  • 两条平行轨道在一个狭窄的地方的交汇处;里面的铁轨横穿再平行前进后分开以保证一辆火车总是在一条铁轨上运动。
    the convergence of two parallel tracks in a narrow place; the inner rails cross and run parallel and then diverge so a train remains on its own tracks at all times.
  • 但是它所研究的主题在各个时代却必是人类所主要关心的事情之一,并在某些时代,是最最关心的事情。
    but the subject with which its enquiries are conversant has in all ages necessarily constituted one of the chief practical interests of mankind, and, in some, a most unduly engrossing one.
  • 谈话声突然停止。
    The conversation fell suddenly.
  • 他们突停止了谈话。
    They broke off their conversation.
  • 另一些人却认为,就实际而言,既人们在网上争论、购物、旅游以及谈情说爱,那么网上交流就是真实的。
    While others would argue that, since in practical terms, folks are debating, shopping, traveling and having romance, the converse is true.
  • 那时灵魂再不会依故态,或在黑色的睡乡中收获梦幻---灵魂将迈着坚定的步伐直上光芒万丈的山巅和不落的群星自由交谈。
    Then shall the soul return to rest no more, Nor harvest dreams in the dark field of sleep-Rather the soul shall go with great resolve To dwell at last upon the shining mountains In liberal converse with the eternal stars.
  • 与之相反,在爱情中,双方对彼此的关系是真诚的,这样自就会关心对方。
    Conversely, in love, the feeling of relationship is genuine and sincere so that concern for the other person evolves naturally.
  • 炽热的铁水从出铁口流出,后被送到转炉,平炉或电炉提纯。
    White-hot liquid iron is run off through the tapping hole and then is taken to the converter, open-hearth furnace or electric furnace to be made pure.
  • 上下的动作(由船或其它运输工具引起)。
    abrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance).
  • 罪犯仍在逃;搜索两个在逃的囚犯;散放在街道上的狗;附近的在逃罪犯。
    a convict still at large; searching for two escaped prisoners; dogs loose on the streets; criminals on the loose in the neighborhood.
  • 您的论证我尚未尽以为
    I'm not wholly convinced by your argument.
  • 而我并没有沉浸在吃喝谈话的友好气氛中,我的思潮回到了中国。在那里,有关美国社交活动是个极有趣的话题。
    Yet,instead of losing myself to the convivial surroundings of food,drink and conversations,I found myself retreating back into my head all the way to China where the subject of American sociality is of great interest.
  • 她突住院时她丈夫正在外地参加一个学术会议。
    Her husband was away at an academic convocation when she is suddenly hospitalized.
  • 护送队突然停住
    The convoy came to an abrupt halt.
  • 似突地强烈的痉挛。
    resembling a convulsion in being sudden and violent.
  • 而,有一天,事先毫无任何预兆,山姆开始出现痉挛。经诊断是心力衰竭。
    Then, without any warning, Sam began suffering from convulsions and was diagnosed as having a weak heart.
  • 她接通电源,后开始用电炉做饭。
    She plugged in and began to cook with the cooker.
  • 把炉子的火关小一点,不会把土豆烧糊的。
    Turn the heat down on the cooker; you'll burn the potatoes.
  • 今天我发现一个简单的法子“把所有的配料放在同一个碗里,后搅拌(beatit)。”
    Today I found an easy recipe for cookies. It said,“put all ingredients in a bowl and beat it.
  • 切碎的水果或者和在面团里,或者夹在面层中间,后焙烤,切成条状。
    cookies containing chopped fruits either mixed in the dough or spread between layers of dough then baked and cut in bars.
  • 老实交税,不的话,就有可能被关进监牢。
    Pay your tax honestly or you may be thrown into the cooler.
  • 老实交税,不的话,就有可能被关进监牢。
    Pay your tax honestly or you may is throw into the cooler.
  • 实验的组织者心理学家约翰逊博士说:"显,鲜花和巧克力对女士们来说已经没有什么吸引力了,所以,先生们可要注意了,你们在选择礼物时,一定要选那些最酷的,最抢眼的东西。"
    "It's clear that flowers and chocolates really don't do it for women any more, so men should make sure they go for the coolest, shiniest gadgets," psychologist Dr Adam Johnson who carried out the study said.
  • 一只熊头向前沿的树往下爬了一大半,後倒退着爬下树来。
    A coon comes down a tree headfirst for most of the way, then finishes the descent tailfirst.
  • 库珀先生是个大名鼎鼎的科学家,但他待人却十分谦和。
    Although Mr Cooper is a most famous scientist, he is as common as an old shoe.
  • 库珀20岁时叔父逝世,突得到一笔巨款。
    When Cooper was twenty, his uncle died and a large amount of money came his way.
  •  虽伊拉克已承诺配合这次行动,但他们却仍坚持否认曾研制核武器。
    Iraq has promised to cooperate but still insists it has not developed nuclear weapons.
  • 资源的国际合作开采
    international cooperation exploitation of natural resources
  • 我一毕业就在一家外商机构做业务协调员,后到一家合资企业任销售经理。
    Immediately following my graduation from college, I worked as a business coordinator in a foreign representative office. Then I transferred to a joint venture as a sales manager.
  • 我们当对付得了这些敌军,甚至更多些也不在乎。
    We can certainly cope with these enemy forces, and even with larger ones.
  • 他虽学识渊博,但对这种情况他也不知道如何应付。
    For all his learning, he didn't know how to cope with the situation.
  • 我知道有一些教师,他们原可以和那些最聪明的学生一起学习,而,他们却选择被派到别的学校,以便有机会尽他们的能力去帮助功课上有困难的学生。
    I know of teachers who could have worked with the brightest students, but who chose to be posted to schools where they could put their effort into helping those who have difficulty coping.