  • 你要有格的纸还是纸?
    Do you want ruled paper or plain?
  • 我明地告诉他,如果他再说这种话,我就要打得他灵魂出窍。
    I told him plainly that if he ever said such a thing again. I would knock the stuffing out of him.
  • 他的坦简直太愚蠢了!
    His plainness is just stupid!
  • 印度的一种树,晚间开色花,有香味,红色木材做地板之用;常作为装饰树或遮荫树。
    Indian tree having fragrant nocturnal white flowers and yielding a reddish wood used for planking; often grown as an ornamental or shade tree.
  • 温暖海洋中大型银色鱼,任何地方都有但都不常见;象鲸并以浮游生物为食。
    large silvery fish found worldwide in warm seas but nowhere common; resembles a whale and feeds on plankton.
  • 人体血浆中含有多种抗体的蛋质部分。
    a protein fraction of human blood plasma containing numerous antibodies.
  • 用来制作塑料和胶粘剂的乳蛋
    a milk protein used in making e.g. plastics and adhesives.
  • pfc会产生暂时性血小板数量降低,而多数血红蛋则导致临时血压升高。
    PFCs cause a transient drop in platelet counts, while most of the hemoglobins cause a temporary increase in blood pressure.
  • 红血球和血球和血小板减少的血液混乱状态。
    a disorder characterized by an abnormal reduction in the blood of erythrocytes and leukocytes and blood platelets.
  • 在技术上被称为"氧气疗法",它们旨在替代的只是担负运送氧气的红细胞,并非血液的全部包括其他成分如血浆、血小板和抗感染的细胞。
    Known technically as"oxygen therapeutics, " they aim to replace only oxygen-bearing red cells rather than whole blood with its additional plasma, platelets and infection-fighting white cells.
  • 者走子的弈棋者
    The player using these pieces.
  • 英格兰队穿著蓝色运动衣进行比赛。
    England are playing in the blue and white strip.
  • 你恳求那种人将是费力气。
    With that kind of man you will plead in vain.
  • 那幢洁的建筑与周围葱翠的松木交相辉映,令人赏心悦目。
    The white building contrasts pleasantly with the green pines round about.
  • 本星期买胡萝卜和洋菜最合算,因货源充足,价格低廉.
    Best buys of the week are carrots and cabbages, which are plentiful and cheap.
  • 在严寒天气,他们的排气管在灰色的街道上吐著缕缕烟。
    In the sub-zero weather, their exhaust plumb white in the grey street.
  • 在严寒天气,他们的排气管在灰色的街道上吐著缕缕烟。
    In the sub zero weather, their exhaust plumb white in the grey street.
  • 任何石墨属花丹科的植物。
    any plumbaginaceous plant of the genus Plumbago.
  • 花丹属植物一种花丹属植物;欧洲蓝茉莉
    Any of various plants of the genus Plumbago; leadwort.
  • 欧洲蓝茉莉任一种生长于热带的花丹属植物,开成串的色彩各异的花朵
    Any of various chiefly tropical plants of the genus Plumbago, having clusters of variously colored flowers.
  • 英国品种,尾部有羽状毛,柔软如丝的皮毛主要为色。
    an English breed having a plumed tail and a soft silky coat that is chiefly white.
  • 繁殖季节时长有长羽毛的通常是色的多种鹭。
    any of various usually white herons having long plumes during breeding season.
  • 坦白讲出税额
    Spoke out plump for the tax bill.
  • 珍贵的北大西洋食用鱼色的瘦肉;通常烘焙或水煮。
    lean white flesh of important North Atlantic food fish; usually baked or poached.
  • 那个姑娘挨我那样近,他想——他立马明了,是她偷了他的钱夹。
    The girl who was so near to me, he thinks-and all at once he understands that she has picked his pocked.
  • 我买了个新打火机,可是已经坏了;我花了五镑。
    I bought a new cigarette lighter and it broke; now I'm £5 out of pocket.
  • 话音未落,一位满脸皱纹、6英尺高、发瘦长的老人出现在门口欢迎我们,在门道他张开有力的臂膀,伸出大手,请我们进去。
    No sooner did I hear the voice than a wrinkle faced,six foot tall,white haired pogo stick of a man was greeting us at the door,swooping his big,open hand and strong arm across the doorway,inviting us in.
  • 朱兰,朱兰花一种朱兰属陆生小兰花,生长在北温带,开粉色或微的花
    Any of various small terrestrial orchids of the genus Pogonia, of the North Temperate Zone, having pink or whitish flowers.
  • 苔丝心里有鬼但现在却变得模糊了,直到爱情真挚的表才使她尖刻地意识到她在这个男人的世界里所处的境遇。
    Tess's spector loomed but vaguely now, until love's honest declaration brought her to poignant realization of her situation in this man-made world.
  • 我不明她最后那句话的意思。
    I don't see the point of her last remark.
  • 在德国培育的肝褐色或褐色猎狗;3/4猎犬和1/4警犬。
    liver or liver-and-white hunting dog developed in Germany; 3/4 pointer and 1/4 bloodhound.
  • 北美的一种草本植物,具有的、有毒的浆果。
    North American herb with white poisonous berries.