  • 奇怪,古怪奇怪的或古怪的
    A strange or odd aspect.
  • 吹小号的体力方面
    The mechanical aspect of trumpet playing.
  • 特别指定的一个面(以有别于默认的那一个面)。
    an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect).
  • (二三)第三是国际面。
    23. Third, take the international aspect.
  • 很困难的情形的可安慰的面。
    a consoling aspect of a difficult situation.
  • 生活或活动的一面。
    a particular aspect of life or activity.
  • 在这面,法语与英语不同。
    In this aspect, French differs from English.
  • 忽视这一面,是错误的。
    It is wrong to ignore this aspect.
  • 这是一方面。
    This is one aspect of the matter.
  • 这是一方面的情形。
    This is one aspect of the situation.
  • (七四)然而在另一面,则适得其反。
    74. But there is another and exactly opposite aspect.
  • 惠灵顿在每一面都几站活跃起来了。
    It has come alive in almost every aspect.
  • 人或事物外在的可视的面。
    outward or visible aspect of a person or thing.
  • 感觉敏感的部位感情中最个人的和最敏感的
    The most personal and sensitive aspect of the emotions.
  • 腿腓骨后的位于身体中轴后的如小腿的后部或上手臂的中间部分
    Located behind an axis of the body, as the lateral aspect of the lower leg or the medial aspect of the upper arm.
  • 学生不仅要在智育面,而且要在德育和体育面得到发展。
    Students will not only be at the aspect of intellectual education, and will get the development at the aspect of moral education and physical culture.
  • 长处,优点好的、有价值的、有用的部分或
    A good, valuable, or useful part or aspect.
  • 呈现出一种形式、品质或面。
    take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect.
  • 从现实退回到较早的或较不成熟的感情或行为式的一种自卫机能。
    a defense mechanism in which you flee from reality by assuming a more infantile state.
  • 甚至打了10年仗之后,双仍无求和之意。
    Even after ten years of war, neither side was willing to hold out the olive branch.
  • 一种基于通过矫正肌肉骨骼系统来治愈疾病的治疗法。
    therapy based on the assumption that restoring health is best accomplished by manipulating the skeleton and muscles.
  • 我个人也盼望着这些假设是真的,并且这个世界的和平、友爱和理解在某种式上是未来的副产品。
    I myself am hoping that such assumption are tr ue and that world peace, love, understanding, will somehow be future byproducts.
  • (英国)办理人身生命保险的地
    (British) life assurance office.
  • 形势变化明显有利,买主可能会同意你所提的上述保证。
    Situation apparently turning favorable buyer wily to compromise upon your assurance as above
  • 共同努力会保证你我双之间的业务得到更好的发展。
    Joint efforts will assure better progress in our business.
  • 保证当尽最大努力与贵合作,谢谢。
    Thank you and assure you of our best cooperation.
  • 保证向贵随时提供最佳服务。
    We assure you of our best services at all times.
  • 我可以向您保证,我市场一直很稳定。
    I can assure you that our market has been quite stable.
  • 请放心,贵提供的资料我一定严格保密.
    Please be assured that we will keep any information.
  • 我们的买主保证下次赔偿,请尽力说服卖同意。
    Our buyer assuring later compensation try utmost persuade seller to agree.
  • 亚述语阿卡得的亚述
    The Assyrian dialects of Akkadian.
  • 我希望查理不会认为我关于挑选一个便的时候去生病这番话是针对他的:我忘了他常因哮喘病不能工作。
    I hope Charlie didn't think that remark of mine about picking a very convenient time to be ill was for his benefit: I quite forgot how often he has to be off work with asthma.