  • 当局正进行项实验计划,测试连系地盘的方法,将个入不敷支的重建地盘与另个空置地盘的发展连系起来,令重建计划有利可图。
    A pilot scheme is being implemented to test the linked-site approach, under which a redevelopment project that is not financially viable on its own is linked the development of a vacant site to produce a financially viable package.
  • 新市区拓展区的建筑工程及可行性研究,大致上遵照都会计划内土地用途的般模式和指椅垃并与毗邻旧区的重新规划和重建工程互相配合。
    Construction works and feasibility studies on new urban development areas generally follow the broad pattern of land use and guidelines in the Metroplan, and integrate with the replanning and redevelopment of adjoining old areas in a co-ordinated manner.
  • 第二十三条 城市新区开发和旧区改建必须坚持统规划、合理布局、因地制宜、综合开发、配套建设的原则。
    Article 23 In the development of new urban areas and the redevelopment of existing urban areas, the principles of unified planning, a rational layout, consideration of local conditions, comprehensive development and the coordinated construction of support facilities must be adhered to.
  • 为鼓励受整体重建计划影响的租户和平房区清拆户自置居所,房屋委员会于九九八年九月推行重建置业计划,让合资格的申请人在购买居屋或私人参建居屋单位时,可在六年内获发按揭还款补助金,总额最高可达162,000元。
    The Mortgage Subsidy Scheme was implemented in September 1998 to promote home ownership among tenants affected by the HKHA's Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme and households affected by Cottage Area clearance exercises. Under the scheme, eligible applicants buying HOS or PSPS flats are given a mortgage subsidy of up to $162,000 over a period of six years.
  • 二零零年,房屋委员会和房屋协会共提供70527个单位,编配给各类别的申请人,其中49900个为新单位、19700个为翻新单位,另有927个为空置单位。这些单位有56%编配给公屋轮候册上的申请人、29%编配给受房屋委员会整体重建计划影响的租户、1%编配给受清拆计划影响的家庭、2%编配给初级公务员。其余获编配单位的包括火灾和天灾灾民、位处危险地点的寮屋及其他搭建物的住户,以及由社会福利署推荐给予体恤安置的人士。
    In 2001, 70 527 flats were allocated by the HKHA and the HKHS to various categories of applicant. Of these flats, 49 900 were new, 19 700 refurbished and 927 being vacant flats: 56 per cent were allocated to Waiting List applicants, 29 per cent to tenants affected by the HKHA's Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme, 1 per cent to families affected by clearances, 2 per cent to junior civil servants, and the remainder to victims of fire and natural disasters, occupants of huts and other structures at dangerous locations, and compassionate cases recommended by the Social Welfare Department.
  • 他与个漂亮的红发女郎结婚了。
    He married a beautiful redhead.
  • 现代编故事的人已经把这些形象编在了他们推销的从跑车到花园中穿的木底鞋等每样商品中,而且他们并不需要拼命推销。1991年的份调查发现,只有16%的美国女孩天生是金头发,而80%的美国男孩喜欢她们甚过那些浅黑色或红头发的女孩。
    Modern storytellers have tapped into those images to sell everything from sports cars to gardening clogs.They don't need to push too hard:A 1991 study found that while only 16 percent of American girls are born blond,80 percent of American boys prefer them to brunets or redheads.
  • 她是个轮廓清晰的红发美人儿。
    she was a statuesque redheaded eyeful.
  • 我们必须将那面墙重修下。
    We must have the wall redone.
  • 个公寓或房子进行再次装饰。
    redo the decoration of an apartment or house.
  • 在通信系统软件acf/tcam中,为了处理或传递而检索个特定的信息或信息的某个部分的种方法。
    In ACF/TCAM, a method of retrieving a particular message or a part of a message in order to process it or to redirect it.
  • 而必须像基督那样,向那些受到环境诱惑的人指出从第二条路通往第条路的途径;
    Each of us, like Christ himself, must point to those paths which will redirect from the second way to the first the steps of those who have allowed themselves to be tempted by the approach roads;
  • 调整国债资金使用方向,首先用于续建项目和收尾项目,还要安排些必要的新开工项目。
    We should redirect the use of funds to be raised from treasury bonds as follows. Priority should be given to ongoing projects and projects which are near completion, and to a selected number of new projects which are wholly necessary.
