  • 这座房子四周围一道很高的砖墙。
    The house is enclosed with a high brick wall.
  • 她穿戴所有的新娘装饰品。
    She had on all her bridal decorations.
  • 新娘带很多嫁妆给她丈夫。
    The bride brought many dowries to her husband.
  • 他在期待着新娘。
    He is expectant of the bride.
  • 新娘穿着礼服。
    The bride puts on formal dress.
  • 新娘身着白色套装。
    the bride wore a white fitted suit.
  • 音乐的播放,新娘的伴娘开始登场,紧接是美丽的新娘。
    Music signals the entrance of the bride's attendants,followed by the beautiful bride.
  • 新娘通常穿漂亮的白色长裙。
    The bride usually wears a beautiful,long white wedding dress.
  • 深爱我的新郎把我母亲的话牢记在心里。
    My adoring bridegroom took the message to heart.
  • 对自己的丈夫她仍保留那鲜活、难忘、纯真的爱;
    The fresh, unforgettable, virginal love for her bridegroom was hers;
  • 马嚼子和头套的马勒的两条带子。
    either of two straps of a bridle that connect the bit to the headpiece.
  • 他带一个饰有浮凸的姓名首字母的皮公事包。
    He carried a leather briefcase embossed with his initials.
  • 他的公文包里装几份文件和一份合同。
    His briefcase contained several document and a contract.
  • 我带满满一皮包伤脑筋的问题回到家里。
    I took home a briefcase full of troubles.
  • 他脱去衣服只穿内裤。
    He stripped himself to his briefs.
  • 清新的微风和明亮的阳光很快就使索菲娅迷了。
    The fresh breeze and bright sunshine quickly attracted Sophia.
  • 赛马骑师穿的一种颜色明亮的衣服;象征稳定。
    the brightly colored garments of a jockey; emblematic of the stable.
  •  世界正向光明和进步的目标迈进。
    The world is marching toward brightness and progress.
  • 当他打开灯,伴随一个滴答声带来了光亮。
    then the brightness as he clicked on the light..
  •  奥运会期间在主体会场燃烧的火焰即是奥林匹克圣火,象征光明、团结、友谊、和平、正义。
    The torch burning in the main stadium during the Olympic Games is Olympic flame symbolizing brightness, solidarity, friendship, peace and fair play.
  • 这邮包盖布赖顿的邮戳。
    The parcel was postmarked Brighton.
  • 早些时候,丽迪雅不顾伊丽莎白反对,执意前往布赖顿,那里驻扎韦翰所在的部队。
    Earlier Lydia has insisted, over Elizabeth's objections, on going to Brighton, where Wickham's regiment is now stationed.
  • 具有光辉或者伟大的特点,伴随光辉、伟大。
    characterized by or attended with brilliance or grandeur.
  • 那棵植物开鲜艳的小紫花。
    The plant has a brilliant purple floweret.
  • 体色鲜艳的热带海生小鱼,长细长的身体和宽大的鳍;世界各地都有。
    small usually brilliantly colored tropical marine fishes having narrow deep bodies with large broad fins; found worldwide.
  • 外国人可能会讥笑英国人在晴朗的早晨穿雨衣,拿雨伞出门。
    The foreigner may laugh when he sees the English setting forth on a brilliantly sunny morning wearing a raincoat and carrying an umbrella.
  • 他的妻子是一位迷人的女士,散发自信的光彩。她为我们合了一张影后,就用她那缀满了绿松石手镯的手臂向我们挥手道别了。
    His wife, an attractive woman brimming with confidence, took a photo of us, then waved goodbye with an arm heavily weighted with turquoise bracelets.
  • 每当食人族濒于饿死的边缘之际,上天就会本大慈大悲为怀,给他们送来一个又肥又大的传教士。
    Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven in its infinite mercy sends them a nice plump missionary.
  • 每当食人族濒于饿死的边缘之际,上天就会本的大慈大悲为怀,给他们送来一个又肥又大的传教士。
    Whenever cannibal is on the brink of starvation, heaven in its infinite mercy send them a nice plump missionary.
  • 见过这样的耐克运动鞋吗?也许是湿的,可能还有点咸,而且要凑成一双还有点困难。不过,世界上也许再也找不比这更便宜的耐克运动鞋了。
    They may be wet, even a bit briny, and it might be hard to find a matching pair, but you won't find Nike Inc. shoes cheaper anywhere.
  • 工作很有生气地进展
    The work is proceeding briskly.
  • 在寒冷的天气里她精神抖擞地走;‘午饭后。’她轻快地说。
    she walked briskly in the cold air; `after lunch,' she said briskly.