  • 1992年中国加入该条后,严格履行条关于保障监督等各项义务,并与国际原子能机构在这些方面进行充分合作。
    Since 1992 when it became a party to the treaty, it has strictly fulfilled all its obligations under the Treaty, including the obligation to cooperate fully with the IAEA in safeguard application.
  • 她终于免除了所有的契
    At last she was freed from all obligations.
  • 你拜托翰,他会乐於答应。
    Ask John; he will be pleased to oblige.
  • 你方必须使其他考虑服从遵守定条款的需要。
    You must subordinate other considerations to the necessity of observing the terms agreed.
  • 旧制可变长度单位等于英里。
    an obsolete unit of distance of variable length (usually 3 miles).
  • 基尔德坎英国旧时容量单位,相当于18加伦(68升)
    An obsolete English measure of capacity equal to about18 gallons(68 liters).
  • 王平:欧美意义上的职业运动员,在俱乐部里签服役,除了拿丰厚的年薪外,还得遵守苛刻的限定条
    Wang Ping: The professional athletes in the Occidental sense are those who must observe the required rigorous treaty when they sign the contract and serve for the clubs, besides taking a generous sum of annual salary.
  • 翰阻人犯规,被黄牌警告了。
    John's been booked for obstruction.
  • 翰阻人犯规,被黄牌警告了。
    John 's been booked for obstruction.
  • 很明显,即使我们能节很多能量,我们也只能推迟能源危机的到来。
    It is obvious that even if we can save much energy, we can only delay the energy crisis.
  • 这一条显然是针对中国的。
    The treaty was obviously directed against China.
  • 美国人不读书,除了偶尔看看翰·格利山姆或罗伯特·路德拉姆的小说。
    Americans don't read, except for the occasional John Grisham or Robert Ludlum novel.
  • 约翰渴望改行。
    John is mad for a change of occupation.
  • 翰是个怪人—他从来不招待任何人。
    John is an oddball—he never invites any-one.
  • 翰在当局人士中有很好声望。
    John is in good odour with the authorities.
  • 条约的缔结程序
    procedure of conclusion of treaties
  • 违反法令的契被取消了。
    contracts offending against the statute were canceled.
  • 使发盘无约束力。
    Making the Offer Unbinding.
  • 地政总署的地政处由总部办事处及14个分区地政处组成,主要工作是批出和征收土地、管理土地,以及执行批条款。
    The main functions of the Lands Administration Office of the Lands Department, which consists of a headquarters and 14 District Lands Offices, are land disposal, land acquisition, land management and lease enforcement.
  • 世界上第一艘集装箱船是一条年久的油船,名为理想x号,其甲板经过加固承载了58箱装得结结实实的货物,每只箱子大有30英尺(9米)长。
    The first container ship was an elderly oil tanker, the Ideal X, whose deck had been strengthened to accommodate 58 well?filled boxes each some 3 oft (9 metres) long.
  • 古实《圣经·旧》中哈姆的长子
    In the Old Testament, the oldest son of Ham.
  • 翰的年龄比汤姆大。
    John is older than Tom.
  • 她一句不作声,莫有两年光景,一直等到那年正月,才开始说话,这许是不祥之兆,这年三月,她的丈夫就死了。
    She never spoke a word for about two years. It was not until the 1st month of that year that she began to speak. This was perhaps a bad omen. In the same year, in 3rd month her husband died.
  • 上的墨迹未干,他们就出发开始了作为"轰动表演"一部分的巡回演出。此举为他们在1998年11月赢得了"最佳新人巡回演艺奖"("boyzone"本身在1994年也曾获此奖,似乎是一个吉兆)。
    Barely had the ink on the contract dried when they headed out on tour as part of the Smash Hits Show,which led to them winning the Best New Tour Act in December 1998 (this was an award Boyzone themselves had won in 1994 which seemed like a pretty good omen).
  • 翰那天忘了准备他的功课。
    John omitted preparing his lessons that day.
  • 的十四卷经书包括拉丁文圣经但是没有圣经的犹太教版本和新教版本。
    14 books of the Old Testament included in the Vulgate but omitted in Jewish and Protestant versions of the Bible.
  • 有五分之一的一年级生是在小城镇长大的。
    About one-fifth of the freshmen reported that they had been brought up in small towns.
  • 科佩尔曼是纽州纳苏县儿科学会的前会长,在长岛南滩地区是最有名望、最受欢迎的儿科医生之一。
    Copperman, a onetime president of the Nassau Pediatrics Society, was one of the most prominent and popular pediatricians on the South Shore of Long Island.
  • 多伦多加拿大安大略省首府和最大城市,位于该省南部安大略湖边。原本为法国人的商品集散地,1793年英国人建立该城,名为克,1834年重新被命名为多伦多。多伦多是一个重要的五大湖区的港口和工业中心。人口599,217
    The capital and largest city of Ontario, Canada, in the southern part of the province on Lake Ontario. Originally a French trading post, it was founded as York by the British in1793 and renamed as Toronto in1834. Toronto is an important Great Lakes port and an industrial center. Population, 599,217.
  • 翰·斯梅尔1927年出生于加拿大的安大略。
    John Smale was born in Ontario, Canada, in 1927.
  • 多伦多加拿大安大略省首府和最大城市,位于该省南部安大略湖边。原本为法国人的商品集散地,1793年英国人建立该城,名为克,1834年重新被命名为多伦多。多伦多是一个重要的五大湖区的港口和工业中心。人口599,217
    The capital and largest city of Ontario, Canada, in the southern part of the province on Lake Ontario. Originally a French trading post, it was founded as York by the British in1793 and renamed as Toronto in1834. Toronto is an important Great Lakes port and an industrial center. Population,599, 217.
  • 翰早来了,他留言说从9点起他就在俱乐部里。
    John was here earlier and he left word that he'll be at the club from nine o'clock onwards.