  • 这里的气清新自由,人们的神态轻松安详,公共场所也未见执法人员顾盼招摇,何须紧张?
    Instead, I found the atmosphere free and casual, and people around relaxed and poised, and I saw no law enforcement officers prowling about in public places. Hence no need to be nervous.
  • 我们的儿童是否受著气中铅的毒害?
    Are our children being poisoned by lead in the atmosphere?
  • 农民为了杀死害虫而喷撒农药的时候,有毒物就被排放到气中,水里和土壤里。
    When farmer spray poison to kill plant pests, poison is sent into the air the water and the soil.
  • 汽车中排出的废气严重污染了我们城市的气。
    The cars were seriously poisoning the.air of our cities with waste.
  • 汽车排出的废气正在污染着我们城市的气。
    Exhaust gases from the cars are poisoning the air of our cities.
  • 是啊,我们天天都在呼吸有毒气。
    Yeah, we're breathing poisonous air every day.
  • 是啊,我们每天都在呼吸有毒气。
    Yes, we're breathing poisonous air every day.
  • 气中有很高的花粉计数。
    There is a high pollen count in the air.
  • 细小的粉末状材料,如干燥的土壤或花粉,在气中能被吹起。
    fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown about in the air.
  • 污染的气对该地区的影响近几个月来正日趋减少。
    The influence of the polled air over this areas has been crumbling away for several months.
  • 工厂的烟囱每天把大量的烟雾排放到气中去,造成气污染。
    Every day the chimneys of factories pour a large volume of smoke to the air to pollute it.
  • 对不起,抽烟会污染车内的气。
    I'm sorry, smoking will pollute air in a taxi.
  • 汽车不仅污染城市气,而且使城市拥挤不堪。
    They not only pollute the air in cities, but make them crowded.
  • 我觉得我应该说明,它们并不污染气。
    I feel I ought to say (that) they do not pollute the air.
  • 我觉得我应该说明,它们并不污染气。
    I feel I ought to say(that) they don't pollute the air.
  • 例如,我们希望企业会注意别污染我们呼吸的气和饮用的水。
    For example, we expect that businesses will take care not to pollute the air we breathe or the water we drink.
  • 矿井瓦斯,有毒气体矿井中有时污染气的恶臭气体或有毒气体
    Foul or poisonous gas that sometimes pollutes the air in coal mines.
  • 体育馆的灯光使得天文台周围的天不那么宜于观测了
    The stadium lights polluted the sky around the observatory.
  • 污染性物质造成污染的物质,尤其指一种污染气、土壤或水的废物
    Something that pollutes, especially a waste material that contaminates air, soil, or water.
  • 这些发电厂燃烧大量煤,使气受到污染。
    The power plants burn a lot of coal, which makes air polluted.
  • 香港的海水和气污染日益严重,市容也不及以往整洁。
    Our surrounding waters and our air have become more polluted and our city is dirtier.
  • 在大城市里,在寒冷的冬季,许多老年人死于污染的气。
    In big cities during cold winter months, many old people die from the polluted air.
  • 如果愈来愈多的小汽车奔跑在马路上,会排放出大量有毒气体,污染气。
    If more and more cars run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere.
  • 如果愈来愈多的小汽车奔跑在马路上,会排放出大量有毒气体,污染气。
    If more and more cars run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will is given off, polluting the atmosphere.
  • 本人今年25岁,在过去的四年中一直为保利科技有限公司航维修部服务,担任普通文职工作。
    I am twenty-five years old, and have been employed for the last years by Poly Techno-logies.INC.Aircraft Support Division, in the general clerical work of the office.
  • 话连篇,是个自负的蠢材。
    He's just full of wind, the pompous fool!
  • 给他时间,去安静地思索自然界中永恒的神秘:中的小鸟,阳光下的蜜蜂,青山上的花朵。
    Give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hill.
  • "你的双眼是两汪清泉,像星星一样在天闪烁。
    “ Your eyes are two pools that twinkle like stars in the sky.
  • 国库虚,民不聊生。
    The national treasury was bankrupt and the populace was seething7 in its sabots8.
  • 这本书权威性和通俗性两头落
    The book falls between the two stools of authority and popularity.
  • 空想社会主义人口论
    utopian socialistic population theory
  • 吸收通过气孔或隙吸收(某物)
    To take(something) in through or as through pores or interstices.