  • 肥沃的件、本质及程度
    The condition, quality, or degree of being fertile.
  • 他在无聊地玩弄一绳子。
    He was fiddling with a piece of string.
  • 这孩子害怕那外表凶恶的狗。
    The child was scared of the fierce looking dog.
  • 我们没惹那暴怒的狗。
    We let the fierce dog alone.
  • 发狂的狗向警察发动袭击。
    The fierce dog flew at the policeman.
  • 我在十五分钟内钓到了六鳟鱼。
    I caught six trout in fifteen minutes.
  • 关於fifteen和fifteenth的用法见five和fifth词中的示例
    For the use of fifteen and fifteenth see the examples at five and fifth
  • 通过需要有所投票数的四分之三票,但第十三和本款的修正案需要有所投票数的五分之四票。
    Adoption shall require three fourths of the votes cast, provided that any amendment to Article 13, and to the present paragraph, shall require four fifths of the votes cast.
  • 然后汇合很多小流,成一大河,把一切腐朽黑暗的东西都冲洗干净,新民主主义的宪政就出来了。
    The many little streams will merge into a great river to wash away all that is rotten and filthy, and new-democratic constitutional government will emerge.
  • 他第一个发现一鲨鱼的三角形鳍向我们游来。
    He is the first to spy the triangle fin of a shark came towards us.
  • 他第一个发现一鲨鱼的三角形鳍向我们游来。
    He is the first to spy the triangle fin of a shark come towards us.
  • "我决不接受这些件,这是不能改变的!"
    "I won't accept the terms, and that's final!"
  • 政府将用它所征得的税收为修建这新公路提供资金。
    The government will finance the building of the new roads with the taxes it collects.
  •  第一百零六香港特别行政区保持财政独立。
    Article 106 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have independent finances.
  • 第一,六方针有一个重大的政治目的,就是要把国家财政放在经常的、稳固的、可靠的基础上。
    First, an important political aim is to put the country's finances on a long-term stable, reliable foundation.
  •    第一百一十七民族自治地方的自治机关有管理地方财政的自治权。
    Article 117. The organs of self-government of the national autonomous areas have the power of autonomy in administering the finances of their areas.
  • 财政监督条例
    The Regulations on Financial Supervision
  • 巴林,亚历山大1774-1848英国金融家和国家官员,参加了英国同美国的谈判并签订了确定加拿大与缅因边界的约(1842年)
    British financier and public official who concluded the treaty between Great Britain and the United States that defined the border between Canada and Maine(1842).
  • 常见的北美洲雀鸟,喉部有白色斑点,头冠为黑白相间的纹。
    common North American finch with a white patch on the throat and black-and-white striped crown.
  • 在惩罚和残酷虐待之间只有一很细微的分界线。
    There's a only very fine line between punishment and cruelty.
  • 越过乐器指板的小的金属;当弦被手指挡住时金属档会发出想要的音调。
    a small bar of metal across the fingerboard of a musical instrument; when the string is stopped by a finger at the metal bar it will produce a note of the desired pitch.
  • 在计算机系统中,在给定件下完成的,由其用途或效果所确定的一个唯一且有限的事件历程。
    In a computer system, a unique, finite course of events defined by its purpose or by its effect, achieved under given conditions.
  • 路上铺满了冷杉针叶。
    The road was covered with fir needles.
  • 对此次订单,如果发生罢工、火灾或其他不可抗拒的事,实在无法避免时,可以变更件,使其接受。
    The order is accepted subject to the unusual, unavoidable condition, such as strike, fires, or cause beyond our control.
  • 请来两三个汉堡包,还要一个大份的炸薯
    A couple of hamburgers and a large order of fires, please.
  • 我们公司有二十电话线路。
    Our firm has twenty lines.
  • 第七十一的第一来啦。
    The First of the Seventy-First is come.
  • 名叫旺达的鱼/笨贼一萝筐
    Fish Called Wanda, A
  • 妈妈油炸了一条鱼。
    Mum fried a fish.
  • 这条鱼冷藏为隹。
    This fish freezes well.
  • 渔夫收了网, 发现有一大金鱼在里面。
    The fisher drew in the net and found a big goldfish in it.
  • 那个打鱼的捕到一特大的鱼。
    The fisherman had caught a whopper.