  • 兑换以后所得的金额中扣除0.25%的利息。
    A quarter percent interest charges will is deduct from the proceeds after conversion.
  • 将水变成冰
    Convert water into ice.
  • 5、书面工作方法转为数字化工作方法。
    5.Convert every paper process to digital process
  • 加密数据转换成明码数据。
    To convert enciphered data into clear data.
  • 通过一根叫作氧枪的水冷管子氧气吹入炉内的原料表面。
    Inside the converter oxygen is blown on to the surface of the charge through a water- cool pipe, called a lance.
  • 人民币己实现经常项目下的可自由兑换,中国工业品平均关税到2005年进一步降至10%。
    China has already archived the free convertibility of the RMB under the current account, and the average tariff rate for industrial products is expected to drop to 10 percent by the year 2005.
  • 字(词)处理技术中采用的一种接口装置,当把它接到一台打字机上时,可以它转变成一台低级文字处理器。
    In word processing, an interface device which connects to a typewriter converting it into a low level word processor.
  • 将英尺换算成公尺
    Converting feet into meters.
  • 输入数据转换成计算机可读形式的过程。
    The process of converting input data into computer-readable form.
  • 加工者被雇佣来半成品加工成成品的人
    One that is employed in converting raw products into finished products.
  • 我买下那幢房子,准备它改成旅馆。
    I bought the house with an eye to converting it into an hotel.
  • 他购置了一个旧谷仓,目的在于要它改建成饭店。
    He bought an old barn with an eye to converting it to a restaurant.
  • 雾化器物体,尤指香料或药物磨成粉尘状的器具
    A device for converting a substance, especially a perfume or medicine, to a fine spray.
  • 鞣皮制革业的全部工作,在于未加工的原料转化成所谓加过工的原料。
    The currier and tanner find their whole occupation in converting raw material into what may be termed prepared material.
  • 按照接收媒体的接收要求,数据从一种数据媒体传送到另一种媒体上。
    To transfer data from one data medium to another, converting them as necessary for acceptance by the receiving medium.
  • 研究任何形式的信息替换成为缩微形式或缩微形式转换成某种形式的信息的方法与工艺的科学与技术分支。
    That branch of science and technology concerned with methods and techniques for converting any form of information to or from microform.
  • 在不知道密码系统的密钥的情形下,密文转变成明文的步骤和操作(过程)。
    The steps and operations performed in converting encrypted messages into plaintext without initial knowledge of the key employed in the encryption.
  • 烦转告下列消息给福克斯先生,他下榻于王子饭店788号房间。
    Convey following msg to Mr. Fox Hotel Prince No. 788
  • 称号或财产从一个转到另一个
    A conveyance of title or property from one person to another.
  • 某物从一个地方、一人或事物转移到另一个人身上
    The conveyance or removal of something from one place, person, or thing to another.
  • 某物装入把装载物装入一个结构、装置或传送器
    To put or place a load into or onto a structure, device, or conveyance.
  • 从中枢神经系统信息传输到肌肉。
    conveying information to the muscles from the CNS.
  • (生理学)指神经元和神经冲动;从中枢神经系统信息传送离开。
    (physiology) of nerves and nerve impulses; conveying information away from the CNS.
  • 从通用汽车公司到德国宝马汽车公司,越来越多的制造商都在提供全球定位系统,它利用卫星可把你的位置准确地确定在误差不超过100英尺的范围内,通过蜂窝电话传送信息或其显示在屏幕上。
    More manufacturers ranging from General Motors to BMW are offering global positioning systems, which pinpoint your location with in 100 feet using satellites, conveying the information over a cell phone or displaying it on a screen.
  • 用毒气被定罪囚犯处死的房间。
    Room in which a convict prisoner is executed by poisonous gas.
  • 下周法官给定罪的男人判刑,条件是及时收到精神病医生的报告。
    The judge will sentence the convict man next week provided (that) or providing the psychiatrist's report be received in time.
  • 我们绝未发现令人信服的证据证明伊拉克方面事先知道核查人员要来到。
    In no case have we seen convincing evidence that the Iraqi side knew in advance that the inspectors were coming.
  • 没有能立即扭转亚洲金融危机的办法,但是,它使受到影响的国家相信实行财政控制大有益处。
    There are no immediate solutions for reversing the Asian financial crisis , but convincing affected nations to practice fiscal restraint will be highly beneficial.
  • 她反驳我提出的各点都很有说服力,很快就我的论点驳倒。
    She replies to my point so convincingly that my argument is soon in tatter.
  • 她反驳我提出的各点都很有说服力,很快就我的论点驳倒。
    She reply to my point so convincingly that my argument is soon in tatter.
  • 有关环境的会议在下周一举行。
    The convocation about environment will be held on next Monday.
  • 教育部长兼国防部第二部长张志贤准8月30日在嘉龙剧院举行的国立教育学院毕业典礼上,勾画出“好教师”所应具备的优点,并鼓励教师不断自我提升,致力争取社会更大的尊敬。
    The Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence, RADM ( NS ) Teo Chee Hean who spoke at the National Institute of Education's Convocation on August 30 at the Kallang Theatre, outlined the attributes of a "Good Teacher", and urged all teachers to constantly ungrade themselves to command greater respect of the society.