  • 噢,共汽车大部分时间很挤。
    Well,buses are crowded most of the time.
  • 利用路面电车或电气共汽车的运输系统。
    a transportation system using streetcars or trolley buses.
  • 婴儿可免费乘共汽车。
    Babies are allowed to travel free on buses.
  • 每个小时都有共汽车离开共汽车中心站。
    Buses leave the central bus depot every hour.
  • 更多共汽车将投入使用。
    More buses are to be put into service.
  • 噢,共汽车大部分时间很拥挤。
    Well, buses are crowded most of the time.
  • 下雨天共汽车很挤。
    When it was wet the buses are crowded.
  • 因为交通拥挤,所有共汽车都误点了。
    All the buses are late due to heavy traffic.
  • 因为交通拥挤,所有共汽车都误点了。
    All the buses were late due to heavy traffic.
  • 服务员:在大庸与张家界这间有共汽车。
    And there are buses running between Dayong and Zhangjiajie.
  • 室前有一丛玫瑰。
    There is a rose bush in front of the office.
  • 布什的司也面临着死亡。
    Bush's company was also facing the death.
  • 海伦是一位出色的钢琴家,但她倾向于深藏不露,不愿在开场合演奏。
    Helen is an excellent pianist but she tends to hide her light under a bushel and won't play in public.
  • 室更加忙碌起来。
    The office became busier and busier.
  • 我们的信条一直是私分明。
    Our creed has always been that business is business.
  • 一家成功的新公司
    A prosperous new business.
  • 清算一公司
    Close out a business.
  • 去年一年中,本司的男装销售率成长了百分之三十。
    Last year we achieved 30% increase in the sales of our businessmen's suits.
  • 你:很多生意人被司派到美国来一、两年。
    Many businessmen are sent to the States for one two years by their companies.
  • 我经常听到商人说,希望自己经营的是小司。
    I have often heard businessmen making remarks such as they wish their companies are small.
  • 共汽车上的司机很胖。
    The busman is over weight.
  • 共汽车司机已决定在下星期进行罢工。
    Busmen have decided to go on strike next week.
  • 他乘公共汽车进城。
    He bussed to the city.
  • 那儿有两辆共汽车。
    There are two buss there.
  • 在街上有四辆共汽车。
    There are four buss on the street.
  • 他的公司破产了。
    His company went bust.
  • 这公司倒闭了。
    The company bust up.
  • 旅游司的失误使我的假日泡汤了。
    The travel company's failure bust up my holiday.
  • 司在罢工工人复工后不久便破产了。
    The company went bust soon after the striking me returned to work.
  • 司开办刚刚一年就破产了,许多人丧失了钱财。
    The firm had only been running for a year when it went bust and a lot of people lost their money.
  • 有关礼仪的书籍忠告未婚女子,无论开或私下,都不要跳华尔兹舞,因为(正如浪漫主义诗人拜伦所写)“猥亵的搂抱和放荡的接触带来的温情”,将不会给新婚之夜留下多少神秘。
    Books of etiquette advised unmarried ladies not to dance the waltz, either in public or in private, because (as the Romantic poet, Byron, put it) the lewd grasp and lawless Contact warm would not leave much mystery for the nuptial night.
  • (实际上,48字节结构是美国电话司偏爱64字节商务载量和欧洲司要求每个信元有32字节之间的折衷。)
    (In fact, the 48-byte structure was a compromise between V.S. telephone companies, which favored a 64-byte payload, and their European counterparts, which wanted 32 bytes in each cell.)