  • 猫不愿意离开厨房,我只好推它去。
    The cat wouldn't leave my kitchen, so I had to shove it out.
  • 他们在试图铲一条小路来。
    They are trying to shovel a path.
  • 完全能找到她自己的
    Perfectly able to find her own way
  • 他们没有花很多时间就在雪地里铲一条路来。
    It do not take them long to shovel a path through the snow.
  • 他从雪中铲了一条小路。
    He shovelled a path through the snow.
  • 他们在雪中铲了一条小路。
    They shovelled a path through the snow.
  • 我们在草地里铲了一条路。
    We shovelled a path through the grass.
  • 在一次纪念性的海滩聚会中,发生了一场争斗,在场的人推推搡搡大打手。
    On one memorable occasion a fight broke out at a beach party, with everyone punching and shoving.
  • 房主似乎对自己的开价感到心虚,这样,我们充分利用这一优势,又指了这所房子其它的毛病,开一个更低的价格。
    The owner seemed to be weakening about his price, so, shoving home our advantage, we mentioned again the other faults in the house and offered a lower price.
  • 他的良好的教养真的显示来了。
    His good upbringing really shows; The dirty side will show.
  • 把访问者送出去
    Show a visitor out
  • 去看午夜演出
    Caught the midnight show.
  • 暂时的暴露或者示。
    expose or show briefly.
  • 请出示。
    Please show it out.
  • 请出示证件。
    Please show your credentials.
  • 请出示你的护照。
    Please show your passport.
  • 主办百老汇演出
    Promote a Broadway show.
  • 演出10点半开始。
    The show starts at 10:30.
  • 从几内亚独立的那天起,苏联大使就面了,而我们说忽视了他们长达两个月之久,美国大使在八个月之后才露面。
    When Guinea became independent, the Soviet ambassador showed up that very day we didn't recognize them for two months, the American ambassador didn't show up for nearly eight months.
  • 在你清醒的时候,你不会表露你秘密的一面,因为你能控制自己的行为;可在你人睡的时候,你睡觉的姿势会展示真实的你。
    You don't show your secret personality when you're awake because you can control your behavior, but when you're asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you.
  • 第一次故意(严重)犯规(需记载的犯规)裁判员可以亮黄牌,第二次故意(严重)犯规裁判员就可以亮红牌,该队员则被罚场外。
    For a first bookable offence, a referee can show the yellow card. For a second bookable offence he shows the player red card to sent off the field.
  • 乐队在都柏林组织了一场亮相演,很快各大唱片公司的代表都向这群懵懂的男孩儿发了签约邀请。
    The band organized a showcase in Dublin and soon representatives of every major record label were offering the bewildered boys contracts.
  • 1990年是菲佛事业的黄金时代,不同的角色使她脱水而,迎面而来的机遇让她充分地显示了自己的多才多艺。
    The 1990s proved to be a good decade for Pfeiffer, allowing her tobranch out with a variety of roles that kept her from being pigeonholed and provided opportunities for her to showcase her versatility.
  • 个人认为虽属象征,有总比没有好,迟来总比不来好,政府已勇敢地踏第一步,必须“摆事实、讲道理”破解疑惑,让青葱的芳林公园,不仅仅是个“民主橱窗”而已。
    In my opinion, however symbolic, the Speakers' Corner will be a welcome development, and it is better late than never.Since the government has bravely taken the first step, it would be well-advised to go on and clear people's doubts by presenting facts and reasoning things out.This way, the green and clean Hong Lim Park will become more than a "showcase for democracy".
  • 虽然在这次奥运会上苏联只有一块金牌的进帐,但赫尔辛基奥运会仍明显预示:在以后的40年中奖牌的争夺将在两个超级大国——美国和苏联之间进行。
    The soviet Union had only one gold medal to its credit, but the Helsinki Games is an unabashed preview of what was to come for the next 40 years-a medals showdown between the two superpowers, the United States and the USSR.
  • 它通过在应用程序运行时显示分配了多少内存而显示性能的瓶颈。
    JProbe shows up performance bottleneck by showing how much memory is being allocated while an application is running.
  • 体验着害怕或者显示害怕。
    experiencing or showing fear.
  • 感觉到或者表现发怒。
    feeling or showing anger.
  • 感觉或者表达感谢。
    feeling or showing gratitude.
  • 具有或者表现英勇的特点。
    having or showing valor.
  • 需要或者表现努力。
    requiring or showing effort.
  • 表现不愉快和愤怒。
    showing displeasure or anger.