  • 一名独行持枪匪徒,将12名熟食店的工作人员赶进两冷冻室,抢走了9000美元。这些人一辈子也没如此受冻(受惊)过。
    A long gunman gave a dozen deli employees the chill of their life when he herded them into two walk-in freezers and make off with$9, 000.
  • 寒冷的天、早晨、房
    A chilly day, morning, room
  • 如果是对已经能够与cnm通信的单元中的芯片编程,则可以通过网络更新芯片的方式节约时
    If you are programming chips in units that are already communicating with CNM, you can save time by updating the chips over the network.
  • 调节,正骨使用按摩脊椎病疗法以纠正脊柱的轻微变位从而治疗(脊骨)不适
    To treat disorders of(the spine) by correcting slight dislocations between vertebrae using chiropractic techniques.
  • 一个由氯、氟和碳组成的氯氟化碳分子能被紫外线光分解,这破坏了一个氯原子和一个碳原子之的化学键。
    A CFC molecule consisting of chlorine, fluorine, arid carbon atoms can be broken apart by ultraviolet light, which destroys the bond between a chlorine atom and a carbon atom.
  • 该倡议的合作伙伴包括康拉德·希尔顿基金会(在7年期提供1800万美元)、美援署、世界展望国际组织、儿童基金会、援水组织、国际狮子俱乐部基金会、沙漠研究所、温洛克国际、康奈尔大学国际粮食、农业和发展所及世界氯理事会。
    The initiative is a partnership between the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation (providing $18 million over 7 years), USAID, World Vision,UNICEF, WaterAid, the Lions Club International Foundation, the Desert Research Institute, Winrock International, Cornell University’s International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development and the World Chlorine Council.
  • 如果还有其他人来,别让他们进来,房里已经挤得满满的了。
    If anybody else comes, don't let them in. The room is chock-a-block already.
  • 放在轮子底下或辐条用来阻止交通工具滑下斜坡的楔形木条。
    a chock or bar wedged under a wheel or between the spokes to prevent a vehicle from rolling down an incline.
  • 他在两项选择之觉得无所适从。
    She is teared between the two choices.
  • 他在两项选择之觉得无所适从。
    She is torn between the two choices.
  • 两个水手即刻划动起来,小船就飞快地在那从港口直到奥尔兰码头的千百只帆船中穿梭过去。
    The two oarsmen bent to their work, and the little boat glided away as rapidly as possible in the midst of the thousand vessels which choke up the narrow way which leads between the two rows of ships from the mouth of the harbor to the Quai d'Orleans.
  • 在搭车和走路之选择
    Choose between riding and walking.
  • 顷刻之,周几乎成了国家英雄。没人敢说周的银弹能否中消灭人体内的病毒,可是如果能够,你很快就会在“众生相”的封面上看到周生。
    Instantly, Chow is something of a national hero. No one can say whether Chow's silver bullet can kill the virus in human beings yet, but if it does, you will soon be seeing student Chow on the cover of People magazine.
  • 尽管许多人认为《卧虎藏龙》首先是部极好的功夫片,但影片描写了多种形式的爱,其中最令人难忘的是周润发和杨紫琼扮演的那对不幸恋人辛酸的浪漫。
    Although many consider Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon to be foremost an excellent kung fu movie,the story depicts many forms of love,the most memorable of which is the poignant romance between the two star crossed lovers played by Chow Yun fat and Michelle Yeoh.
  • 相信基督将再次降临人的基督教。
    any Christian religion that believes the second coming of Christ is imminent.
  • 1881年末,他移居海牙并与一名叫克里斯廷·胡尔尼克的女人同居了一段时
    Late in 1881 he moved to the Hague and established a relationship with a woman,Christine Hoornik,with whom he lived for a time.
  • 1881年末,他移居海牙并与一名叫克里斯廷·胡尔尼克的女人同居了一段时
    Late in 1881 he moved to the Hague and established a relationship with a woman, Christine Hoornik, with whom he lived for a time.
  • 这位发言人说,战争期类似的经历确实令人终生难忘。
    "Experiences like that in the war were very intense," says Christopher Dowling.
  • 染色线,染色丝染色单体的中丝状体螺旋盘绕在排成一列的染色粒上
    The spirally coiled central filament of a chromatid along which the chromomeres are aligned.
  • 幸亏现代科学提供了十八般武器,偏光显微法,发射光谱法,电子探针法,x射线荧光光谱法,紫外红外光谱法,质谱法,x线衍射分析法,高效液相色谱法,祖先们千百年使用的绘画配方至此全被一览无余了。
    Thanks to the state-of-the-art technologies provided by scientists, the whole prescription for painting used by our ancestors through the ages can be taken in at a glance. At our disposal are such scientific means as polarized light microscopy, emission spectrometry, electron probe microanalysis (EPMA),, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), UV and IR spectrometry, mass spectrometry, X-ray diffraction analysis, and high-efficiency liquid chromatography (HELC).
  • 异染色质紧紧盘绕在一起的染色体物质,在分裂期染色,据信在基因中并不活跃
    Tightly coiled chromosomal material that stains deeply during interphase and is believed to be genetically inactive.
  • 缺失,中缺失由于变异等原因导致染色体中一个或多个核苷酸的缺失
    The loss, as through mutation, of one or more nucleotides from a chromosome.
  • 硬化,硬变任何组织或器官的慢性质炎症
    Chronic interstitial inflammation of any tissue or organ.
  • 由于延续很长时的疾病或伤痛而没有能力胜任支持下去的人。
    someone who is incapacitated by a chronic illness or injury.
  • 所以他求助编年史,把当时流传民的英国历史编写成剧。
    He therefore turned to the chronicles; and produced the scenes from national history which then were so popular.
  • 倒叙,闪回镜头一种文学或电影的表现手法,往往在一段按正常时顺序记叙的叙事中插入一件以前发生过的事情
    A literary or cinematic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological order of a narrative.
  • 年代从某一具体日期算起的一段时,也用作其年代系统的根据
    A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological system.
  • 我们发现按时先后顺序来记中国各朝代的年表就不那么难了。
    We've found it less difficult to learn the chronological table of the Chinese dynasties in chronological order.
  • 按时先后的顺序记录连续年代里发生的事件。
    a chronological account of events in successive years.
  • 编年史按时顺序记录的历史事件
    A chronological record of the events of successive years.
  • 我们将按时先后顺序来谈谈战争的一些起因。
    We'll talk about the causes of the war in chronological order.
  • 提供计算机程序执行的时记录的例行程序。
    a routine that provides a chronological record of the execution of a computer program.