  • 这一雄事件已载入史册。
    The heroic event has passed into history.
  • 这件雄业绩使他牺牲了生命。
    This heroic deed cost him his life.
  • 进藏英雄先遣连
    Heroic Advance Company in Marching into Xizang (Tibet)
  • 她的雄形象永远铭刻在我们心中。
    Her heroic image is written on our hearts.
  • 她的雄事迹和她的先进思想是一致的。
    Her heroic deeds sorted well with her advanced thinking.
  • 勇的行为一种行动或行为,尤指辉煌的或雄的
    An act or deed, especially a brilliant or heroic one.
  • 他的勇行为来源于强烈的责任感。
    His heroic action stemmed from a strong sense of duty.
  • 两个雄小姐妹赶忙上前拦住受惊的羊群。
    The heroic sisters quickly headed off the panic - stricken sheep.
  • 雷锋同志的雄形象铭刻在我们心中。
    Comrade Lei Feng 's heroic image is stamped in our memory.
  • 这些勇战斗者的血,不是白流了吗?
    Will not our heroic fighters have shed their blood in vain?
  • 这个剧本的故事发生在三十年代,讲的是赤卫队的勇事迹。
    The drama, laid in1930, tells the heroic tale of the Red Guards.
  • 两个雄小姐妹赶忙上前拦住受惊的羊群。
    The two heroic little sisters quickly headed off the panic- stricken sheep.
  • 史诗般的文学作品类似叙事长诗的文学作品或戏剧,歌颂雄业绩
    A literary or dramatic composition that resembles an extended, narrative poem celebrating heroic feats.
  • 烈士们的勇事迹在广大群众中传颂着。
    The heroic deeds of the martyrs are on the lips of the broad masses.
  • 她同坏人作斗争的雄行为一直受到赞扬。
    Her heroic conduct of fighting against the bad man has been counted to her credit.
  • 我们悲恸地通知您,您的儿子为革命事业勇牺牲了。
    Grieved to report(that) your son died a heroic death in the cause of revolution.
  • 我的手摸过米开朗基罗那鼓舞人心的雄摩西雕塑石膏模;
    I have passed my hands over a plaster cast of Michelangelo's inspiring and heroic Moses;
  • 那个勇的姑娘身受酷刑仍没有把秘密泄露给敌人。
    The heroic girl refused to give away the secret to the enemy under the cruel torture.
  • 因没法弥补自身缺陷的人总要干方百计给别人也造成缺陷,除非有上述缺陷者具有勇敢无畏的雄气概,有志把自身的固有缺陷变成其荣誉之一部分。
    For he that cannot possibly mend his own case, will do what he can, to impair another's; Except these defects light upon a very brave, and heroical nature, which thinketh to make his natural wants part of his honor;
  • 他们英勇抗敌。
    They confronted the enemy heroically.
  • 他接受了不能勇地死在她怀里的事实。
    he become reconciled to not dying heroically in her arms.
  • 吃饭就一直吃下去,睡觉就一直睡下去,勇战斗就一直打到鸭绿江,这是主观主义和形式主义的幻想,在实际生活里是不存在的。
    To keep on eating, to keep on sleeping, to keep on fighting heroically all the way to the Yalu River without a stop -- these are subjectivist and formalist illusions, not realities of life.
  •  首先,我对在这场斗争中勇牺牲的解放军指战员、武警指战员和公安干警的同志们表示沉痛的哀悼!
    First of all, I should like to express my deep grief over the officers and men of the People's Liberation Army, the People's Armed Police Force and the Public Security Police who have died heroically in this struggle.
  • 她因贩卖海洛而被捕。
    She was arrested for pushing heroin.
  • 根据最近的一份报告,8岁的小孩子就会吸海洛成瘾。
    Children as young as eight years old can get hooked on heroin, according to a recent report.
  • 在一九九七年,本港检获鸦片及四号海洛等鸦片类毒品共169.5公斤,而在一九九六年则为309.1公斤。
    During 1997, 169.5 kilograms of opiate drugs, comprising opium and No.4 heroin, were seized, compared with 309.1 kilograms in 1996.
  • 在一九九七年内,香港海关侦破了50宗主要的贩毒案件,瓦解了4个海洛稀释中心、12个包装中心和两个藏毒地方。
    In 1997, the department cracked 50 major trafficking cases, and neutralised four heroin attenuating, 12 packing and two storage centres.
  • 四号海洛的零售价格年内出现波动,到一九九七年底,平均纯度49.49%的每克平均售价是418.9元,而一九九六年底纯度44.97%的每克售价为390.65元。
    The retail price of No. 4 heroin fluctuated throughout 1997. By the end of 1997, the average purity was 49.49 per cent at the average price of$418.90 per gram compared with a purity of 44.97 per cent and a price of $390.65 at the end of 1996.
  • 在歌曲中颂扬女雄的事迹
    Emblazoning a heroine's deeds in song.
  • 那个女雄宁愿站着死,不愿跪着生。
    The heroine would rather die standing than live on her knees.
  • 缺乏雄特征的主角。
    a protagonist who lacks the characteristics that would make him a hero (or her a heroine).
  • 将军高度赞扬了他在那次战争中的勇事迹。
    His heroism in that war was highly praised by the general.