  • 些新下院议员声明要说真话,而不是作效忠的宣誓。
    Some of the new mps affirm, instead of swearing the oath of allegiance
  • 我既不能否定这说法,又不能肯定这说法。
    I am not in a position either to contradict or affirm this statement.
  • 一俊遮百丑。
    A very good feature will sometimes redeem several bad ones.
  • 我们不能肯定下步该做什么。
    We can not affirm that what should be done the next step.
  • 试读期给予某学生的检验期,让其在定期间内提高不及格的成绩或改善不良行为
    A trial period in which a student is given time to try to redeem failing grades or bad conduct.
  • "老约翰,"人影说,"我来这儿是要给你个机会让你赎罪来解救你的灵魂。
    "Old John, "the figure said. "I have come to give you a chance to redeem yourself and save your soul."
  • 些较迟发展的人和情有可原的失败者,不论是就业或者创业人士,也没有第二个机会证明自己。
    Sadly, many late developers and worthy failures were often denied a second chance to redeem themselves, whether in business or employment.
  • 老祖宗和同伴们到了矿山受到非人的待遇,劳苦辈子也赎不起自己的人身自由。
    He and his fellow countrymen suffered inhuman conditions in the mines. They could not redeem their freedom even with the savings from a lifetime of hard labor.
  • 发行机构通常会在利率下降的时候这么做,然后它可再发行利率较低的债券,以省下笔利息开支。
    Suppose interest rates have fallen substantially since the bond was issued, then it would pay the issuer to redeem the bonds early and, at the same time, sell a new issue with a lower coupon rate.The end result, interest savings for the issuer.
  • 发行机构通常会在利率下降的时候这么做,然后它可再发行利率较低的债券,以省下笔利息开支。
    Suppose interest rates have fallen substantially since the bond was issued, then it would pay the issuer to redeem the bonds early and, at the same time, sell a new issue with a lower coupon rate. This saves the interest for the issuer.
  • 重申再次地强调或断言
    To affirm or assert again.
  • 他的惟可取之处是他诚实。
    His only redeeming feature is honesty.
  • 他唯的优点就是他有幽默感。
    His only redeeming feature is his sense of hummour.
  • 世间确有些人的心灵是类似的,个人必须在古今的作家中,寻找个心灵和他相似的作家。
    There is such a thing as the affinity of spirits, and among the authors of ancient and modern times, one must try to find an author whose spirit is akin with his own.
  • 这份工作唯其薪水尚可弥补切之不足。
    The sole redeeming feature of this job is the salary.
  • 他咧嘴乐,"谁说我需要赎罪?
    he said with a grin. "And who says I need redeeming anyway?"
  • 零售商给购买者的种票证;可以兑现奖单上的物品。
    a stamp given by a retailer to a buyer; redeemable for articles on a premium list.
  • 于是读者开始把这个作家所写的东西全都拿来读了,因为他们之间有种心灵上的联系,所以他把什么东西都吸收进去,毫不费力地消化了。
    And then the reader proceeds to devour every word and every line that the author writes, and because there is a spiritual affinity, he absorbs and readily digests everything.
  • 我承认我有头好头发-可以说是我惟能弥补其他方面不足的长处。
    I admit I've always had a really nice head of hair-my redeeming feature, you might say.
  • 主张审查制度的必要性是回事,理智地证明它的可取之处是完全不同的另回事。
    Claiming the need for censorship is one thing , but rationally proving its redeeming values represents a quite different issue.
  • 他在1829年的封信中写道:“我的目标是成功地改造荒芜的得克萨斯……让它到处充满进取精神和聪明才智。
    In a letter written in 1829, he said. "My ambition has been to succeed in redeeming Texas from its wilderness state by… spreading over it…enterprise and intelligence.
  • 不能未到期先行偿还的属于或关于些债券的规定以及优先偿付股票的发行的,禁止发行者在某固定日期到时前偿还证券的
    Of or relating to a provision of some bond and preferred stock issues that prohibits the issuer from redeeming the security before a certain date or until maturity.
  • 中国是我们的主权国,正如你们样,我们自然热爱我们的同胞,也正如你们样,我们的爱国之情是自然流露的。
    China is our sovereign, and naturally, like you, we have an affinity for our own fellow countrymen. And like you, our patriotic feeling is something very natural to us.
  • 个比较能弥补的因素,就是财富的捐出、对社会的回馈,无论是对慈善事业也好、对宗教也好、对教育事业也好,倒可能比过去要看得开。
    But a redeeming tendency is emerging, too. People are more generous nowadays in giving to the public by means of donations to charity, religious bodies, or educational institutions. They are more liberal with their money than before.
  • 然而,这天并不都是忧郁和干活,还是有它的可取之处的。如果你相信民谣,那么星期是生小孩子的好日子,句口头流传的民谣这么说“礼拜生的小孩儿脸儿美。”另首民谣乐观地向人们许诺,你如果在星期结婚,就会发家致富。
    However, the day is not all blues and work. It has some redeeming features-that is, if you can believe folk rhymes, it's a good day on which to be born."Monday's child is fair a face," says one traditional rhyme, while another promised optimistically that if you get married on Monday, you will be wealthy”
  • 面对这时期,北京体育应该为首都全面建设小康社会、率先基本实现现代化,为实现承办届历史上最出色奥运会的承诺,为达到符合奥运会承办城市标准的国际体育先进水平,造福于人民群众做出不懈的努力和应有的贡献。
    In this period, Beijing sports should make unremitting efforts and make its due contribution to the building of the Capital into a well-off society in an all-round way and to ensuring its lead in accomplishing modernization by and large, to redeeming its promise of hosting the best ever Olympics in history, and to attaining an international advanced sports level that conforms to the standards for an Olympic host city and bringing benefit to the people.
  • 配给券,票证可以用现金贴现来偿还的和产品附在起的证书
    A certificate accompanying a product that may be redeemed for a cash discount.
  • 他从当铺赎回他唯件上衣去参加婚礼。
    He redeemed his one and only suit from pawn to attend a wedding.
  • 这个群体的代表更进步说,他们要争取媒体为“新闻”重新定义,乍听之下,他们似乎在说,过去是“主流”的新闻,现在应该成为“非主流”的新闻。
    According to representatives of the group, they will also try to get the media to redefine what “news” is. On the face of it, they seem to be saying that what used to be “mainstream news” should now become “non-mainstream” news.
  • 粘液病毒组含核醣核酸病毒的任种,包括引起流行性感冒的病毒,通常与某种粘蛋白有关,而且会导致血红细胞的凝集
    Any of a group of RNA-containing viruses, including those that cause influenza, typically having an affinity for certain mucins and causing agglutination of red blood cells.
  • 也正是有了这股凝聚力,我们有充分的信心,中华民族悠久灿烂的文化,在下个世纪,定再现辉煌。
    With this sense of affinity, we are fully confident that our rich and long-standing civilization will continue to thrive in the next century.
  • 目录服务也是当前网络操作系统的项关键内容,它也正在由目录驱动网络(den)倡议书进行重新定义,该倡议书由cisco系统公司与微软公司起挑头提出。
    Directory services, also key component of current network operating systems, are being redefined by the Directory Enabled Network (DEN) initiative spearheaded by Cisco Systems in conjunction with Microsoft.