  • gilbert先生说,他要询问一个病人,一位叫johngilbert的先生。
    Mr Gilbert said he was inquiring abutt a certain patient, a Mr John Gilbert.
  • gilbert先生说,他要询问一个病人,一位叫johngilbert的先生。
    Mr. Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr. John Gilbert.
  • 我的字叫莫利,mori,莫利。
    My name is Mori, M O R I, Mori.
  • 瑞:只要有足够的勇气,就可以不要誉。
    R:If you've enough courage,you can do without a reputation.
  • 五、最后,太多的花巧被伪装成艺术,很多人假借创意和革新的义,希望能够标新立异,出奇制胜。
    5. Too much gimmick has been disguised as art , just to be novel or to outdo each other in the name of creativity or innovation.
  • 亲笔签订立于1988年5月10日...。
    G-under my hand this 10th day of May 1988....
  • 首名或名
    A first or given name.
  • 另一个语言特点是喜用形象比喻的两元词,如称海为“鲸路”,称国王为“颁赏指环的人”,称武士为“持盾的人”等等。
    Another linguistic feature is the use of composite figurative nouns: whale-road for sea, ring-giver for king, shield-man for warrior, etc.
  • 3月12日意大利警方称,一位激情澎湃的意大利演员由于在古罗马竞技场前扮演佩剑的角斗士招揽游客,有可能会面临三年的牢狱之灾,罪就是非法持有武器。
    An aspiring Italian actor who poses for tourists as a sword-touting Roman gladiator in front of the Colosseum could face up to three years in jail for bearing illegal arms, police said on Tuesday.
  • 对1000美国人的调查发现,一半的人将乐于用可以赚钱的一天去多换一天自由的时间。
    A study of 1,000 Americans found that half would gladly trade a paid workday for an extra day of free time.
  • 人事部经理浏览了一下申请人单。
    The Personnel Manager glanced down the list of names of the applicants.
  • 开学第一天,一位老师看了一眼学生单,对她来说,这一天开始得真令人振奋。
    The first day of school began on a bright note for a teacher who was glancing over the class roll.
  • 她又板着脸对达西瞥了一眼,说道:“有老古话说得好,在场的人当然也晓得这句话:‘留口气吹凉稀饭’;我也就留口气唱歌吧。”
    And gravely glancing at Mr. Darcy, "There is a fine old saying, which every body here is of course familiar with -- "Keep your breath to cool your porridge," -- and I shall keep mine to swell my song."
  • 我同情那些生活在众目睽睽之下的人。
    I feel sorry for famous people who live their lives in the full glare of publicity.
  • 格拉斯哥,埃伦·安德逊·古尔逊1873?-1945美国作家,以其现实的有关弗吉尼亚的历史小说著,比如在我们这样的生活里(1941年),她因此获得普利策奖
    A city of southwest Scotland on the Clyde River. Founded in the late sixth century, Glasgow is a major port, an industrial center, and the largest city in Scotland. Population,767, 456.
  • 名誉是放大镜。
    Fame is a magnifying glass.
  • 我不了解为什麽一提到乔姆斯基的字他的两眼变得呆滞无神
    I do not understand why his eyes start to glaze over at the mention of Chomsky.
  • 美国公关业知人士怀达克曾这么分析,美国人喜欢热闹的战斗,也喜欢被娱乐,他们期望政治人物进行有趣的战斗,期望从政治中获得娱乐。
    Well-known American public relations expert Glen Whitaker has observed that Americans are fond of thrilling fights and love to be entertained. They hope to see politicians in exciting wrangles and to get some fun out of politics.
  • 南半球大型蹼足的鸟,翅膀长而窄;以强有力的滑翔而闻
    large web-footed birds of the southern hemisphere having long narrow wings; noted for powerful gliding flight.
  • 在这里,福特只是一中等偏下的学生,于是他选修了一门表演课以提高他的课程平均成绩,但此举没能奏效,因为还只差数周就能毕业的他被学校开除了--但表演课却另有所获--福特看到了前途的曙光。
    A below average student, Ford took an acting class to try raising his grade point average. This didn't help since Ford was kicked out of Ripon just weeks before graduation -- but the acting classes did serve another purpose -- they gave Ford a glimmer of direction in his life.
  • 根据非爱滋病死亡统计,爱滋病在全球致命疾病中排第四位。
    AIDS is the fourth leading global cause of death, according to UNAIDS.
  • 她已名扬四海.
    Her fame has reached the most far-flung corners of the globe.
  • 最佳剧情剧女主角(提)《布格西》1992金球奖
    Best Actress (Drama) (nom) Bugsy 1992 Golden Globe
  • 最佳剧情剧女主角(提)《美国蔷薇》1999金球奖
    Best Actress (Drama) (nom) American Beauty 1999 Golden Globe
  • 那个所谓的“湖”,实际上不过是个字动听的泥洞。
    The "lake" was merely a glorified mud hole.
  • 她和其他同样成功的“超级女性”一起,成为那些数百万或许没挣那么多钱、但仍极为自如地花钱买自己所爱的女性仿效的榜样。
    She has been joined by other established Superwoman as the role models for millions of women who may be less well rewarded but who still feel gloriously free to dispose of their incomes exactly how they like.
  • 虚饰掩饰或暂平息(如不同点),尤其为了维持义上的、表面的或暂时的团结
    To downplay or gloss over(differences, for example), especially in order to maintain a nominal, apparent, or temporary unity.
  • 他名叫汤姆。
    He goes by a name of Tom.
  • 她用假名。
    She went under a false name.
  • 她居然取得了第一
    She went and won first prize!
  • 你会成为一经理的。
    You is go go is a manager.
  • 7,包括一位守门员。
    Seven, including a goalkeeper.