  • 453万公顷,产量400万吨。
    The area sown with cotton should be 4.54 million hectare and the total cotton output should reach 4 million tons.
  • 树篱把两个园隔开。
    A hedge separates the two gardens.
  • 孩子被这只刺猥吓坏了,父亲把它从园里弄了出去。
    The child was frightened by the hedgehog.The father rolled it out of the garden.
  • 乔治叔叔很富有,但是他的老婆不让他
    Uncle George are well - heeled, but his wife will not let him spend money
  • 乔治叔叔很富有,但是他的老婆不让他钱。
    Uncle george is well heeled, but his wife will not let him spend money.
  • 乔治叔叔很富有,但是他的老婆不让他钱。
    Uncle george is well-heeled, but his wife will not let him spend money.
  • 在旧社会,这些寄生虫所关心的无非就是天酒地的生活。
    In the old society what these parasites cared about was nothing but drinking and heeling around.
  • 向日葵属植物,黑色盘,金黄色放射状瓣。
    any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays.
  • 常春藤常春藤属中的一种木质的、攀援的或拖曳的常绿植物,原产于欧洲,尤指洋常春藤,有掌状的裂叶、根生的幼茎和伞形序的绿色小
    Any of several woody, climbing or trailing evergreen plants of the genus Hedera native to the Old World, especially H. helix, having palmately lobed leaves, root-bearing young stems, and small green flowers grouped in umbels.
  • 给衣服边镶上花边
    Face a hem with lace.
  • 重瓣菊有很多的瓣并且通常呈球形或半球形。
    double chrysanthemums have many rows of petals and are usually spherical or hemispherical.
  • 有两种基于血红蛋白的产品到2003年底能获得美国食品及药物管理局的批准,但大量生产和应用还要几年的时间。
    Two hemoglobin-based products, could achieve FDA approval by late 2003, but they will take years to gain widespread production and use.
  • 大麻的预备叶和;多在印度使用。
    a preparation of the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant; much used in India.
  • 用散沫染色;特别是用来指头发。
    dyed with henna; used especially of hair.
  • 北温带地区的一个多年生草本小属,早春开,具有分叶状基生叶,不完全的常绿,较小,呈白、粉红、蓝、或浅紫色。
    any of several plants of the genus Hepatica having 3-lobed leaves and white or pinkish flowers in early spring; of moist and mossy subalpine woodland areas of north temperate regions.
  • 我们园的四周有一圈草本植物的坛。
    We have a herbaceous border round our garden.
  • 主要是草本植物带有艳丽的;一些被栽培作为装饰性植物。
    chiefly herbaceous plants with showy flowers; some are cultivated as ornamentals.
  • 热带木本植物和草本植物科具有芬芳气味和小穗状序的小
    tropical woody vines and herbaceous plants having aromatic herbage and minute flowers in spikelets.
  • 勿忘草任一种勿忘草属草本植物,有一簇簇的小蓝
    Any of various herbaceous plants of the genus Myosotis, having clusters of small blue flowers.
  • 北美洲多年生的一种草本植物,具有小的、卷曲的、尾巴状的总状小,白色,无瓣。
    North American herbaceous perennial of wet places having slender curled tail-like racemes of small white flowers.
  • 龙芽草,仙鹤草一种龙芽草属多年生草本植物,有羽状复叶和穗状的小黄
    Any of various perennial herbaceous plants of the genus Agrimonia, having pinnately compound leaves and spikelike clusters of small yellow flowers.
  • 茎基多年生草本植物的,通常在地下的粗大茎基,从中生出新叶和
    The thickened, usually underground base of the stem of many perennial herbaceous plants, from which new leaves and flowering stems arise.
  • 兹随信附去50包棉的提单一张。
    We have pleasure in enclose herewith a bill of lading covering 50 bales of cotton.
  • 杂性的同一株植物或同一物种的不同植物上,具有雌雄同体又具有雌雄异体的朵的
    Having both hermaphroditic and unisexual flowers on the same plant or on separate plants of the same species.
  • 神奇魔草一种生黑根开白的野草,赫耳墨斯曾将此草送给奥德赛以抵挡喀耳刻(女巫)的咒语
    A magic herb with black roots and white flowers that was given to Odysseus by Hermes to ward off the spells of Circe.
  • 矾根草,老鹳草一种北美的矾根属多年生植物,有掌状垂片基生叶和无叶茎,茎上有很多淡绿色、白色或浅红色的小
    Any of various North American perennials of the genus Heuchera having palmately lobed basal leaves and leafless stalks bearing numerous small greenish, white, or reddish flowers.
  • 澳大利亚南部和西部的灌木,有浅裂的锯齿状的叶子,和紫色的;有时归于木槿属。
    southern and western Australian shrub with unlobed or shallowly lobed toothed leaves and purple flowers; sometimes placed in genus Hibiscus.
  • 木槿多种木槿属主要为热带产灌木或乔木。朵大且华美,有各种颜色无数雄蕊围绕着柱形成管状物
    Any of various chiefly tropical shrubs or trees of the genus Hibiscus, having large, showy, variously colored flowers with numerous stamens united into a tube surrounding the style.
  • 蕊柱一种柱形结构,尤指由兰中雄蕊和雌蕊组成的结构,或指由木楼或欧锦葵属雄蕊联合构成的柱状结构
    A columnlike structure, especially one formed by the union of a stamen and the style in an orchid flower, or one formed by the united staminal filaments in flowers such as those of the hibiscus or mallow.
  • 坚持为人民服务、为社会主义服务的方向和百齐放、百家争鸣的方针,弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化。
    We must keep to the orientation of serving the people and socialism and the principle of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend and highlight the themes of the times while encouraging diversity.
  •  香港特别行政区的区旗是五星蕊的紫荆红旗。
    The regional flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a red flag with a bauhinia highlighted by five star-tipped stamens.
  •  香港特别行政区的区徽,中间是五星蕊的紫荆,周围写有“中华人民共和国香港特别行政区”和英文“香港”。
    The regional emblem of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is a bauhinia in the centre highlighted by five star-tipped stamens and encircled by the words "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China" in Chinese and "HONG KONG" in English.