  • 她一口就那块饼干吃掉了。
    She ate the cookie in one gulp.
  • 饼撒上糖粉;把化肥撒在作物上
    Dusted the cookies with sugar; dust crops with fertilizer.
  • 如果下雨,我们不得不改变外出野餐的计划。
    If it rains we will have to alter our plan for the cookout.
  • 随着世界逐渐变暖,许多栖息地迁移,在较凉的地区重新建立。
    As the world warms up, many habitats are expected to move, re-establishing themselves in cooler places.
  • 但实际情况是,如果有人在冷水机旁碰到你,问:“何谓vpn?”你一时很难给他一个聪明的回答。
    But the truth is, if anyone cornered you at the water cooler and asked, "What is a VPN?" You'd have a hard time giving him an intelligible answer.
  • 如果你少许海水放到瓷盘中蒸发,冷却后就会有普通食盐的结晶附着在盘的四周。
    If you evaporate a little sea water on a porcelain dish; on cooling, crystals of common salt will deposit on the sides of the dish.
  • 我们乐于与您合作。
    We are glad to cooperate with you.
  • 我们乐于与您合作。
    We will be glad to cooperate with you.
  • 他们合作捕捉这些歹徒。
    They will begin to cooperate in the apprehension of these gangster.
  • 我们很高兴在这项工作中和你们合作。
    We shall be very happy to cooperate with you in the work.
  • 如果你履行你的诺言,我们继续同你合作。
    If you act up to your promise, we are going on cooperating with you.
  • 对您的合作我们万分感谢。
    We shall be grateful for your cooperation.
  • 中国钢铁公司在下月做出选择与谁合作的最后决定。
    China steel corporation el make final decision on choose in the cooperative partner next month
  • 中国钢铁公司在下月做出选择与谁合作的最后决定。
    China Steel Corporation will make final decision on choosing in the cooperative partner next month
  • 中国的改革与发展,为促进中国同亚欧各国的友好合作关系提供新的机遇。
    China's reform and development will provide new opportunities for furthering the friendly cooperative relationship between Asian and European countries.
  • 这些座标为你显示出你所在的位置。
    These coordinates should show you your position.
  • 在计算机图形学中,坐标超出显示空间的显示元素显示在显示空间的某个位置上。
    In computer graphics, the display at some point on the display space of the display elements whose coordinates lie outside of the display space.
  • 但总统府的消息认为,萨哈冈辞去总统第一发言人的职务,由总统公共舆论和形象协调人奥提兹接任。
    Presidential sources said Sahagun would step down as chief presidential spokeswoman, and would be replaced by Francisco Ortiz, who is Fox's public opinion and image coordinator.
  • 警察很快就罪犯制服。
    The cop came the criminal over very quickly.
  • 兹订于7月1日,我公司改变名称与组织,特此通知。
    We inform you of an alteration that is to take place in the name and copartnership of this firm on July lst.
  • 由小野田八郎与儿玉幸吉先生所组织的长达10年之久的公司,在6月1日解散。
    On the lst of june next, the copartnership for the past ten year existing between h. onoda and k. kodama, will be dissolve.
  • 特区政府更加提高警觉、不断改进,确保能够领导香港应付未来的挑战。
    I am determined that the SAR Government should be more vigilant and seek to improve its performance so that it can lead Hong Kong effectively in coping with future challenges.
  • 特区政府更加提高警觉,不断改进,确保能够领导香港应付未来的挑战。
    I am determined that the Special Administrative Region Government should be more vigilant and seek to improve its performance so that it can lead Hong Kong effectively in coping with future challenges.
  • 在[纽约皇后区]秋园最高法院法官切塔主审,30岁的康萨里斯在[控辩]双方作开场白时要求认罪换取减刑。
    Edgar Conzalez, 30, copped a plea just before both sides were to make opening statements before Supreme Court Justice Philip Chetta in Kew Gardens.
  • 警察监视那辆车,并且当早晨四点半两个人进入该车并开车离去时,他们扣押。
    The cops staked out the vehicle and took two men into custody after they entered it and drove off at 4:30 a.m.
  • 警方说,警察42岁带着手铐的嫌犯杜邦带到伊丽莎白街警所,控以攻击罪。戈蒂的律师柯特勤立刻前来协助。
    The cops took the suspect, Norman Dupont, 42, in handcuffs to the Elizabeth St. stationhouse, where Dupont was charged with assault. He was assisted in short order by Gotti's lawyer. Bruce Cutler, police said.
  • 根据许多采邑的习惯法,继承人对被继承人已登记在册的不动产所有权,如不在其死后1年内提出要求,就自动丧失。
    By the custom of many manors one shall lose copyhold if he claims it not within a year and a day after the death of his ancestor.
  • 利用内核,开发人员会创建可生成xml的应用程序,并使用一个urloracle9iaswireless内核指向应用程序。
    To utilize the core, a developer creates an application generating XML and points the Oracle9iAS Wireless core to the application with a URL.
  • 瓶塞从瓶中拔出。
    He extracted a cork from a bottle.
  • 康奈尔系统用改进的atm(异步传输方法)技术来解决这个问题,即给每个电话通话分配自己保留的带宽范围。
    The Cornell system will address this problem by using a modified ATM (asynchronous transfer method) technology to give individual telephone conversations their own regions of reserved bandwidth.
  • 窃贼逼入角落并擒住他们
    Cornered the thieves and captured them.
  • 发辫弄蓬松,她的头发高高隆起,摆出一付好像猫儿被狗逼在墙角那样的典型姿态。
    Her tail furred out, her hair rose, and she assumed the typical attitude of a cat close-cornered by a dog.