  • 5个人死于共汽车相撞。
    Five persons died during the collision between two buses.
  • 火车和共汽车是共交通工具。
    Railroad trains and buses are public conveyances.
  • 只要(共)汽车没误点,他应该就要到家了。
    He should be home soon provided [providing] the buses haven't been held up.
  • 共汽车每隔10分钟一辆.
    The buses go every 10 minutes.
  • 用旧共汽车应急来安置难民.
    Old buses were pressed into service as emergency housing for the refugees.
  • 共汽车频繁地从城市驶往机场.
    Buses run frequently from the city to the airport.
  • 共汽车在这里停吗?
    Do the buses stop here?
  • 共汽车已经取代了电车。
    Buses have replaced streetcar.
  • 共汽车已经取代了电车。
    Buses have replaced trams.
  • 主要是共汽车和出租车。
    Buses and taxis, mainly.
  • 共汽车每半小时一班
    The buses run half-hourly.
  • 公共汽车上很挤吗?
    Are the buses very crowded?
  • 有人要求时,共汽车在此停车。
    Buses stop here on request.
  • 我在哪儿换乘共汽车?
    Where do I chang buses?
  • 本市共汽车非常方便。
    Buses are convenient in our city.
  • 车定期往返于那两个城市之间。
    Buses ply between the two cities.
  • 那儿有两辆共汽车。
    There are two buses over there.
  • 这些共汽车是开往南京的。
    The buses are destined for Nanjing.
  • 共汽车每10分钟一班。
    The buses run every ten minutes.
  • 共汽车要到12点以后才停开。
    The buses run until after twelve.
  • 他们把人们塞进共汽车。
    They crowded people into the buses.
  • 那儿有两辆共汽车。
    There is two buses over there.
  • 警察:一般来说,共汽车是双层的。
    Buses are double-deckers as a rule.
  • 共汽车和出租车空档慢转时噪音很大。
    Buses and taxis tick over rather noisily.
  • 去牛津的共汽车每半小时开一班。
    Buses to Oxford run every half hour.
  • 共汽车在市场旁停靠吗?
    Do the buses stop at the market?
  • 在你居住的城市里,共汽车已取代电车了吗?
    Have buses replaced trams in your town?
  • 我向他查询到车站的共汽车。
    I inquireed about buses to the station.
  • 共汽车真是太讨厌了。
    I'm really sick of waiting for buses.
  • 街上有四辆共汽车。
    There are four buses in the street.
  • 清洁燃料交车增加到4000辆。
    The number of LPG-fueled buses increased to 4000.
  • 骑车族欢迎新的共汽车。
    the riding public welcomed the new buses.