  • 没有任何一个历史时期像今天一样,战是接近于永久和平的。
    Never has there been a historical period such as the present in which war is so close to perpetual peace.
  • 人类一经消灭了资本主义,便到达永久和平的时代,那时候便再也不要战了。
    Once man has eliminated capitalism, he will attain the era of perpetual peace, and there will be no more need for war.
  • 只有目前开始了的战,接近于最后战,就是说,接近于人类的永久和平。
    Only the war which has now begun comes close to being the final war, that is, comes close to the perpetual peace of mankind.
  • 然而,事物的这种状态从一开始就是不稳定的,这些小社会几乎永远处于战状态。
    The duration, however, of this state of things was from the first precarious. These little communities lived in a state of almost perpetual war.
  • (五七)中国抗日战的持久性同取中国和世界的永久和平,是不能分离的。
    57. The protracted nature of China's anti-Japanese war is in separably connected with the fight for perpetual peace in China and the whole world.
  • 法西斯主义和帝国主义要把战延长到无尽期,我们则要把战在一个不很久远的将来给以结束。
    Fascism and imperialism wish to perpetuate war, but we wish to put an end to it in the not too distant future.
  • 与许多饱受战创伤的国家的难民所处的困境相比,政府官员和商业管理者失去所享受的特权就相形见绌了。
    The loss of perquisites enjoyed by government officials and business executives pales in comparison to the plight of refugees in many war-torn countries.
  • 佩里:如果侧重从信息技术来说,我们确实已经不在军事革命的开始阶段,因为我们甚至在海湾战之前就已开始使用目前这些技术。
    DR.PERRY:Yes,If I focus on information technology,we're certainly not at the beginning of it-we have been introducing it now ever since before Desert Storm.
  • 没有共产党的这种绝对的领导,是不能设想革命战能有这样的坚持性的。
    Without it, it is inconceivable that the revolutionary war could have been carried on with such perseverance.
  • 抗日战和统一战线之所以能够坚持,是由于许多的因素:
    Our perseverance in the War of Resistance and in the united front has been possible because of many factors.
  • 只有坚持统一战线,才能坚持战
    Only by persevering in the united front can we persevere in the war;
  • 全民族的力量团结起来,坚持抗战,坚持统一战线,同敌人作英勇的战,快一年了。
    Rallying in unity, persevering in resistance and persevering in the united front, the forces of the whole nation have been valiantly fighting the enemy for almost a year.
  • 只有坚持统一战线和坚持战,才能有最后胜利。
    And only by persevering in the united front and in the war can we win final victory.
  • 第三阶段是持久战的最后阶段,所谓坚持战到底,就是要走完这个阶段的全程。
    The third stage will be the last in the protracted war, and when we talk of persevering in the war to the end, we mean going all the way through this stage.
  • 在这个艰巨的任务面前,我们的共产主义青年团员,一定要以对祖国、对人民的无限忠诚,同党一起站在这个伟大斗的最前列,密切联系全体人民群众和青年群众,在不同的岗位上进行长时期的艰苦的奋斗。
    Faced with this arduous task, our Communist Youth League members must be utterly loyal to the motherland and the people, and stand together with the Party at the forefront of this great struggle, keeping close ties with all the people, including the youth, and persevering in a long-term, arduous struggle at their various posts.
  • 这一转变关系于整个抗日战的坚持、发展和胜利,关系于中国共产党的前途非常之大,只要想一想抗日游击战在中国民族解放命运上的历史意义,就会知道的。
    The extreme importance of this change for persevering in, developing and winning the War of Resistance as a whole, as well as for the future of the Communist Party of China, can be seen immediately if we think of the historic significance of anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare in determining the fate of the national liberation struggle in China.
  • 社会主义的苏联依然坚持其和平政策,对战的双方严守中立,用出兵波兰的行动制止德国侵略势力向东扩展,巩固东欧和平,解放被波兰统治者所压迫的西部乌克兰和白俄罗斯的兄弟民族。
    The socialist Soviet Union is persevering as before in its policy of peace, is maintaining strict neutrality towards both belligerents and, by sending its armed forces into Poland, has checked the eastward expansion of the German forces of aggression, strengthened peace in Eastern Europe, and liberated its brother nations in western Ukraine and Byelorussia from the oppression of the Polish rulers.
  • 波斯教,琐罗亚斯德教,袄教在波斯,由琐罗亚斯德创立的宗教派别,在阿维斯陀圣经中阐明其教义,在宇宙中光明与黑暗势力的斗中,教导人们崇拜光明神奥尔穆兹德
    The religious system founded in Persia by Zoroaster and set forth in the Zend-Avesta, teaching the worship of Ormazd in the context of a universal struggle between the forces of light and of darkness.
  • 公元前401年波斯国王阿尔塔萨西斯二世打败他年轻的想篡位的弟弟的战
    battle in 401 BC when the Persian King Artaxerxes II defeated his younger brother who tried to usurp the throne.
  • 你们只要坚持长期斗,一定会不断获得新的胜利。
    So long as you persist in a protracted struggle, you are sure to win continuous new victories.
  • 我们要永远坚持百花齐放、百家鸣的方针。
    We will always persist in the policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend".
  • ”“j博士最先把商业引入职业篮球运动中,然后魔术师和伯德在球场上极具个性的表现--他们的微笑,他们的竞意识--更加改变了人们对篮球比赛的看法。
    "Doctor J was ahead of everybody in bringing business to pro-basketball. Then the personas that Magic and Bird carried onto the court -- their smile, their competitiveness -- changed the way the game was perceived even more.
  • 让我们不要把这场端搞成针对个人。
    Let's not personalise this argument.
  • 让我们不要将这一端个人化。
    Let's not personalize this argument.
  • 看待事物的角度普通工作者从他们自己的角度看事物,然而明星工作者却学会从自己的同事、老松、客户以及竞者的不同角度来考虑事情。
    4. Perspective Average workers see everything from their own point of view, but stars learn to consider the perspectives of their colleagues, bosses, customers, and competitors.
  • 对手看待你和你的公司的时候有一种独特的视角。
    Competitors have a unique perspective on you and your company.
  • 从长远的观点来看,这次吵似乎是小事一桩。
    Viewed in perspective, the quarrel seemed to have been very trivial.
  • 交战的战的、关于或陷入交战中的
    Of, pertaining to, or engaged in warfare.
  • 照这样,一切技术、战术、战役、战略原则,一切技术、战术、战役、战略行动,一点也离不开战的目的,它普及于战的全体,贯彻于战的始终。
    Thus, no technical, tactical, or strategical principles or operations can in any way depart from the object of war, and this object pervades the whole of a war and runs through it from beginning to end.
  • (七○)保存自己消灭敌人这个战的目的,就是战的本质,就是一切战行动的根据,从技术行动起,到战略行动止,都是贯彻这个本质的。
    70. The object of war, namely, the preservation of oneself and the destruction of the enemy, is the essence of war and the basis of all war activities, an essence which pervades all war activities, from the technical to the strategic.
  • 新加坡国内的资讯科技网络,已是全球最最发达的,而利于科技创新的许多基础设施都已具备。因此,我国在取奥运金牌的当儿,为何不去取诺贝尔奖呢?
    We are already the most IT-pervasive country in the world and many infrastructural aspects of technology creation and innovation are already in place, so there is no reason why we should not and cannot aim for a Nobel Prize, just as we are now openly looking at a possible Olympic gold.
  • 我们不是悲观主义者,我们只是提出战的危险性。
    We are by no means pessimists. We simply want to point out that the danger of war exists.