  • 他们可正坐在甲板上。
    They'll be sitting on deck.
  • 他们可正坐在甲板上。
    They 'll be sitting on deck.
  • 引发严重灾难的形势
    A potentially catastrophic situation
  • 这次他设法爬进了基特罗火山口,以便拍到照片,测量温度。
    This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures.
  • 起初伯德和他的助手们够拍下许多横亘于下的群山的照片。
    At first, Byrd and his men were able to take a great many photographs of the mountains that lay below.
  • 这部机器仅够放进5便士的硬币。
    This machine only takes 5-pence coins.
  • 这种新止痛药不需要很长时间就发挥止痛作用。
    This new pain-killer doesn't take long to act on the pain?
  • 我但愿自己年轻三十岁。
    I wish I were 30 years younger.
  • 我希望你找到一个好职业。
    I wish (that) you would get a good job.
  • 我希望现在看到他。
    I wish I could see him now.
  • 但愿我变成一只鸟。
    I wish I were [was] a bird.
  • 用于说明具有16种可值或状态的一种选择、挑选或条件。
    Pertaining to a selection, choice, or condition that has sixteen possible values or states.
  • 我认为咱们不在家时不把孩子都硬塞给你父母看管。
    I don't think we can wish the children on your parents while we're away.
  • 六是世博会游客接待力进一步提高。
    Sixthly, the capacity of tourist reception for the Expo `99 is further improving.
  • 我的书加上的弟弟的书够办成一个不小的图书馆了;我们有火鸡和所需的调料
    My books, with my brother's, make a sizable library. We had turkey with all the trimmings.
  • 电话公司需花数年时间及巨额投资,才将所需光纤网建成。
    It would take the phone companies several years and a sizable investment to put the required fiber optic networks in place.
  • 鉴于可有很大误差,我在安大略湖上划出32平方英里的区域,我认为两艘沉船肯定在这个区域内。
    Allowing a sizable margin for error, I marked off a32-square-mile section lf Lake Ontario where I thought the two ships must lie.
  • 不说多了,每个月打得一个较大的胜仗,如像平型关台儿庄一类的,就大大地沮丧敌人的精神,振起我军的士气,号召世界的声援。
    If each month we could win one sizable victory like that at Pinghsingkuan or Taierhchuang, not to speak of more, it would greatly demoralize the enemy, stimulate the morale of our own forces and evoke international support.
  • 不同的数据在不同的机器上可有不同的大小,所以在进行一些对大小敏感的运算时,程序员必须对那些类型有多大做到心中有数。
    Different data types might be different sizes on different machines, so the programmer must find out how big those types are when performing operations that are sensitive to size.
  • "土地是宝贵的,一寸土地也不让它荒废。"
    Land is valuable. Not an inch of land is allowed to lie waste.
  • 没有任何力量够阻止社会的进步。
    No force on earth can hold back the progress of the society.
  • 任何种类及大小的宠物都带给人们相伴与爱的感觉。
    Little creatures of all shapes and sizes can provide companionship and love.
  • 牛仔裤和斜纹棉布衬衫是众人常穿的吗?那着装随便些是不成问题的,可在最初几周内老板还在品评你时,你可需要着装上心些。
    Are jeans and denim shirts the norm? Then it's okay to go causal,although you may want to dress up a little the first few weeks when the boss is sizing you up.
  • 必须以宽广的眼界观察世界,正确把握时代发展的要求,善于进行理论思维和战略思维,不断提高科学判断形势的力;
    They must view the world with broad vision, acquire a correct understanding of the requirements of the times and be good at thinking on a theoretical plane and in a strategic perspective so as to improve their ability of sizing up the situation in a scientific way.
  • 灵活,是聪明的指挥员,基于客观情况,“审时度势”(这个势,包括敌势、我势、地势等项)而采取及时的和恰当的处置方法的一种才,即是所谓“运用之妙”。
    Flexibility consists in the intelligent commander's ability to take timely and appropriate measures on the basis of objective conditions after "judging the hour and sizing up the situation" (the "situation" includes the enemy's situation, our situation and the terrain), and this flexibility is "in genuity in varying tactics".
  • 在为抗日民族统一战线和民主共和国的一切任务而奋斗时,共产党员应该作到最有远见,最富于牺牲精神,最坚定,而又最虚心体会情况,依靠群众的多数,得到群众的拥护。
    In the fight to fulfil all the tasks of the anti-Japanese national united front and the democratic republic, Communists should be the most far-sighted, the most self-sacrificing, the most resolute, and the least prejudiced in sizing up situations, and should rely on the majority of the masses and win their support.
  • 游泳,但他不滑冰。
    He can swim, but he can not skate.
  • 冰鞋上在冰上滑行的部分。
    the part of the skate that slides on the ice.
  • 如果你认为一下子就学会花样溜冰,那你就是想入非非了。
    If you think you can learn to figure skate in one lesson, you're off your trolley.
  • 每个人都学滑冰,关键是不怕偶尔摔跤。
    Anyone can learn to skate. The thing is not to be frightened of taking a tumble occasionally.
  • 这冰的厚度禁得住在上边滑冰吗?
    Is the ice thick enough for skating?
  • 借给我点儿钱吗?我明天就可以还给你。
    Can you lend me some money - I can pay you back tomorrow.