  • 在这面,我们远远落后于欧洲。
    In this we are much in arrear(s) of Europe.
  • 财政首先要保工资发放,对过去拖欠的工资,也应尽快补发。
    Local financial departments should first of all ensure that wages and salaries are paid. Wages and salaries that are in arrears must be paid as soon as possible.
  • 各级税务机关严格执行“加强征管、堵塞漏洞、惩治腐败、清缴欠税”的税收工作针,着重抓好清理欠税工作。
    Tax administrations at different levels strictly abided by the guidelines of " strengthening tax collecting and administration, stopping tax loopholes, punishing corruption and collecting arrears and the unpaid tax".
  • 1999年存在的问题主要是有效需求不足,结构不合理的矛盾突出,国有企业的亏损面和亏损额仍然很高,资金占用和货款拖欠数量过大,企业管理面的问题仍比较多,安全生产的形势还比较严峻。
    The main problems that existed in 1999 were insufficient effectual demand, outstanding irrational structure, still large deficit scale and deficit amount of SOEs, huge quantity of tied-up funds and loan in arrears, poor enterprise management and severe situation of safe production.
  • 这个合作使税务部门在清理欠税、清理漏管户、审理出口退税、打击偷骗税和暴力抗税、维护税收秩序等面的工作比较顺利地进行,从法律上保证了国家税款应收尽收。
    Their cooperation conduced to the collection of arrears and unpaid tax, the imposition of tax upon unregistered taxpayers, the assessment and examination of tax refunding, the campaign against evasion, deceit and violence, and the maintenance of the right order for taxation and the collection of all the taxes stipulated in the law.
  • 主要是:农民收入增长缓慢,一些粮食主产区和严重受灾地农民收入减少,有些地拖欠工资严重,部分企业生产和职工生活仍有困难,就业压力加大。
    The principal problems are as follows: farmers' incomes are growing slowly; incomes for farmers in some major grain producing areas and disaster-afflicted areas are decreasing; in some places, wage arrears are now a serious problem; some enterprises are still having difficulties in production and the life of some workers remains hard; and employment pressures are increasing.
  • 全国各级税务机关必须继续严格执行“加强征管、堵塞漏洞、惩治腐败、清缴欠税”的税收工作针,进一步扎扎实实做好各项基础工作,堵漏增收,应收尽收,保证实实在在的税收收入能够及足额入库,为国家各项改革和建设事业顺利进行做出新的贡献。
    All the tax staff administrations throughout China must continue sticking to the guidelines of "strengthening tax collection and administration, stopping tax loopholes, punishing corruption and collecting arrears and the unpaid tax" and are further required to work hard, to stop loopholes, to collect all the taxes stipulated in the law and to make sure that all the tax is turned into national treasury so as to contribute more to China's reform, and construction.
  • 时时警戒终有所获。
    Police vigilance is eventually rewarded,eg when an arrest is make.
  • 抓错了人,犯了荒唐的大错.
    The police blundered badly by arresting the wrong man.
  • 我们最终得到折衷的(法)
    Our ultimate arrival at a compromise.
  • 我们提早到达是不是使您很不便?
    Did our early arrival put you out?
  • 已经收到贵来货,并已安排支付贵第245号发票之事宜,钱一进帐敬请来函告知。
    We have arranged payment of your invoice No. 245 for the arrivals. Kindly acknowledge receipt on entering the money to your credit.
  • 以傲慢自大的式走路的人。
    someone who walks in an arrogant manner.
  • 一个人不应该有的大胆蛮横(甚至是傲慢的)行为式。
    audacious (even arrogant) behavior that you have no right to.
  • 武断的以权威式的、傲慢的式对不能证明或未被证明的原理做出论断为特征的
    Characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles.
  • 这个箭头指错了向。
    The arrow is pointing the wrong way.
  • 大风吹得飞箭改变了向。
    The wind deflected the arrow 's flight.
  • 这箭头表示北方。
    This arrow shows which direction is north.
  • 一个长时间的相互凝视是让丘比特之箭射中目标的最好的式。
    A long mutual gaze is the best way to let Cupid's arrows hit their marks.
  • 摄像机移动的简单控制就是用遥控器上的向箭头来瞄准它。
    Simple control of the camera movement consist of aim it with the directional arrows on the remote control.
  • 这种对体力要求很高的训练式不仅锻炼了他们的体能,也磨练了他们的坚强意志,而这种意志正是箭无虚发地射中70米以外的靶心所不可缺少的。
    Physically demanding, the weird regime also hones the mental toughness archers need to consistently plunk arrows into a bull's?eye 70 m away.
  • 在恐怖分子的藏身地发现大批刀枪。
    The police find an arsenal of knives and gun in the terrorists ' hideout.
  • 在恐怖分子的藏身地发现大批刀枪。
    The police found an arsenal of knives and gun in the terrorists' hideout.
  • (所有这些都很好,都值得庆贺,一切尚未做到这一步的地,都应这样做。毛注。)地主顽强抵抗,放火、放毒,杀积极分子,搞暴动等等事件比过去多得多,斗争异常激烈。
    (Mao Zedong's comment: Well done and congratulations! In places where this work has not gone as far, people there should follow this example.) Many more cases of landlords stubbornly resisting the reform, committing arson, poisoning food and water, murdering activists and inciting riots have occurred than in the past, so the struggle was unusually severe.
  • 在艺术面有修养的鉴赏力
    Educated tastes in art
  • 这是伦敦西区三条主要干线汇合的地
    This is the place where the three main arteries of west london traffic meet.
  • 研究结果表明高浓度脂蛋白甚至能在动脉中收集胆固醇,并把它移送到不起有害作用的地
    Studies have shown that HDL may even pick up cholesterol in arteries and move it to where it won't do harm.
  •  违反本法第四十一条第二款规定,在人口集中地区、机场周围、交通干线附近以及当地人民政府划定的区域内露天焚烧秸秆、落叶等产生烟尘污染的物质的,由所在地县级以上地人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令停止违法行为;
    Those who violate the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 41 of this Law by burning in the open air stalks, fallen leaves or other materials that cause smoke or dust pollution in densely inhabited areas, the areas around the airport, the areas in the vicinity of main traffic arteries or areas designated by the local people's government shall be ordered to stop the illegal act by the administrative department of environmental protection under the local people's government at or above the county level in the place the violator is located.
  • 迂回用微妙和机灵的式做(自我)介绍、献媚求宠
    To introduce or insert(oneself) by subtle and artful means.
  • 毛泽东同志说:“盲目地表面上完全无异议地执行上级的指示,这不是真正在执行上级的指示,这是反对上级指示或者对上级指示怠工的最妙法。”
    Comrade Mao Zedong said: "To carry out a directive of a higher organ blindly, and seemingly without any disagreement, is not really to carry it out but is the most artful way of opposing or sabotaging it."
  • 口器昆虫或其它节肢动物的嘴的部分,尤指适于某种特殊喂食式的部分或器官
    Any of the parts of the mouth of an insect or other arthropod, especially a part or an organ adapted to a specific way of feeding.
  • 送气声可以听得见的发音式。
    a manner of articulation involving an audible release of breath.