  • 云南素有“植物王国”、“天然都”和“药物宝库”之美称,拥有多样性的气候类型和地理环境,分布着从寒带、温带到亚热带、热带的植物型种,仅高等植物就有1.8万多种,占全国植物种类的63%。
    Yunnan enjoys the reputation of "the kingdom of plants", "natural land of flowers" and "the treasure house of medicinal herbs". Yunnan's diversified climates and geographical features are hospitable to plants growing in frigid, temperate, sub-tropical as well as tropical zones. More than 18,000 species of higher plants are found in the province, accounting for 63% of the plant species in the country.
  • 病情严重需要长期住院;通常销很大。
    severe illness requiring prolonged hospitalization or recovery; usually involves high costs for hospitals and doctors and medicines.
  • 是否有每晚费在50美元以下的饭店?
    Is there a hotel which costs under50 dollars a night?
  • 麻烦到花园酒店。
    To the Garden Hotel.
  • 再说这种锦上添似乎也不会给他们带来更多的好处。且嫉妒犹如日光,它射在陡坡峭壁上比射在平地上更使人感觉其热;
    Besides, there seemeth not much added to their fortune; and envy is as the sunbeams, that beat hotter upon a bank, or steep rising ground, than upon a flat.
  • 了半个小时做完这项工作。
    It took him half an hour to finish the work.
  • 女主人在客厅里摆放了许多鲜
    The housemistress fussed up the drawing room with many flowers.
  • 常年载植,特别作为一种室内植物,有芳香的蓝到深紫色的
    perennial cultivated especially as a houseplant for its fragrant bluish to dark lavender flowers.
  • 大岩桐一种南美热带的大岩桐属植物,尤指蓝紫大岩桐,种植来作室内观赏用,具有不同种颜色的
    Any of several tropical South American plants of the genus Sinningia, especially S. speciosa, cultivated as a houseplant for its showy, variously colored flowers.
  • 蜘蛛抱蛋一种亚洲东部百合科蜘蛛抱蛋属植物,尤指蜘蛛抱蛋,有大的常绿基生叶和小的钟铃式黄色,被广泛地作为室内盆栽植物养植
    Any of several eastern Asian plants of the genus Aspidistra in the lily family, especially A. elatior, which has large evergreen basal leaves and small, brownish bell-shaped flowers and is widely cultivated as a houseplant.
  • 这位不快乐的主妇注定要很多时间做乏味的家务事。
    This unhappy housewife was condemned to spend hours at the kitchen sink.
  • 大多主妇都喜爱栽种卉,并把五颜六色的盆排列在窗外,以美化环境。
    Most Swiss housewives have green thumbs and like to arrange their colorful potted plants and flowers on their windowsills.
  • "除此以外,由于市中心的住房问题越来越严重,人们只能很高的房租去住非常小的单元房。"
    "Besides, as the housing problem in the city gets more serious, people have to pay high rents for very tiny flats."
  • 每当我看到雪纷飞听到风声呜呜时,我总会记起那个梦想成真的平安夜。”
    Whenever I see the snow coming down and hear the wind begin to howl, I remember a dream that came true."
  • 电视的喧闹加上婴儿拼命地哭叫使我放弃看报的念头,出门走进了园。
    What with the noise of the television and the baby howling to beat the hand, I gave up the idea of reading the newspaper and went out into the garden.
  • 美国东部的越橘类的一种,有粉色的和甜的蓝果实。
    huckleberry of the eastern United States with pink flowers and sweet blue fruit.
  • 他听得见园里蜜蜂的嗡嗡声
    He can hear the hum of the bee in the garden
  • 蜜蜂在园里嗡嗡叫着。
    The bees were humming in the garden.
  • 一只蜂鸟在上盘旋。
    A hummingbird is poising over the flower.
  • 我们了一整天的时间楼上楼下地搬运家具.
    We've spent all day humping furniture up and down stairs.
  • 电影百花奖
    Hundred Flowers Awards for Films
  • 开出鲜艳朵的爬藤植物瀑布般悬挂在园墙上。
    Climbing plants with their bright flowers hung in cascades over the garden wall.
  • 猎人和我把动物赶出园。
    The huntsman and I hunt the animals out of the garden.
  • 玛丽赢得那笔钱后就开始大肆挥霍,很快就把它得精光。
    After Mary won all that money, she started hurling it about and soon there was none left.
  • 原来七月中旬,湖南敌人第八军吴尚侵入宁冈,再进永新,求战不得(我军从间道出击不值),畏我群众,仓卒经莲退回茶陵。
    Originally, in mid-July, the Eighth Army from Hunan, under Wu Shang, had invaded Ningkang, penetrated to Yunghsin, sought battle with us in vain (our men tried to attack them from a side road but missed them) and then, being afraid of the masses who supported us, hurriedly retreated to Chaling via Lienhua.
  • 包膜、被或外皮中含有果实的树木。
    tree bearing fruit enclosed in a shell or involucre or husk.
  • 她把葵籽壳吐在了地板上。
    She is spitting out husks of sunflower seed on the floor.
  • 杂交的秋海棠,有块茎状根和各种颜色的
    any of numerous hybrid begonias having tuberous roots and variously colored flowers.
  • 西洋樱草一种杂交的园林樱草,开有由各色朵组成的
    Any of a group of hybrid garden primroses having clusters of variously colored flowers.
  • 商出售的报春(月见草);被认为是高报春、黄九轮草和普通报春的杂交品种。
    florists' primroses; considered a complex hybrid derived from oxlip, cowslip, and common primrose.
  • 三色堇一种由某些种类的萃菜属植物杂交而成的植物,长有小且有距的色彩多样的
    A hybrid plant derived from crossing certain species of the genus Viola and having small, spurred, variously colored flowers.
  • 产于亚洲东南部和夏威夷群岛的一种每年落叶的杂交观赏乔木,色从乳黄色到橙色和红色。
    deciduous ornamental hybrid of southeastern Asia and Hawaii having racemes of flowers ranging in color from cream to orange and red.