  • 这个url可以由调用者来指定,也可以是个宿主机或重定向服务的通用地址。
    This URL can be keyed specifically to the caller, or can be a general location for the hosted or redirected service.
  • 4.使用最初的bindingkey值q,并发送个getbindingdetail消息到重定向服务r。这个服务负责返回被重定向的商务服务s的实际绑定信息或者返回个错误信息。
    4. Using the original binding key Q and issues a get_bindingDetail request to the redirector service R. This service is responsible for returning the actual binding information for the redirected business service S or returning an error.
  • 1.个商业实体为个寄宿于远程站点或需重定向的商业服务s注册了个bindingtemplatea。这个bindingtemplate包括个bindingkey值q来引用另外个bindingtemplateb。这个bindingtemplateb典型地由提供重定向服务的组织来控制。
    1. A business registers a bindingTemplate A for a remotely hosted or redirected business service S. This bindingTemplate contains a bindingKey value Q that references a second bindingTemplate B. The bindingTemplate B is typically controlled by the organization that hosts the redirection service.
  • 经驾驭操纵、重新导入正向,这种动力的所有特质,诸如想像力、勇气等等,依旧如新,可用于文学、艺术,或其他任何行业,当作大有可为的创造力,当然也可用于累积财富。
    When harnessed, and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc., which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches.
  • novell公司的netware操作系统已经成为ibm公司特有的网络操作环境最强有力的竞争对手,它在对局域网络的支持方面也早于ibm公司。事实上,除了自己的部分软件外,ibm公司也为所有的pc网和令牌环网购买了netware操作系统。netware操作系统的最主要部分是文件服务器软件,服务器上的目录被映射到网络驱动器,这样在用户看来,它运行起来就如同是虚拟磁盘。它的服务器软件是个多任务的操作系统,文件结构也与dos2.x和dos3.x的文件结构致。工作站上的netware外壳程序拦截了dos的21h中断,并重新走向为对服务器的调用。
    Novell’s Net ware has become the strongest competitor to IBM's own network operating environment and predates IBM in its support for LANs. In fact,IBM now markets Net ware for both the PC Network and for Token Ring in addition to its own software. The key to Net ware is the file server software and directories on the server are mapped to network drives, thus operating like virtual diskettes from a user's perspective. The server software is a multitasking operating system with a file structure consistent with DOS 2.x and DOS 3.x. The Net ware shell in each workstation intercepts 21H DOS calls and redirects appropriate calls to the server. Perhaps the primary advantage of Net ware is that it runs on a wide variety of networking hardware. Regardless of whether you choose an IBM network, Corvus OMNINET,AT&T Star LAN,etc.
  • 他心中又燃起对艾莉丝的爱,心守着这种美好的思念,彼得毫不松懈要活下来的意志。
    By rediscovering his love for Alice,and focusing on that positive image,he sustains his will to survive.
  • 吉尔伯特先生说,新的dna测试使用的是最近发现的血液样品,它取自卧室壁橱门上的个大血点,这个血点离谢泼德太太被杀的地方仅1英尺。
    Mr.Gilbert said the new DNA testing also revealed that a recently rediscovered sample of blood, taken from a large spot on a closet door in the bedroom only a foot from where Mrs.
  • powergen公司的报告引用心理学家阿里克·西格曼的话说:"目前儿童经典读物再次流行,包括已经拍成电影的《指环王》,家长们重新翻看自己小时候读过的书,或者看过影片后第次想到要读这些书。
    "With the current revival of children's classics like the Lord of the Rings at the cinema, parents are rediscovering books they read when they were younger or are feeling inspired to read them for the first time," a PowerGen statement quoted psychologist Aric Sigman as saying.
  • 津巴布韦津巴布韦东南部城市遗址,位于哈拉雷南部,公元3世纪首次被铁器时代的人占领,1870年被再次发现,些人相信它是所罗门国王宝库的所在地
    A ruined city of southeast Zimbabwe south of Harare. First occupied by Iron Age peoples in the third century a.d., it was rediscovered c.1870 and is believed by some to be the site of King Solomon's mines.
