Chinese English Sentence:
  • 北美部和中部的一种植物,有一乳白色花被,饰有绿色、古铜色或紫色。
    plant of eastern and central North America having creamy white flowers tinged with brown or purple; poisonous especially to grazing animals.
  • 毛泽同志所以伟大,能把中国革命引导到胜利,归根到底,就是靠这个。
    In the final analysis, Comrade Mao's greatness and his success in guiding the Chinese revolution to victory rest on just this approach.
  • 半球有黑色耳毛的大型??。
    large Old World grebe with black ear tufts.
  • 古希腊一地区,位于雅典北部。
    a district of ancient Greece northwest of Athens.
  • 你偷这件西是完全因为贪心作祟吗?
    Was it simple greed that made you steal it?
  • 他无成竹在胸,故而贪心地抓西扒,跟个孩子似的。
    He grasps at things greedily, like a child, just because he hasn’t any inner certainty to fall back on.
  • 绿色的东西
    Something green in color.
  • 天南星科的一种具鳞茎的肉质草本植物,产于亚洲南部的热带,其球茎可食用。
    foul-smelling somewhat fleshy tropical plant of southeastern Asia cultivated for its edible corms or in the greenhouse for its large leaves and showy dark red spathe surrounding a large spadix.
  • 斯瓦尔巴特群岛中的一个岛屿,格林兰岛北部以
    an island in the Svalbard east of northern Greenland.
  • 爱斯基摩人居住在北美地区的北冰洋海岸与格陵兰岛部分地区以及西伯利亚的北地区的土著居民,通常用来指居住在阿拉斯加和加拿大的北美土著民族
    A group of peoples inhabiting the Arctic coastal regions of North America and parts of Greenland and northeast Siberia. The Eskimo are generally considered a Native American people in Alaska and Canada.
  • 一个生活在北极圈(北加拿大或者格林兰岛或者阿拉斯加州或者西伯利亚)民族的人;阿尔冈琴语系民族的人称他们为爱斯摩基人,但他们称自己为因纽特人。
    a member of a people inhabiting the Arctic (N Canada or Greenland or Alaska or E Siberia); the Algonquians called them Eskimo (`eaters of raw flesh') but they call themselves the Inuit (`the people').
  • 一条分开西的经线,通常指英国的格林威治经线。
    a meridian from which east and west are reckoned (usually the Greenwich (England) longitude).
  • 以西经度子午线为标准的时间,即格林威治以西的第五时区的时间,加拿大和美国部地区使用这种时间。
    time of the 75th meridian, fifth time zone west of Greenwich, used in the eastern U.S..
  • 经线地球表面的成角距离,从英国格林尼治的本初子午线向或向西至经过某一点的子午线计量,以度(或小时)、分和秒表示
    Angular distance on the earth's surface, measured east or west from the prime meridian at Greenwich, England, to the meridian passing through a position, expressed in degrees(or hours), minutes, and seconds.
  • 半球土产的群居鸟。
    gregarious birds native to the Old World.
  • 格栅状物格栅形状的西
    Material formed into grilles or a grille.
  • 她滑落到半山崖中,拼命抓住西不放,直到有人来救她。
    She slipped half way down the cliff and then hung one like grim death until help arrived.
  • “狗西!”他咬牙切齿的说。
    "Dog!" said he, grinding his teeth.
  • 用来在研钵中研磨西的棒状手工具。
    a club-shaped hand tool for grinding substances in a mortar.
  • 抓取装置抓西的一种机械装置
    A mechanical device for gripping an object.
  • 半球的一种树,有甜的粗糙砂砾的多汁的果实;多样的品种被广为种植。
    Old World tree having sweet gritty-textured juicy fruit; widely cultivated in many varieties.
  • “这草莓我吃起来有砂。”“那又有什么呢?凡人都不可避免吃脏西嘛。”
    “These strawberries taste a bit gritty to me.” “What of it? We’ve got to eat a peck of dirt before we die.”
  • 北美土拨鼠,美洲旱獭北美北部和部的一种普通的穴居啮齿类动物(北美土拨鼠),有短腿、健壮的身体和灰棕色的皮毛
    A common burrowing rodent(Marmota monax) of northern and eastern North America, having a short-legged, heavy-set body and grizzled brownish fur.
  • 她看到自己办公桌上又是一堆要处理的西就暗自叫苦。
    She groan inwardly as she see the fresh pile of work on her desk.
  • 这家杂货店的食品看起来惹人喜欢但质量很差,我不愿意去买那种西。
    The food in this grocer's shop looks cheap and nasty, I should not care to buy it.
  • 当我们拎着采购的西回家后,我和姐妹们便如狼般匆忙抢夺食品袋。
    When we returned home with the groceries, my sisters and I were like a pack of wolves tearing through the bags.
  • 多年来,我常到这个杂货店买西。
    I have traded at that grocery for years.
  • 我要买的西如下:面包、奶油、肉、蛋、糖。
    My grocery list is as follows: bread, butter, meat, eggs, sugar.
  • 在这家杂货店买西不能挑挑拣拣,但价格通常比超级市场便宜些
    You cannot pick and choose in this grocery store, but the prices are usually lower than in a supermarket
  • 在这家杂货店买西不能挑挑拣拣,但价格通常比超级市场便宜些。
    You cannot pick and choose in this grocery store, but the price is usually lower than in a supermarket.
  • 他们的流动送货车走街串巷,使家庭主妇在自家门口就能买到她们需要的西。
    Their mobile grocery carts travel through the lanes, enabling the housewives to buy what they need outside their own doors.
  • 也许在遥远的宇宙某个地方,也存在着另一种动物,有着与我们一样发达的头脑,他们也可能在向太空探索,想发现在这个奇异的宇宙中还存在着什么西。
    But somewhere in space, millions and millions of miles away, there may be other creatures, with brains as well developed as ours, who are also groping out into space to discover what else exists in this wonderful universe.