  • 你不来参加这次聚会,真可惜。
    It's a pity that you can't come to the party.
  • 你未参加聚会,真是遗憾。
    It is a pity that you missed the party.
  • 总而言之,如果你不先使一个人相信他是罪人,你便不劝导他做基督徒。
    All in all, you can't make a man a Christian unless you first make him believe he is a sinner.
  • 正在这当口,我不由自主地站起来,痛责杰别斯·伯兰德罕是个犯了那种没有一个基督徒够饶恕的罪过的罪人。
    At that crisis, a sudden inspiration descended on me; I was moved to rise and denounce Jabes Branderham as the sinner of the sin that no Christian need pardon.
  • 而玛格丽特呢,她像玛侬一样是个有罪的人,也有可像玛侬一样弃邪归正了;但正如我所看到的那样,她是死在富丽豪华的环境里的。她就死在她过去一直睡觉的床上,但在她的心里却是一片空虚,就像被埋葬在沙漠中一样,而且这个沙漠比埋葬玛侬的沙漠更干燥、更荒凉、更无情。
    whereas Marguerite, a sinner like Manon, and perhaps as truly converted as she, had died surrounded by fabulous luxury, if I could believe what I had seen, on the bed of her own past, but no less lost in the desert of the heart which is much more arid, much vaster and far more pitiless than the one in which Manon had been interred.
  • 试一试你唱的最高的音符是哪个。
    Try which is the highest note yon can sins.
  • 谁有力划得快些,谁就会赢。
    Whoever has the guts to go even faster sins.
  • 强大的引起幻觉的药。
    a powerful hallucinogenic drug.
  • 罪孽大都追溯到久远的时代。
    There are very few sins that aren't as old as time.
  • 这个价格不包括装置器和接头附件,因为它们可包括的东西很多。
    The price excludes fixtures and fittings, which could cover a multitude of sins.
  • 非常粘稠、黄色的黏液是由细菌引起,这时你的鼻窦可已经发炎了。
    Very thick, yellow mucus results from bacteria; you may have a sinus infection.
  • 呼吸的气味指示肠胃病、窦炎、传染病、糖尿病和肝病。
    Odors in the breath can be indicative of gastrointestinal problems, sinus problems, infections, diabetes, and liver problems.
  • 来一杯鸡尾酒那就太好了。
    It'd be nice to have a glass of cocktail.
  • 提神解劳的莫如在回程列车上喝杯冰啤酒。
    For refreshment , there's just nothing that beat sip down a cool one on the train head home.
  • sip支持建立和终止多媒体通信的五个方面:用户定位、力与可用性、通话建立和通话处理。
    SIP supports five facets of establishing and terminating multimedia communications: user location, capabilities and availability, call setup and call handling.
  • sip不分配多波地址、也不保留资源,但它把做到这点所必要的信息传递给被邀请的系统。
    SIP does not allocate multicast addresses and it does not reserve resources, but it can convey to the invited system the information necessary to do this.
  • 呼叫首先确定适当的服务器,然后发出sip请求(很可是一个邀请),在一个完美的世界中,此请求到达其目的地,在此客户机通过返回sip应答代码200表示接受此通话。
    A caller first locates the appropriate server, then sends a SIP request (probably an invite). In a perfect world, the request arrives at its destination, where the client accepts the call by returning a SIP response code 200.
  • 这种智酒杯的工作原理是给酒杯涂上一层光洁的传导材料,这样无论顾客是小啜还是狂饮,这套系统都可以测量出酒杯中还剩下多少酒。
    The iGlassware system works by coating each glass with a clear, conducting material, enabling it to measure exactly how much liquid has been sipped or guzzled.
  • 你是否把你的闪光设备也拿来?我的坏了。
    Could you also get your flash-attachment? Mine is broken.
  • 1993年,洛佩兹成功地结束了她的电视生涯,在《当班护士:7号航班空难》中扮演一名英勇的护士。银幕充满诱惑的召唤令她再也不无动于衷。
    Lopez effectively brought her television career to an end in 1993,with a role as a heroic nurse in Nurses on the Line:The Crash of Flight 7;the siren call of the big screen could no longer be ignored.
  • 根据这项安排,持有指定债务工具的人士可会制造出额外的外汇基金票据及债券,但却没有货币发行局制度规定的指定外汇储备支持。
    In this regard, there is a possibility for holders of SIs to create additional Exchange Fund paper, without specific foreign reserve backing as required under the currency board arrangements.
  • 吸墨纸能吸墨水。
    Blotting-paper takes up ink.
  • 我能坐这儿吗?
    May I sit here?
  • 病人能坐起来吗?
    Can the patient sit up?
  • 这些令牌只需要在单个的操作入口站点或兼容实现中有意义,并不期望它们跨站点地工作。
    These tokens need only have meaning at a single Operator Site or implementation, and will not be expected to work across sites.
  • 你不找个临时保姆吗?
    Can't you find a baby sitter?
  • 幸运的是,我的家人和保姆也减轻我的负担,所以儿子一直有人陪着。
    I was lucky that my family and my baby sitter could also relieve me so that my son was never alone.
  • 这些母亲相信,精心挑选的日托中心、托儿所或家庭保姆丰富孩子的生活,提供一些父母亲单独不提供的经历。
    These mothers believe that carefully selected day- care centers, nursery schools or at-home sitters enrich the child’s life with experiences no parents alone can offer.
  • 我能换一下这个吗?
    May I change this?
  • 这种做法可马上要改变了。
    It may soon change.
  • 换开五英镑的票子吗?
    Can you change a five-pound note?
  • 可以,他坐起来了。
    Yes, he's sitting up.