  • 他的个人日程表上记着四月五日有三个会。
    There is a notation of three appointments on his personal calendar for April 5.
  • 翰创下了一个新纪录。
    John has notched up a new record.
  • 翰上班迟到出名了。
    John is noted for arriving late for work.
  • 由于贵公司交货延期过长,因此我公司已取消契,特此通知。
    Due to your excessive delay in delivery, we notify you of our cancellation of contract.
  • 烦请通知买方,我们将信用证内cf纽更改为买方负担运费。
    Kindly notify the buyers that we shall make an amendment in the L/C freight collect instead of C& F New York.
  • 烦请通知买方,我们将信用证内c&f纽更改为买方负担运费。
    Kindly notify the buyer that we shall make an amendment in the l/c freight collect instead of c& f New York.
  • 黎里,翰1554?-1606英国剧作家和小说家,写了许多对英国戏剧产生深远影响的喜剧
    English playwright and novelist who wrote a number of comedies that influenced English drama.
  • 我是怎样掐自己,扎自己,揉眼睛,站起来,又坐下,而且用胳膊肘碰瑟夫,要他告诉我他有没有讲完的时候。
    How I pinched and pricked myself, and rubbed my eyes, and stood up, and sat down again, and nudged Joseph to inform me if he would ever have done.
  • 私下签订的条已宣布无效。
    The treaty which was signed in private has been declared null and void.
  • 但是中国人民反对日本帝国主义的斗争,以及其他帝国主义国家的干涉,使得经过那时的卖国头子袁世凯签了字的对日屈服投降的条二十一条,不得不宣告无效。
    But the treaty surrendering China to Japan, the Twenty-one Demands signed by Yuan Shih-kai, the arch-traitor of that time, was inevitably rendered null and void as a result of the Chinese people's fight against Japanese imperialism and of the intervention by other imperialist powers.
  • 废除制定,宣布免除或无效,如婚或法律;废除
    To make or declare void or invalid, as a marriage or a law; nullify.
  • (女)修道会宣誓在修道院院长管理下过修行生活并受誓言束的(尤指由修女们组成的)团体
    A community, especially of nuns, bound by vows to a religious life under a superior.
  • 现在,全国共有佛教寺庙9500余处,僧人17万人;
    There are now over 9,500 Buddhist temples and monasteries with about 170,000 monks and nuns in the country.
  • 现在中国有佛教寺院1.3万余座,出家僧尼20万人,其中藏语系佛教的喇嘛、尼姑12万人,活佛1700余人,寺院3000余座;巴利语系佛教的比丘、长老近万人,寺院1600余座。
    Currently China has 13,000-some Buddhist temples and about 200,000 Buddhist monks and nuns. Among them are 120,000 lamas and nuns, more than 1,700 Living Buddhas, and 3,000-some temples of Tibetan Buddhism and nearly 10,000 Bhiksu and senior monks and more than 1,600 temples of Pali Buddhism.
  • 的东边;东方城市。
    the east side of NY; eastern cities.
  • 我们应该在10点到纽
    We're supposed to get to NY at 10.
  • 李先生已按期离开北京,将于20日10点10分抵达纽
    Mr. Lee left Beijing on schedule rl is NY 1010 20
  • 大西洋东部从纽到墨西哥海湾北部的水域中大一些的酪鱼。
    larger driftfishes of eastern Atlantic from NY area to northern Gulf of Mexico.
  • 这一词语所保存的最早的用法来自特洛伊报,纽特洛伊报1813年9月3日有如下一段文字:
    The earliest surviving use of the term is from the Troy, NY Troy Post of 3 September 1813:
  • 由美国纽州通用食品公司核准,中美合资广州广通食品有限公司生产。
    Manufactured by Sino-American Guangtong Food CO. LTD., Guangzhou, under license from General Foods corporation, NY USA.
  • 我们想试订购五部,请惠告cif纽价格及其他有关条件。
    We will like to have five unit as trial dr pls. adv. per net candy ny price n other term involve.
  • 我们想试订购五部,请惠告cif纽价格及其他有关条件。
    We would like to have five units as trial dr pls. adv. per net candy NY price and other term involed
  • 你可以相信老翰;他是一个坚强的人。
    You can rely on old John; he's a heart of oak.
  • 安提克加利福尼亚州西部一城市,位于奥克兰东北,萨克拉门托河口附近的圣昆河岸边。这里是加工业和船运中心。人口62,195
    A city of western California northeast of Oakland on the San Joaquin River near the mouth of the Sacramento River. It is a processing and shipping center. Population,62, 195.
  • 在誓之下宣称是真实的。
    asserted as true under oath.
  • 庄严地发誓给某人庄严的誓
    To give one's solemn oath.
  • 受到或者好像受到誓言的束。
    bound by or as if by an oath.
  • 使负义务为合或誓言的法律责任所
    To place under legal obligation by contract or oath.
  • 受到束的或者负有义务的,例如发誓效忠特定的目标、行动或者看法。
    bound or obligated, as under a pledge to a particular cause, action, or attitude.
  • 和期权不同的是,远期合同束你在未来的日子里吸购或卖出某个资产,不过,价钱则在今天制定。
    Unlike options, a forward contract makes you obligated to either buy or sell an asset at a future date, but at a price determined today.
  • 和期权不同的是,远期合同束你在未来的日子里吸购或卖出某个资产,不过,价钱则在今天制定。
    Unlike options, a forward contract makes you obligated you to either buy or sell an asset at a future date, but at a price determined today.
  • 中国在加入该条之前即承诺履行该机构规的义务,包括保障监督的义务。
    Even prior to acceding to the treaty, China undertook to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the IAEA Statute, including the obligation to apply IAEA safeguard.