  • 那位年轻的新娘抱怨说她被关在一幢维多利亚式楼上,远自己的亲友。
    The young bride complained that she was incarcerated in Victorian mansion, far from her relatives and friends.
  • 年轻的新娘抱怨说,她被关在维多利亚式的宅第里,远亲戚和朋友。
    The young bride complained that she was incarcerated in a Victorian Mansion, far from her relatives and friends.
  • 他的奥地利祖父是位歌剧演员,这位演员突然出人意料地开了他撇在维也纳的妻子。
    His Austrian grandfather was an opera singer who abruptly upped and left his wife in Vienna.
  • 香港也有资助越南国内一些多人境的贫穷地区,进行小型基建计划。
    Hong Kong has also contributed to some small-scale infrastructural projects in the poorer migrant-producing areas in Vietnam.
  • 物体的外观形象受观察者的物体的距所决定的。
    the appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer.
  • 但是,领袖们还是需要注意在社会边缘徘徊的"迷途羔羊"或经叛道者。
    But leaders will need to be vigilant of the "strayers" or deviants who operate at the fringes of society.
  • 文森特因为骑车太快不幸出事而开了我们。他一直是那么匆忙,忙得甚至忘了要活着。
    Vincent died riding his bike too fast, always in a hurry, too busy even to live.
  • 在随后的六个月内,金额相若的资金撤亚洲。
    Then, within the next six months, virtually the same amount left the region.
  • 我明白地让来访者
    I expressly ordered the visitor to leave.
  • 我们必须快速离开。
    It is vital that we move quickly.
  • 然而,人们对早期的家庭手工业依然记忆犹新,诸如“9点至5点”之类的职工组织已经在对可能受到剥削的远距工作者表示关切了。
    However the memories of earlier cottage industries live on, and already clerical organizations like "9 to 5" are voicing concern for exploitable telecommuters.
  • 在门口停下来说了临别的最后一句话;比利舅舅开时迸发出来的咒骂——布瑞特·哈特。
    paused to deliver a parting shot at the door; a Parthian volley of expletives from Uncle Billy- Bret Harte.
  • 保留水单,以防开这个国家时还用得着。
    Keep your exchange vouchers as you may need to show them when you are leaving the country.
  • 印第安人常常袭击马车队后,迅速逃
    The Indians often made hit and run attacks on wagon trains.
  • 爱丽丝也没有感到奇,虽然过后,她认为这事应该奇怪,可当时她的确感到很自然,但是兔于竟然从背心口袋里袭里掏出一块怀表看看,然后又匆匆忙忙跑了。
    (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondere.d at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually TOOK A WATCH OUT OF ITS WAISTCOAT- POCKET, and looked at it, and then hurried on.
  • 步行可至的距;有停车场的工厂……比步行可至的工厂更方便。
    walking distance; the factory with the big parking lot...is more convenient than the walk-to factory.
  • 这一数字比中距步行者低一半以上,相当于短距步行者的1/5。
    This was more than twice the drop seen in the intermediate walkers, and five times that in short walkers.
  • “长距步行者”每天步行2o到40分钟。
    The "long walkers" took a hike of between 2O and 40 minutes every day.
  • 在大监狱里,囚犯们都被一个个小房间隔
    In the large prison they walled off a little cell off each prisoner.
  • 请不要离题。
    Please don't wander off the point.
  • 离题
    wander from the subject [point]
  • 不要离开正题。
    Do not wander from the subject.
  • 不要离题。
    Don't wander off the point.
  • 徘徊,偏直达的路线。
    wander from a direct or straight course.
  • 你谈得离题太远了。
    You wander too far from the subject.
  • 不要让你的思路开争论的主题。
    Don't let your mind wander from the main point as issue.
  • 别让你心思开争论之点。
    Don't let your mind wander from the main point at issue.
  • 它会在地板上四下走动,受光线的吸引,撞上障碍物后会从障碍物开。
    It would wander around the floor, attracted to light, and hit obstacles and move away from them.
  • 在简职的时候,每个人都出钱给她买了礼物。
    Everybody contributed to wards Jane's present when he left the office.
  • 我们在一个仓库附近驶大路。
    We pulled off near a warehouse.
  • 我们在一个仓库附近驶大路,进入路旁停车处。
    We pulled off the road near a warehouse.
  • 你最好开英国到比较暖和的国家去住。
    You'd better quit England and live in a warmer country.