  • 北极熊,熊;在一些分类中没有把它从熊属中分离出来。
    polar bears; in some classifications not a separate genus from Ursus.
  • 北极熊至少在10英里之处就能嗅到受困的鲸。它们可以靠体内储存的脂肪生活下去。
    Polar bears can smell trapped whales from at least 10 miles away, and they can store and live off reserves of fat.
  • 1997年全国一岁儿童计划免疫接种率,卡介苗为96%,百破为96%,脊髓灰质炎为97%,麻疹疫苗为95%。
    When implementing the universal immunity program for one-year-old children in 1997, 96 percent of children were inoculated with BCG vaccine, 96 percent were inoculated against whooping cough, diphtheritis and tetanus, 97 percent against polio, and 95 percent against measles.
  • 1999年,小学学龄儿童入学率达到99.1%,小学毕业生升学率达到94.4%。1999年全国1岁儿童计划免疫接种率,卡介苗为97.8%,脊髓灰质炎为97.4%,百破为97.8%,麻疹疫苗为97.5%。1999年,全国有近3000万离退休人员参加了基本养老保险,国家举办的社会福利机构达1000多个,集体举办的敬老院近4万个。
    In 1999, the school-age children enrollment rate reached 99.1% and the rate of primary school graduates entering middle schools reached 94.4%. Also in 1999, the percentage of the one-year-old children inoculated with the BCG vaccine was 97.8%, the polio vaccine 97.4%, the DPT vaccine 97.8%, and the measles vaccine 97.5%. In the same year, nearly 30 million retired people throughout the country were covered in the basic retirement insurance scheme, and there were some 1,000 social welfare institutions run by the Government and around 40,000 community-run old folk's homes.
  • 这些人还有点成绩,这究竟算是红专还是专?
    Shouldn't these people, who have achieved academic results, also be judged as politically sound?
  • 大分子一种很大的分子,如聚合物或蛋质,由许多小的结构单位结合而成
    A very large molecule, such as a polymer or protein, consisting of many smaller structural units linked together.
  • 类蛋质一种类似蛋质的多肽,由氨基酸混合物受热后以无生命的形式形成,人们认为它类似于蛋质进化过程中的早期阶段
    A proteinlike polypeptide formed abiotically from amino acid mixtures in the presence of heat, thought to resemble early evolutionary forms of protein.
  • 白宫的记者团。
    The White House press pool.
  • 葡萄汽酒算是廉价的香槟。
    Sparkling white wine is the poor man's champagne.
  • 这儿曾经有过一棵高大的杨树。
    A tall poplar tree once stood here.
  • 该处曾有一棵高大的杨树。
    A tall poplar tree once stood there.
  • 在背面,有座花园成倾斜状,其斜坡一直延伸到一排杨树。
    At the back, a flower garden slopes down to a line of poplar trees.
  • 帚状的伦巴第杨树等的枝条挺直,几乎平行,且向顶端逐渐变细的
    Having erect and almost parallel branches tapering toward the top, as in the Lombardy poplar.
  • 新栽的杨叶子又绿了。
    The newly planted poplars had turned green again.
  • 这儿有密密的松树和参天的杨,还有静静的溪流。
    There are exuberent pine trees, towering white poplars, and calm streams.
  • 安妮:校园环境也挺好,树木众多,有垂柳、有杨、还有娇贵的玉兰、名贵的银杏……
    Annie: Definitely. The environment of the university is quite good. The trees are clustered here and there with weeping willows,poplars, tender yulan and rare gingko.
  • 近极圈地区的多年生罂粟,开或黄到橙色或桃红色且带香味的花。
    subarctic perennial poppy of both hemispheres having fragrant white or yellow to orange or peach flowers.
  • 我真不明为什么它那么受欢迎。
    I wonder why it enjoys such great popularity.
  • 隋代白瓷
    White Porcelain of the Sui Dynasty
  • 青花瓷蓝相间图案的中国瓷器
    A Chinese porcelain with a blue-and-white pattern.
  • 一种菌类,有色的通常为环形的帽子和色的带毛孔的表面,还有色的中心茎干;在针叶树下常见;可食用但并不受欢迎。
    a fungus with a whitish often circular cap and a white pore surface and small pores and a white central stalk; found under conifers; edible but not popular.
  • 我不在乎你怎么想,你省点力气,别费口舌了。
    I don't care what you think; save you breath to cool you porridge!
  • 请住口,先生,不要费口舌了。
    Hold your peace. sir, and keep your own breath to cool your own porridge.
  • 纸的底部内容纸的底部空处印着的东西,特别是名字、书的页码或日期等由文字处理系统设计并出现于整份文件每一页
    Printed matter positioned in the bottom margin of a page, especially a title, page number, or date that is repeated throughout a document created on a word-processing system.
  • 页首打印如置于每一页的顶端空处的标题、日期或页码的文件或信息,并且在整个文件特别是通过文字处理系统做成的文件中经常重复出现
    Printed matter or information, such as a title, date, or page number, positioned in the top margin of a page and usually repeated throughout a document, especially a document composed on a word-processing system.
  • 他来时举目无亲、 身无长物, 全凭手起家.
    He came here without friends or possessions and made his fortune.
  • 他来时举目无亲、身无长物,全凭手起家。
    Me here without friends or possessions and made his fortune.
  • 胶画法用胶画颜料涂的过程,将颜料和水以及胶粘颜料或酪蛋粒结剂混合,用以装饰墙壁或画风景画或招帖画
    A process of painting in which pigments are mixed with water and a glue-size or casein binder, used for flat wall decoration or scenic and poster painting.
  • 又嘱:你若写信与敏华,可写浅的英文信,叫他回信也写英文,如此方有练习的机会。
    Postscript: When you write to Min-hwa, you can use simple English and ask him to reply in English; then only does he have the opportunity to practise (English).
  • 光卤石一种色、棕褐色或微红色矿物质,kcl稭gcl2?h2o,钾矿石,用于制造钾盐
    A white, brownish, or reddish mineral, KCl稭gCl2?H2O, an ore of potassium, used to manufacture potash salts.
  • 这里有蘑菇、南瓜、薯和土豆,是直接从地里运来的。
    here are mushrooms, squash, sweet potatoes and potatoes, straight from the farm.
  • 委陵菜一种蔷薇科委陵菜属植物,多原产于温带和寒带地区,开黄花,有时开花或红花,有些种类长五小叶的复叶
    Any of several plants of the genus Potentilla in the rose family, native chiefly to temperate and cold regions and having yellow or sometimes white or red flowers and compound leaves that in some species bear five leaflets.