  • 闪光好像覆盖着亮晶晶的小西。
    glitter as if covered with spangles.
  • 主持人史蒂夫·马丁用至少一个新笑话拉开了典礼的帷幕,使这届战时举办的颁奖典礼增色不少:"我很高兴他们取消了所有浮华的西!
    Host Steve Martin kicked off the show with at least one new joke twinkling the wartime awards," I' m glad they cut back on all the glitz!
  • 宾州杨梅北美洲部的一种落叶性灌木(宾州杨梅杨梅属),具有芳香的叶子,其球状果实外的蜡层可用来做香烛
    A deciduous, eastern North American shrub(Myrica pensylvanica) having aromatic foliage and small, globose fruits with a waxy covering used for making fragrant candles.
  • 北美部的一种睡莲,具有浅黄色的花朵和可食的、球形、干果似的种子。
    water lily of eastern North America having pale yellow blossoms and edible globular nutlike seeds.
  • 光线越来越暗,什麽西都看不清。
    In the gathering gloom it is hard to see anythingdistinctly.
  • 光线越来越暗,什麽西都看不清.
    In the gathering gloom it was hard to see anythingdistinctly.
  • 一想到他必须面对的西就感到沮丧;绝望的预言;绝望的沉默;对经济的看法悲观。
    gloomy at the thought of what he had to face; gloomy predictions; a gloomy silence; took a grim view of the economy.
  • 我们党的政治生活、国家的政治生活有些不正常了,家长制或家长作风发展起来了,颂扬个人的西多了,整个政治生活不那么健康,以至最后导致了“文化大革命”。“文化大革命”是错误的。
    Some abnormalities appeared in the political life of our Party and state -- patriarchal ways or styles of work developed, and glorification of the individual was rife; Political life in general wasn't too healthy. Eventually these things led to the "Cultural Revolution", which was a mistake.
  • 部长对中局势的最新发展作了另一番解释
    The minister has put a different gloss on recent developments in the Middle East
  • 最后一层持久光滑的黑色涂饰,起源于方国家。
    a durable glossy black finish, originally from the orient.
  • 美国部短尾、光毛的穴居鼠。
    short-tailed glossy-furred burrowing vole of the eastern United States.
  • 半球鹳,羽毛底层黑色,表层是闪亮的黑色。
    Old World stork that is glossy black above and white below.
  • 此后,对每个西的触摸都将留下一个强烈的记忆,那西看起来是怎样的。
    Thereafter the touch of every object would bring a glowing memory of how that object looked.
  • 美国南部的一种小而树皮粗糙洋槐,有开粉红色花朵的总状花序和粘的树枝和种子。
    small rough-barked locust of southeastern United States having racemes of pink flowers and glutinous branches and seeds.
  • 美国南一种大型的三针松树,针叶长,树枝多瘤弯曲;深深的脊状纹树皮呈红褐色;重要的木材。
    large 3-needled pine of southeastern United States having very long needles and gnarled twisted limbs; bark is red-brown deeply ridgedged; an important timber tree.
  • 玛丽将一个人上街买西。
    Mary is go to go shopping by her self.
  • 是粗壮而美丽的一枝黄花,通常生于北美部沿海一带和海湾海岸。
    vigorous showy goldenrod common along eastern and Gulf coasts of North America.
  • 欧洲南部和南部的一种早期培植的多年生紫菀,花冠类似于黄花。
    early-flowering perennial of southern and southeastern Europe with flower heads resembling those of goldenrod.
  • 生长在美国部(尤其在宾夕法尼亚洲的蓝岭),花芳香,能制成药用茶。
    goldenrod of eastern America (especially Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania) having aromatic leaves from which a medicinal tea is made.
  • 李洪志说,“药是肮脏的西”,“一个真正练功的人不得脖,“练功的人的功自动就在消灭病毒和业力。
    Li has said that medicine is a dirty thing and that a pious follower of Falun Gong never falls ill. He has claimed that the power achieved by practicing Falun Gong can automatically eliminate viruses and karma.
  • 从20世纪50年代早期开始,他就带领他的乐队赴欧洲、日本、澳大利亚、非洲及中等地做了无数次的友好巡演。
    Beginning in the early-1950s, he took his bands on numerous goodwill tours of Europe, Japan, Australia, Africa, and the Middle East.
  • 他的作品中含有真正引人入胜的西。
    His writing contains some real goodies.
  • 他们拥有高薪能带给人的一切好西。
    They have all the goody that a higher income brings.
  • 圣母院后面,北边是峨特式长廊的隐修院,南边是半罗曼式的主教府邸,边是“场地”荒芜尖岬。
    Behind Notre-Dame, the cloister and its Gothic galleries spread out towards the north; on the south, the half-Roman palace of the bishop; on the east, the desert point of the Terrain.
  • 恐怕我们没有收到像那样的西,先生。
    I am afraid we have not gotten anything like that, sir.
  • 攀鲈一种攀鲈科淡水鱼,产于非洲和南亚,包括丝足鱼和攀鲈
    A freshwater fish of the family Anabantidae, native to Africa and southeast Asia and including the gourami and climbing perch.
  • 英国受权代管德国在非的前殖民地.
    Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.
  • 英国受权代管德国在非的前殖民地。
    Britain is mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.
  • 陕西省省长程安东
    Governor Andong Cheng of Shaanxi Province
  • 礼服性质上属于正式的西,如长礼服和社交活动
    Something, such as a gown or social affair, that is formal in nature.
  • 贪心的凡是能得到的西都想捞到手的;贪婪的
    Inclined to grab; greedy.
  • 让我们赶紧吃点西吧。
    Let's grab a bite to eat.