  • 这些实用节目改变了广大球迷的收视习惯,并使各地许多电视台因无法与espn竞而减少了体育节目的比重。
    These practical programs changed the watching habits of huge fans.Furthermore, it made many TV stations of other places unable to com-pete with ESPN and thus have to reduce their proportions of sports programs.
  • 进行简短、细小的吵。
    engage in a brief and petty quarrel.
  • 我弟弟力得到哲学博士学位。
    My brother aims for a Ph.D.
  • 我们的斗进入了一个新阶段。
    Our struggle has entered upon a new phase.
  • 我们要同这种现象作严厉的斗
    We must wage a stern struggle against this phenomenon.
  • 因为这种奇怪现象必定伴着另外一件奇怪现象,那就是白色政权之间的战
    For this unusual phenomenon can occur only in conjunction with another unusual phenomenon, namely, war within the White regime.
  • 教师问电影是否能帮助他们理解,菲尔先说他从影片中学到很多东西。
    When the teacher asked if the film helped them to understand, Phil led off by saying that he learned a lot from it.
  • 赫拉克利特希腊哲学家,他坚持斗和变化是宇宙的自然状态的观点
    Greek philosopher who maintained that strife and change are natural conditions of the universe.
  • 至2005年使50%的社区居委会和20%的乡镇建立国民体质测试站,2008年力达到100%。
    By 2005, 50% of the urban community residents' committees and 20% of the rural townships will have national physique monitoring and testing stations, and by 2008 such stations are expected to be available in all urban community residents' committees and rural townships.
  • 科技发展一日千里,日新月异。我们必须全面培育下一代,务使他们在德、智、体、群、美各方面有均衡发展,以应付未来的挑战,保持香港在世界上的竞优势。
    As technology develops rapidly, we must provide our children with quality education for all-round development in areas including ethics, the intellect, the physique, social skills and aesthetics to enable them to cope with challenges ahead and to maintain Hong Kong's competitive edge in the world.
  • 期间,信息的传达更多的是靠传信鸽而不是飞机。
    during battle, messages conveyed by carrier pigeon got through more often than those sent by plane.
  • 我腻烦了总是夹在吵双方的中间。
    I'm sick of being piggy in the middle all the time.
  • 如在战中攻击;掠夺抢劫
    To raid, as in war; sack or pillage.
  • (尤指战时)抢劫用武力抢劫财物,尤其是战期间;劫掠
    To rob of goods by force, especially in time of war; pillage.
  • 战利品战时期掠夺的财物;掠夺物
    Valuables pillaged in time of war; spoils.
  • 期间,在一个地方进行掠夺或进行破坏性的袭击。
    make a pillaging or destructive raid on (a place), as in wartimes.
  • 这座纪念碑是献给所有在战中牺牲的人的。
    This pillar is a monument to all those who died in the war.
  • 她非常了解情况,竟然还记得一位学生的祖父曾在战期间为她和乔治六世开过飞机。
    She is very well briefed; she even remembered a young pupil's grandfather who had piloted her and George VI during the war.
  • 一场兄弟之间直接对立的战
    A war that pitted brother against brother.
  • 令瓦赫特尔法官与曼哈顿地方检察官摩根索互相对抗的持,在于如何使用位于中央街80号州政府所拥有的一栋九层楼房。
    The disagreement, which has pitted Judge Sol Wachtler against Manbhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, is over how to use a nine-story, state-owned building at 80 Centre Street.
  • 整个战的成败仅取决于一次战役。
    The whole war pivoted on a single battle.
  • 这个斗是第二时期即革命时期的中心斗
    It is the pivotal struggle in the second period, the period of revolutionary action.
  • 这个第二阶段是整个战的过渡阶段,也将是最困难的时期,然而它是转变的枢纽。
    This second stage will be the transitional stage of the entire war; It will be the most trying period but also the pivotal one.
  • 当李宗仁唐生智战向湖南发展时,茶陵的小地主向农民求和,有送猪肉给农民过年的(这时红军已退出茶陵向遂川去了)。
    When the war between Li Tsung-jen and Tang Sheng-chih spread to Hunan, the small landlords in Chaling tried to placate the peasants, and some even sent them pork as a New Year gift (though by then the Red Army had already withdrawn from Chaling to Suichuan).
  • 要强调的是,除了更重视敌我竞力的分析,孙子还把它的重要性摆在知天知地之上。
    Besides placing more emphasis on competitive analysis, it is significant to note that Sun Zi placed it before understanding the weather and terrain.
  • 肖恩·博伊恩是军事杂志《简氏军事评论》的记者,他在1997年写的文章经过政府的"一番取舍",竟摇身一变出现在了一份长达19页的政府文件中,为首相布莱尔的战主张摇旗呐喊。
    Mr Boyne, who works for military magazine Jane's Intelligence Review. Articles he wrote in 1997 were plagiarized for a 19-page intelligence document to add weight to the PM's warmongering.
  • 河北平原、山东的北部和西北部平原,已经发展了广大的游击战,是平地能够发展游击战的证据。
    Indeed, the widespread guerrilla warfare in the plains of Hopei and of northern and northwestern Shantung proves that it is possible to develop guerrilla warfare in the plains.
  • 当你没有辩的根据之时,就辱骂原告吧。
    When you have no basis for an argument, abuse the plaintiff.
  • 不但高级干部要学,连排干部也要学,都要懂得现代化战
    Not only high-level cadres, but also cadres at company and platoon levels, should study so that they will all know what modern warfare is.
  • 为失业者的权利据理力
    pleading the rights of the unemployed
  • 拥护演说,请求或辩以支持…
    To speak, plead, or argue in favor of.
  • “你就不要介入吵了,”罗姆尼太太向丈夫恳求道:“已经有够多的人在这里大吵大嚷的了。”
    “Now don’t you join the fray, ” Mrs Romney pleaded with her husband. “There’s enough people shouting their heads off in here already.”