  • 的确,只有从另个文化背景来观察时,个文化的独特性才能被领略到,因为不同文化间的比较常常会引导人们对已经习以为常的生活方式有新的发现。
    Indeed, the uniqueness of a culture can be appreciated only when it is viewed against the background of another different culture, for such comparison often leads to the rediscovery of a way of life which the people have come to take for granted.
  • 我们发动人民的生产热忱,反对懒汉,组织劳动力并实行调剂,改良种子,解决牲畜农具的需要,发动儿童拾粪,号召妇女参加生产,调解租佃关系和主雇关系,以及发动植树、修渠、打井、造水车等事业,所有这些,无不是非常具体的工作。
    We arouse the people's enthusiasm for production work, criticize idleness, organize and redistribute the labour force, improve seed strains, supply the necessary draught animals and farm tools, mobilize children to collect manure, call upon women to participate in production work, mediate between landlords and tenants and between employers and employees, mobilize the people to plant trees, build irrigation ditches, dig wells, make waterwheels, and so on. These are all very concrete jobs.
  • 这就像是个人每天手工收集所有的数据,放到文件抽屉中,然后等需要时,再将这些数据发到工作人员手中。
    This operation is analogous to someone's manually collecting all the data each day placing them in a file drawer, and then redistributing these data to the workers as needed.
  • 当文件服务器用于局域网时,大型数据库就被存储在服务器上,而且用户也可以将其所有的工作文件存放在上面。这就像是个人每天手工收集所有的数据,放到文件抽屉中,然后等需要时,再将这些数据发到工作人员手中。
    When a file server is used on a LAN, large databases are stored on the server and users may store all of their work flies there as well. This operation is analogous to someone’s manually collecting all the data each day placing them in a file drawer, and then redistributing these data to the workers as needed.
  • 参加者共享笔基金,有人死亡时,此项基金再从新在在世的人中分配;可以在定时期内或直到剩下最后的仅存者。
    an annuity scheme wherein participants share certain benefits and on the death of any participant his benefits are redistributed among the remaining participants; can run for a fixed period of time or until the death of all but one participant.
  • 因此,在极大部分的区域,包括没有真正分配土地的控制区及切游击区和崭新区,都应根据中央指示,“充分利用抗日时期的经验,实行减租减息和酌量调剂种子食粮的社会政策和合理负担的财政政策,以便联合或中立切可能联合或中立的社会力量,帮助人民解放军消灭切国民党武装力量和打击政治上最反动的恶霸分子。
    Therefore, in the great majority of the areas, including those areas under our control where land has not really been redistributed and all the guerrilla zones and the areas unreached by our army, we should follow the Central Committee's directive to "make full use of the experience acquired during the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and put into effect the social policy of reducing rent and interest and of properly adjusting supplies of seed and food grains". We should also apply "the financial policy of the reasonable distribution of burden, so as to unite with all social forces or persuade them to take a neutral stand, and help the People's Liberation Army to wipe out all the Kuomintang armed forces and strike blows at the local tyrants, who are politically the most reactionary.
  • 〔21〕九二八年湘赣边界土地法中曾经有这样的规定。
    [21] Confiscation and redistribution of all the land was a provision in the Land Law promulgated in the Hunan-Kiangsi border area in 1928.
  • 重新分配议席对某立法机关的代表名额进行重新分配,尤指在美国,按宪法规定,每过定时期就得根据人口调查数据对众议院的席位进行重新分配
    Redistribution of representation in a legislative body, especially the periodic reallotment of U.S. congressional seats according to changes in the census figures as required by the Constitution.
  • 示踪剂种可用来识别的物质,如种染剂或放射性同位素,可被引入生物或化学系统内并在某过程的行进方向上被跟踪,提供有关过程中事件类型或涉及到的部分或成分的重新配置的信息
    An identifiable substance, such as a dye or a radioactive isotope, that is introduced into a biological or mechanical system and can be followed through the course of a process, providing information on the pattern of events in the process or on the redistribution of the parts or elements involved.
  • 〔1〕农业生产在革命根据地建立的头二年,往往有些下降,主要地是由于在分配土地期间,地权还没有确定,新的经济秩序还没有走上轨道,以致农民的生产情绪还有些波动。
    [1] There was usually a decline in farm output in the first year or two after the establishment of a Red area, chiefly because landownership was not yet settled and the new economic order was not fully established during land redistribution, so that the peasants could not yet set their minds fully on production.