  • 不光滑的;不可滑倒或刹车的。
    not slippery; not likely to slip or skid.
  • 滑得太棒了!我如那样多好。
    What a great skier! I wish I can ski like that.
  • 滑得太棒了!我如那样多好。
    What a great skier! I wish I could ski like that.
  • 那些滑雪的人为自己配备了够弄到的最好的装备。
    The skiers had kitted themselves out in the best equipment they could get.
  • 灰色的天空暗示冬天可会早到。
    Gray skies hinted that winter would be early.
  • 灰色的天空暗示冬天有早到的可
    Gray skies hinted the probability of an early winter.
  • 他造了一架望远镜,使他够研究太空。
    He built a telescope through which he could study the skies.
  • 在太空中有许多探测x射线的人造卫星在搜寻x射线源——这种可的黑洞候选体。
    Many X-ray satellites have scanned the skies for X-ray sources that might be possible black hole candidates.
  • 我们能去滑雪吗?
    Can we go skiing?
  • 你隔多长时间才会有一次好运气或技艺特佳,一杆让球进洞?
    How often have you been lucky or skilful enough to hole in one?
  • 即使伪造的十分巧妙的也不付款:银行必须够辨认客户的签字。
    It makes no difference that the forgery may have been a very skilful one: the bank must recognize its customer's signature.
  • 他年事太高,不胜任工作了,但是有好几个同样有才干的年轻人可接替他的职位。
    He is too old to do his job properly, but there are several equally skilful youngmen waiting to step into is shoes.
  • 虽然马来亚大学的辩手表现不俗,不过,西安交通大学的辩手实力平均,个个言善辩、口齿伶俐、反应灵敏、即使无卡在手,也滔滔不绝,而且出口成章。
    The Malaysian debaters did a good job.All being skilful orators, the Chinese team were so eloquent and quick-witted that, without aid from card notes, their words flowed forth liberally to become polished impromptu speeches.
  • 仗打起来,开始可吃些亏,经过一段时间情况就会变化,有勇敢这一条,我们就学会打仗。
    In a war, we may suffer some reverses to start with. But things will change after a period of time since, being brave, our men can learn to fight skilfully.
  • 印花棉布被用来做家俱套和窗帘。
    Cretonne can be used for furniture covers and curtains.
  • 在这种时候,须善于观看敌人的风色,看其是否又有向我进攻的朕兆,以便一遇进攻,就适当地结束我之战略进攻,转入战略防御,再从战略防御中粉碎敌人的进攻。
    At such times, they must skilfully watch the enemy's every move for signs of any new offensive against us, so that the moment it comes they can wind up their strategic offensive in good order, turn to the strategic defensive and thereby smash the enemy's offensive.
  • 自选动作比赛的每个技动作都不应该相同,也就是说,在同一场比赛中不重复。
    Each skill in an optional routine should be different; that is, skills should not be repeated in the same routine.
  • 我若分一杯羹, 才出钱参与这一计划.
    I'm only putting money into this scheme if I get a slice of the action.
  • 设计的力创造性力或想象力;聪明才智
    Inventive skill or imagination; cleverness.
  • 守门守门是一项特殊的技
    GOALKEEPNG Goalkeeping is a special skill.
  • 显得不熟练地处理困难情况。
    showing skill in handling difficult situations.
  • 手艺双手的技巧和
    Skill and facility with the hands.
  • 知识,技由经验得来的知识或技
    The knowledge or skill so derived.
  • 天才被认为具有优秀的才或技巧的人
    A person considered exceptionally gifted or skilled.
  • 有某方面的技艺、才或知识
    Be skilled, gifted or knowledgeable in sth
  • 的没力的或不熟练的;笨拙的
    Not competent or skillful; inept.
  • 不要把你的发明才浪费在找借口上。
    his skillful contrivance of answers to every problem.
  • 平静的大海决不造就出熟练的水手。
    A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.
  • 修理电视机,真是个巧手。
    It is skillful of you to be able to repair a television.
  • 狡猾的巧妙实现目的,尤指使用狡诈和诈骗(手段)
    Skillful in accomplishing a purpose, especially by the use of cunning or craft.
  • 这个足球队总靠机智的策略占对手的上风。
    This football team has always been capable of gaining an advantage over its opponents by Skillful manoeuvring.
  • 做体操活动,够很熟练地翻转身体。
    do gymnastics, roll and turn skillfully.