Chinese English Sentence:
  • 你必须开英国,到一个较温暖的国家里居住。
    You must quit England and live in a warmer country.
  • 这是第2次我警告你开我的土地。
    That's twice I've had to warn you to warn off my land.
  • 老板毫无理由地通知约翰一个星期后职。
    The boss gave John a week's warning without reason.
  • 弯曲的线从不交织的编法;开在织品内的间隙。
    a weave in which warp threads never come together, leaving interstices in the fabric.
  • 婚的夫妻俩为孩子们的归属而争吵。
    The divorced couples are warring over their children.
  • 把欧洲分为作战集团产生了越来越大的心效果。
    the division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever-increasing centrifugal stress.
  • 他的讲演太没意思了,因为他总讲战争时期自己的经历,题了。
    His speech was so boring because he would keep going off the point to describe his wartime experiences.
  • 开往华盛顿的下一班车什么时候站?
    When do the next train for washington leave?
  • 你猜得八九不离十了.
    Your guess wasn't far out.
  • 英国王室侍臣希望记者们在威廉王子入学时能够开圣安德鲁大学,但是皇室观察员认为让媒体保持低调是很困难的。
    Courtiers hope reporters and photographers will leave St Andrews on Monday, but royal watchers believe it will be difficult for the media to maintain its current restraint.
  • 华森教授将要开学术界到工业界去工作。
    Professor Watson will leave the academic world to take a job in industry.
  • 华森教授将要开学术界到工业界去工作
    Professor Watson is leaving the academic world to take a job in industry
  • 这并不令委员会满意,他便因此而被取消了比赛资格,并被勒令在1小时内开奥运村。
    This did not satisfy the commission. And Watson was disqualified and was given an hour to leave the Olympic Village.
  • 开家时挥了挥手。
    She gave a wave as she left the house.
  • 一种用来保护特殊光纤波导使其免受物理损伤的材料,它可以提供机械隔和保护作用。
    A material used to protect and individual optical fiber waveguide from physical damage, providing mechanical isolation and/or protection.
  • 列车开车站时,月台上的人不停地向他们的朋友挥手帕,送飞吻。
    People on the platform were waving handkerchiefs and blowing kisses to their friends as the train left the station.
  • 当地震波远震中时,它们便逐渐减弱。
    As the waves travel away from the focus, they grow gradually weaker.
  • 幻儿,仔兽刚断奶的幼儿,乳仔畜
    A newly weaned child or young animal.
  • 如今英国人的婚姻有40%以婚告终,英国的孩子也有40%非婚生儿。看来害怕并非没有根据。
    Today, with 40 percent of marriages in England endingin divorce, and with 40 per cent of all children born outside wedlock, it would seem that his fears were well founded.
  • 上星期我开了北京。
    I leave Beijing last week.
  • 我下周离开这。
    I leave here next week.
  • 上星期我开了北京。
    I left Beijing last week.
  • 家度过星期六和星期日的人;星期六和星期日的客人
    Weekenderbniperson who spends the weekend away from home; weekend visitor
  • 军训之后,学生如果办理了校登记手续,都获准回家度周末。
    After the military training the students were allowed to spend weekends at home, provided they signed themselves out of college.
  • 我将离开3个星期。
    I shall be away for 3 weeks.
  • 他做出像要开房间的样子,但想了想,还是走回来安慰这个在哭泣的姑娘。
    He made as if to leave the room but, think better of it, returned to comfort the weeping girl.
  • 他意欲开房间,但考虑了一下,还是回来安慰正在哭泣的那位姑娘。
    He made a movement as if to leave the room but, thinking better of it, returned to comfort the weeping girl.
  • 我们听到消息已太迟了,他为躲债已经城了。
    We heard, too late, that he had let town in order to welch on all his debts.
  • 好啦,我想我该开了。
    Well, I guess I'd better hit the road.
  • 好啦,我想我该开了。
    Well, I guess I 'd better hit the road.
  • 是的。狄龙·李嘉图先生订了一张今晚20开惠灵顿飞往巴黎的235航班的机票,他恐怕赶不上了。
    Yes, please, Mr. Tyrone Ricardo has a reservation on Flight 235 to Pairs, leaving Wellington tonight at 20. I'm afraid it'll be difficult for him to make it at that time.
  • 家去美国那天,祖母呜咽,泪流不止。
    On the day of my departure for the United States, my grandmother sobbed and wept.