  • 渔夫们知道这不是一普通的鱼。
    The fisherman realized that this was no ordinary fish
  • 渔夫们知道这不是一普通的鱼,便想方设法不伤害它。
    Realizing that this was no ordinary fish, the fisherman made every effort not to damage it in any way.
  • 当时的香港只有村民约3650人,聚居于20多村落;渔民2000人,栖宿于港口的渔船上。
    A population of about 3650 was scattered over 20 villages and hamlets, and 2000 fishermen lived on board their boats in the harbour.
  • 鱼类统营处是根据《海鱼(统营)例》成立的法定机构,在辖下七个批发市场提供有秩序的统销服务,收入来自售鱼收益的佣金,盈余则用以发展渔业,包括提供低息贷款给渔民、改善市场服务和设施、提供奖学金给渔民子弟等。
    The Fish Marketing Organisation is a statutory body established under the Marine Fish (Marketing) Ordinance. It provides orderly marketing services at its seven wholesale markets. Revenue comes from charging commission on the proceeds of sales. Surplus earnings are channelled back into the industry through the provision of low-interest loans to fishermen, improved services and facilities in the markets and scholarships for fishermen's children.
  • 王平:张健的横渡牵动了亿万人的心,旅顺口区铁山镇的6个渔民分乘两渔船日夜守护着张健,海上有101人的队伍为他提供保障,美国芝加哥大学一位名叫萨拉·查林的女孩在网上看到张健要横渡渤海海峡的消息,还特地给张健推荐并寄来了200支能量棒。
    Wang Ping: Zhang Jian's crossing touched hundreds of millions of people's hearts. Six fishermen from the Tianshan Town of Lushunkou District took two boats respectively and took care of Zhang Jian day and night. There were 101 people on the sea to provide safety for him.Sara Chalin, a student of the Chicago University read the news from the Intemet that Zhang Jian would swim across the Bohai Straits, and she especially recommended and sent 200 energy sticks.
  • 第十九 县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门应当对其管理地渔业水域统一规划,采取措施,增殖渔业资源。
    Article 19 Departments of fishery administration under the people's governments at and above the county level shall work out overall plans and take measures to increase fishery resources in the fishery waters under their jurisdiction.
  • 第三十三 本法规定的行政处罚,由渔业行政主管部门或者其所属的渔政监督管理机构决定。
    Article 33 The administrative sanctions stipulated in this Law shall be decided by departments of fishery administration or their subordinate fishery superintendency agencies.
  • 第四 国家鼓励渔业科学技术研究,推广先进技术,提高渔业科学技术水平。
    Article 4 The state shall encourage research in fishery science and technology and popularization of advanced technology in order to raise the level of the country's fishery science and technology.
  • 第五 在增殖和保护渔业资源、发展渔业生产、进行渔业科学技术研究等方面成绩显著的单位和个人,由各级人民政府给予精神的或者物质的奖励。
    Article 5 People's governments at various levels shall give moral encouragement or material awards to units and individuals who make outstanding contributions to the increase and protection of fishery resources, to development of fishery production, or to research in fishery science and technology.
  • 第二十五 进行水下爆破、勘探、施工作业,对渔业资源有严重影响的,作业单位应当事先同有关县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门协商,采取措施,防止或者减少对渔业资源的损害;
    Article 25 To conduct underwater explosions, exploration and construction that may have serious effects on fishery resources, the construction units shall consult in advance with the department of fishery administration under the relevant people's government at or above the county level and take measures to prevent or minimize the damage to fishery resources.
  • 第十一海洋石油勘探和其他海上活动需要爆破作业时,应当采取有效措施,保护渔业资源。
    Article 11 When offshore oil exploration and other offshore activities involve explosive operations, effective measures shall be taken to protect fishery resources.
  • 第六 国务院渔业行政主管部门主管全国的渔业工作。
    Article 6 The department of fishery administration under the State Council shall be in charge of the administration of fisheries throughout the country.
