  • 分析语法结构
    To analyze grammatical structure.
  • 解标本;析句子;解一种化学混合物。
    analyze a specimen; analyze a sentence; analyze a chemical compound.
  • 析莎士比亚的十四行诗;析犯罪案件的证据。
    analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare; analyze the evidence in a criminal trial; analyze your real motives.
  • 析一下今天的金融市场。
    analyze today's financial market.
  • 难懂的难于理解或析的
    Not easy to understand or analyze.
  • 用心理析法析和诊断
    To analyze and treat by psychoanalysis.
  • 色谱法通过层析法离和
    To separate and analyze by chromatography.
  • 进行析,解决或理解
    To analyze, solve, or comprehend.
  • 难下定义、描述或析的
    Impossible to define, describe, or analyze.
  • 利用光镜析光谱。
    the use of spectroscopes to analyze spectra.
  • 我们必须在实验室析标本。
    In the laboratory we were required to analyze specimens.
  • 本文提出了析…的可行性的过程
    This paper introduces an applicable procedure to analyze...
  • 作句法析对(从句或句子)作结构上的
    To analyze the structure of(a clause or sentence).
  • 通过析一个句子的组成要素来做句法析。
    analyze syntactically by assigning a constituent structure to (a sentence).
  • 这位领导试图析研究我们失败的原因。
    The leader tried to analyze the causes of our failure.
  • 析,评估评论…的优点和缺点;析和评价
    To judge the merits and faults of; analyze and evaluate.
  • 语言学家的主要兴趣一直在于析并描述语言。
    The linguist main interest has been to analyze and describe language.
  • 语言学家的主要兴趣一直在於析并描述语言。
    The linguist ' main interest have is to analyze and describe language.
  • 我准备析和研究这些产品的质量。
    I am going to analyze and study the quality of these products.
  • 然后这些图像将被下载到电脑里供医生们进行析和研究。
    These images are then downloaded to a computer for doctors to analyze.
  • 我们并未尝试析这些不同反应。
    We have made no attempt to analyze the differences in the reflections.
  • 让我们大家都撇开个人感情,对这个问题作出合理的析。
    Let's set aside our personal feelings and try to analyze the problem rationally.
  • 再仔细析一下,我们可以看出这是完全错误的。
    Again carefully analyze one time, we can make out that this is completely incorrect.
  • 全是狂人,不过,凡是能够析自己的妄想者就被称为哲学家。
    All are lunatics, but he who can analyze he delusion is called a philosopher.
  • 全是狂人,不过,凡是能够析自己的妄想者就被称为哲学家。
    All are lunatic, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher.
  • 全是狂人,不过,凡是能够析自己的妄想者就被称为哲学家。
    All is lunatic, but he who can analyze his delusion is call a philosopher.
  • 让我们大家都撇开个人感情,对这个问题作出合理的析。
    We should set our personal feeling by and try to analyze the problem rationally.
  • 解把(如输入的信息)解成更易处理的组成部或加以析。用于计算机软件中
    To analyze or separate(input, for example) into more easily processed components. Used of software.
  • 解构,拆析遵循结构原则而写或析(例如,文学作品)
    To write about or analyze(a literary text, for example), following the tenets of deconstruction.
  • 评估小组在选择产品之前,应该析文化与开发两组的差别。
    An evaluation team should analyze both sets of differences -- cultural and developmental -- before selecting a product.
  • 6.析你所失败的事例,并找出失败的原因,在不如意时应寻求等值的正面回报。
    6. Analyze all your setbacks and determine their causes.Discover the seed of equivalent benefit in each circumstance.
  • 深思熟虑的学者们第一步先精确析了烟熏层的化学成
    The first thing the circumspect scholars did was accurately analyze the chemical composition of the soot layer.