到尊敬。
    He was honored for his courage in battle.
  • 款冬一种菊科低矮的多年生欧亚草本植物(款冬款冬属),原产于北美部分地区,长有蒲公状花序和巨大的蹄状基生叶
    A low perennial Eurasian herb(Tussilago farfara) in the composite family, naturalized in parts of North America and having dandelionlike flower heads and large, hoof-shaped basal leaves.
  • 国广播公司通过卫星与澳大利亚电视实行联播。
    The bbc is hooked up with Australian television by satellite.
  • 距桑迪胡克一英里
    A mile off Sandy Hook.
  • 6月20日国一家杂志公布了一项调查结果,表明三分之二的国年轻人为自己身为国人而感到惭愧,其中的部分原因是如今国内横行的暴力和流氓犯罪活动。
    Two out of every three young Britons feel ashamed of their nationality, in part because of violence and hooliganism, according to a magazine survey published on Thursday.
  • 格兰有许多树木和薄薄的岩石土层。
    New England has many trees and thin, rocky soil.
  • 我那辆旧汽车原指望卖上 1000 镑, 後来少卖了很多也认了.
    I had hoped to get 1000 for my old car but had to settle for a lot less.
  • 那个俊的家伙又有钱又有许多想成为他女友的人。
    That handsome fellow have lots of moolah and many hopeful girlfriend.
  • 是否能在十几年内超越文或许还言之过早,不过,要达到并驾齐驱、平起平坐的程度,也应该是指日可待了吧!
    While it may be premature to predict victory for Chinese in less than 20 years, it is hopeful that, before long, it will rise onto a par with English in the world of Internet!
  • 我们希望今年能到国访问。
    We are hoping to visit England this year.
  • 我希望去英国学习。
    I'm hoping to go to England to study.
  • 萨福克羊国良种肉羊的一种,无角、黑面、黑腿
    Any of an English breed of hornless sheep with black face and black legs, raised for high-quality mutton.
  • 于是吉只得骑着另外一匹马去,母亲送她到门口,高高兴兴地说了许多预祝天气会变坏的话。
    Jane was therefore obliged to go on horseback, and her mother attended her to the door with many cheerful prognostics of a bad day.
  • 卖针织品(和(在国)毛织品)的商人。
    a tradesman who sells hosiery (and (in England) knitwear).
  • 短袜和长袜(国把内衣裤当作袜类)。
    socks and stockings (the British include underwear as hosiery).
  • 他意识到其实答案很简单--在自己的舞厅举办一次选美比赛,吸引参加国节的游客跨过滑铁卢桥到舞厅来。
    He realised that the answer was simple --he would encourage visitors to the Festival of Britain to cross Waterloo Bridge by hosting a beauty contest at his dance hall.
  • 每小时收费5英镑。
    The rate be 5 per hour.
  • 温莎家族就是国的王室。
    The House of Windsor is the British royal family.