  • 第十六 从事内水、近海捕捞业,必须向渔业行政主管部门申请领取捕捞许可证。
    Article 16 Any unit or individual that intends to engage in inland water or inshore fishing must first apply to departments of fishery administration for fishing licences.
  • 第八 外国人、外国渔业船舶进入中华人民共和国管辖水域,从事渔业生产或者渔业资源调查活动,必须经国务院有关主管部门批准,并遵守本法和中华人民共和国其他有关法律、法规的规定;
    Article 8 Foreigners and foreign fishing vessels must obtain permission from the relevant department under the State Council before entering the territorial waters of the People's Republic of China to carry on fishery production or investigations of fishery resources, and must abide by this Law and other related laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.
  • 这是一条渔船。
    This is a fishing-boat.
  • 这是一条渔船。
    This is a fishing - boat.
  • 1994年黑人男青年在监狱里的人数竟比入大学读书的人还多。位于纳什维尔的菲斯克大学,71%是女生,该校的招生办公室主任安东尼·琼斯说:“符合入学件的黑人男青年越来越少了。
    "You've got fewer and fewer black males who are eligible for college," says Anthony Jones, director of admissions at Fisk University in Nashville, which is 71 percent female.
  • 中国对谈判缔结"禁止生产核武器用裂变材料约"(简称"禁产约")历来持积极态度。
    China has all along adopted a positive attitude to the negotiation of a convention that prohibits the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons purposes, known as the FMCT.
  • 中国代表团正在积极参加《全面禁止核试验约》和《禁止生产核武器用裂变材料公约》的谈判工作。
    A Chinese delegation is currently actively participating in the negotiation on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the Convention on Banning the Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons.
  • 中国代表团正在积极参加《全面禁止核试验约》和《禁止生产核武器用裂变材料公约》的谈判工作。
    A Chinese delegation is currently actively participating in the negotiation on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the Convention on Banning the Production of Fissile Materials for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices.
  • 谈判缔结“禁止生产核武器用裂变材料约”(简称“禁产约”)有助于推动核裁军进程和防止核武器扩散,中国支持在裁军谈判会议达成全面、平衡的工作计划的基础上,尽早启动约谈判。
    China maintains that the conclusion of a Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT) will help to accelerate the process of nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation, and supports an early start of the negotiations on such a Treaty on the basis of a comprehensive and balanced work plan of the Conference on Disarmament (CD).
  • 墙上有条裂缝。
    There is a fissure on the wall.
  • 不过接着就更糟了。前面不远出现了一巨大的地裂。
    But there was worse to come. Just ahead of us there was a huge fissure.
  • 裤子他穿不合身,太小了。
    The trousers don't fit him, they are too small.
  • 这条裤子非常合身.
    The trousers fit perfectly.
  • 我们那些有钱的吝啬鬼活像一鲸鱼,游来游去,翻儿个觔斗,把那些可怜的小鱼赶得走投无路,到后来就把它们一口吞下。
    I can compare our rich misers to nothing so fitly as to a whale; a plays and tumbles, driving the poor fry before him, and at last devours them all at a mouthful.
  • 肌肉发达是身体健康的一个必备件.
    Good muscles are one of the prerequisites of physical fitness.
  • 肌肉发达是身体健康的一个必备件。
    Good muscles are one of the prerequisite of physical fitness.
  • 肌肉发达是身体健康的一个必备件。
    Good muscles is one of the prerequisite of physical fitness.
  • 裤子尤指男性穿着的一种外衣,覆盖以腰际到脚踝的部分,分成两部分以分别适合每腿,常用复数形式
    An outer garment for covering the body from the waist to the ankles, divided into sections to fit each leg separately, worn especially by men and boys. Often used in the plural.
  • 他们对30人进行了面试, 其中有五人符合候选件.
    They interviewed 30 people of whom five were possibles.
  • 有三种颜色纹的旗尤指法国国旗。
    a flag having three colored stripes especially the French flag.