  • 自一九九八至一九九九学年起,有300所中学采用母语授课(英文科除外),首先由中一开始,然后逐年把母语教学扩展至更高年级。
    From the 1998-99 school year onwards, Chinese has been adopted as the medium of instruction (except the subject of English Language) in about 300 secondary schools, starting with the Secondary 1 intake in the 1998-99 school year and progressing each year to a higher level of secondary education.
  • 年内,每日有140项新道路挖掘工程展开,均由路政署透过许可证制度统筹和管制。这个制度规定公用事业公司进行工程时,必须符合既定标准,并须在指定限期内完工。
    There were about 140 new road openings on each day in 1997. Road openings are co-ordinated and controlled by the Highways Department through a permit system, under which utility companies are required to carry out work to a required standard and within a time limit.
  • 普里斯,(玛丽)莱昂黛生于1927美国歌剧女高音,1961至1985年期间在纽大都会歌剧团中表演,她在威尔第歌剧中扮演的角色深受赞赏
    American operatic soprano who performed with the New York Metropolitan Opera(1961-1985), earning greatest praise for her roles in Verdi's operas.
  • 在港岛行走的电车,于一九零四年投入服务,由香港电车有限公司经营,共有九条部分重叠的行车路线,使用由港岛北岸坚尼地城至筲箕湾的13公里双程路轨,以及环绕跑马地长三公里的单程路轨。
    Electric trams have operated on Hong Kong Island since 1904. The Hongkong Tramways Limited operates nine overlapping routes on 13 kilometres of double track along the northern shore of Hong Kong Island between Kennedy Town and Shau Kei Wan, and about three kilometres of single track around Happy Valley.
  •  公开批评希拉里·罗德曼·克林顿的投机行为:于2000年代表纽出价竞买参议院的一个席位。
    Publicly criticized Hillary Rodham Clinton's 2000 bid for a seat in the Senate[1] representing New York as the work of an opportunist.
  • 布赖特,翰1811-1889英国政治家和著名演说家,是反谷物法联盟的一个奠基人(1839年)
    British politician and noted orator who was a founder of the Anti-Corn Law League(1839).
  • 希律犹太王(公元前40-4年),据《新》讲,他命令杀死伯利恒所有两岁以下的儿童,想借以杀死尚处于襁褓中的耶稣
    King of Judea(40-4) who, according to the New Testament, attempted to kill the infant Jesus by ordering the death of all children under the age of two in Bethlehem.
  • 第三,国内贸易通常没有语言不同的障碍、海关限制和贸易法的差异,而国际贸易往往会受到这些因素的制
    Third, trade within a country is ordinarily free of the obstructions of strange languages, customs, and commercial laws, but these obstructions may be greatly involved in international trade.
  • 在90多个国家中,每天共有15000至20000人被地雷和未爆弹药杀死或致残。
    Some 15,000 to 20,000 people are killed or maimed every year by landmines and unexploded ordnance scattered in over 90 countries.
  • 那班机由纽约起飞。
    The flight originates in New York.
  • 在1900年起源于新奥尔良的音乐,不断发展为一种复杂的音乐形式。
    music that originated in New Orleans around 1900 and developed through increasingly complex styles.
  • 不是。我们要在此地停留三天,然后要去纽和新奥尔良。
    No. We'll be here for three days, then we're going on New York and New Orleans.
  • 新奥尔良爵士音乐过去所不用的钢琴,现在在巴尔的摩、华盛顿、纽和波士顿的乐队中变得重要了。
    Around Baltimore11 and Washington and New York and Boston, the piano, which had been left out of New Orleans jazz, was becoming important.
  • 今年9月(指1997年9月——编者注),89个国家的代表聚集在奥斯陆,完成了禁雷谈判谈判是以奥地利在年初才起草的一份禁雷条为基础的。
    In September of this year, 89 countries came together -- here in Oslo -- and finished the negotiations of a ban treaty based on a draft drawn up by Austria only at the beginning of this year.
  • 台伯河意大利中部的一条流程406公里(252英里)的河流,向南和西南方向流经罗马并在奥斯蒂亚市附近注入第勒尼安海
    A river of central Italy flowing about406 km(252 mi) south and southwest through Rome to the Tyrrhenian Sea at Ostia.
  • 翰和其他人都在这儿。
    John and the others are here.
  • 上星期天晚上我另外有。;上星期天晚上我另外有事。
    I was otherwise engaged last Sunday evening.
  • 没有这一手,就没有制
    Otherwise things will get out of hand.
  • 就在上周,121个国家的代表又重新聚集在加拿大的握太华签署了这一条
    Just last week in Ottawa, Canada, 121 countries came together again to sign that ban treaty.
  • *联合国在支持1997年《渥太华公》方面发挥了重要作用--该公规定全面禁止生产、出口和使用地雷--并继续推动全面遵守该公
    * The UN played a crucial role in encouraging countries to support the 1997 Ottawa Convention – which provides for the total ban on the production, export and use of landmines – and continues to promote universal adherence to this treaty.
  • 1997年12月2日至4日,中国政府派观察员出席了在渥太华举行的《关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种地雷的公》签大会,并参加了同时举行的关于国际扫雷问题的圆桌会议。
    The Chinese government also sent observers to participate in the Signing Ceremony of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction and the international demining roundtable (Mine Action Forum) held from 2 to 4 December 1997 in Ottawa.
  • 磅古罗马的重量单位,等于12盎司
    A unit of weight in ancient Rome equivalent to about12 ounces.
  • 根据租借条的租户的物理驱逐;租户被解除任何更进一步的支付租金义务。
    the physical ouster of a tenant from the leased premises; the tenant is relieved of any further duty to pay rent.
  • 外访旅游业的经营牌照,是根据《旅行代理商条例》的规定而发出的,现时本港有1200家旅行代理商领有经营牌照。
    Some 1200 travel agents are licensed under the Travel Agents Ordinance to conduct Hong Kong's outbound travel business.
  • 估计一九三七年逃港难民有10万人,一九三八年有50万人,一九三九年则有15万人,估计香港人口在第二次世界大战前夕增至160万人。
    It was estimated that some 100000 refugees entered in 1937, 500000 in 1938 and 150000 in 1939 -bringing Hong Kong's population at the outbreak of World War II to an estimated 1.6 million.
  • 目前,恒生指数33期货和期权合的交易占期交所总交投量逾九成,交易在公开叫价的环境下进行。
    At present, the trading of the Hang Seng Index (HSI) 33 futures and options contracts which account for over 90 per cent of all the trading volume of the HKFE is conducted in an open outcry environment.
  • 我们定第二天郊游。
    We appointed the next day for the outing.
  • 各付各的钱,平摊费用会或郊游时各付各的钱
    To pay one's own expenses on a date or outing.
  • 临时区域市政局负责为新界及离岛地区三百多万居民,即全港一半人口提供市政服务,处理一切有关环境卫生、食物卫生、签发酒牌、公众卫生及洁净服务等事宜,并提供康乐、体育、文娱设施和服务。
    The Provisional Regional Council was responsible for environmental hygiene, food safety, liquor licensing, public health, sanitation and the provision of recreational, sports and cultural facilities and services in the New Territories and the outlying islands. The council served a community of over three million or almost half the local population.
  • 据我了解,目前使用卫生署辖下普通科门诊服务的求诊长者中,有三分之一患有慢性疾病。
    As I know, among the elderly outpatients who are now using the general medical services provided by the Department of Health, about one-third are suffering from chronic diseases.
  • 过去20年来,香港经济增长差不多两倍。本地生产总值平均每年有5%的实质增长,表现超越世界经济增长速度,也超越经济合作及发展组织经济体系的增长速度。
    Over the past two decades, the Hong Kong economy has almost tripled, with GDP growing at an average annual rate of about 5 per cent in real terms. This outperformed the growth of the world economy as well as that of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) economies.
  • 亨利,瑟夫1791-1878美国物理学家,对电磁现象有广泛的研究
    American fur trader who explored the Snake and Yellowstone rivers and founded the first American outpost in the Rocky Mountains(1810).