  • 不过我要给你一条最重要的提醒:很多人会选择咖啡因而不是小睡,他们完全不会打盹。喝杯咖啡可能更易、更快、而且在很多方面更易让社会接受。工作的时候找个地方小睡一下可能是个难题。研究还表明当决定是要小睡还是进行“吸引人的提神活动”的时候,人们会选择活动一下。
    But here's a big caveat: most people would probably choose caffeine over a nap, and ditch the nap entirely. Downing caffeine can be easier, quicker, and socially more acceptable in many ways. Finding a place to nap in the middle of the workday can be a challenge. And studies have also shown that when deciding between a nap and an "attractive wakeful activity, " they choose the activity.
  • 随意找一份工作,只不过因为它与你的专业相关或感到工作内有趣,那么你可能会进入一个对你来说并没有真正吸引力的行业,不用多久你就得再去找工作。何不用战略的眼光来规划你的职业,就像曾规划你的学业一样?
    Looking for a job haphazardly, because you majored in something or because you saw a listing that looks somewhat interesting, you'll risk getting started in a career that holds no real appeal for you, and then you'll have to leave it to find something else. Why not plan your career strategically, just like you planned your education?
  • 如果你一开始就把自己看成“受害者”,或是纵自己长期消极,那么受伤的只会是你自己。最好的办法是承认现实、认清自我感受,找一个富有成效的方法去解决问题。向支持你的人寻求帮助,考虑休息一段时间--毕竟,将来你不会再有这种不用上学也不用工作的自由了!
    If you start thinking of yourself as a victim or allow yourself to lapse into prolonged negativity, you won't be hurting anyone except yourself. The best strategy for moving on is to recognize the reality of the situation, acknowledge your feelings and find a way to cope productively. Reach out to your support systems, and consider taking some time off--after all, you'll never have the freedom of being between school and work again!
  • 不怕犯错。你一定会犯错误.关键在于能够汲取教训然后继续努力。这不是人人都能易做到的.
    You don't mind making mistakes. You will make them,the trick is to learn from them and move on. Not everyone finds that easy to do.
  • 随意找一份工作,只不过因为你的专业相关或感到工作内有趣,那么你可能会进入一个对你来说并没有真正吸引力的行业,不用多久你就得再去找工作。何不用战略的眼光来规划你的职业,就像曾规划教育一样?
    Looking for a job haphazardly, because you majored in something or because you saw a listing that looks somewhat interesting, you'll risk getting started in a career that holds no real appeal for you, and then you'll have to leave it to find something else. Why not plan your career strategically, just like you planned your education?
  • 工作压力尤其易使疾病恶化。
    Job stress in particular has been shown to fuel disease.
  • 工作应该目标明确、重点突出。确定你的公司或部门中5个急需改进的关键领域,并着手调整,紧抓不放,直到一切改好为止。或许你的清单上应列有诸如成本控制、产品质量、客户满意程度等内。为每一项改进制定硬指标,并派专人负责。你必须及时考核、监督并审查工作的进程,并对取得成果者给予奖励。
    Keep it simple and focused. Identify five key areas that need improvement in your company or division and keep at them until you get them right. Your list might include such things as cost containment, quality, or customer satisfaction. Set tough targets for each one, and hold people accountable for results. Measure, monitor, and review progress on a timely basis and reward results.
  • 科学家发现彻底不考虑这些问题很有帮助。迈阿密大学触觉研究所所长TiffanyField在对由于安德鲁飓风而受到心理创伤的60名在校儿童的研究中发现,连续一个月、每周接受两次30分钟按摩的孩子其忧郁情况有所下降,而那些看放松内的录像片的孩子则没有什么改观。作为人的压力标记的皮质醇水平在接受按摩的一组中也出现了相当程度的下降。如果你不喜欢按摩,那也可以出去好好走一走、游游泳或骑骑车。锻炼不仅有利于保持身体健康,而且能减少焦虑和忧郁。
    Scientists are finding that it can help to get outside your head completely. In a study of 60 schoolchildren traumatized by Hurricane Andrew, Tiffany Field, director of the University of Miami's Touch Research Institute, found that depression dropped in kids who received 30 minutes of massage twice a week for a month,kids who watched a relaxing video showed no improvement. And cortisol levels, the body's marker for stress, declined significantly in the massage group. If massage isn't your thing, go for a vigorous walk, swim or bike ride. Exercise is not only good at keeping you fit,it reduces anxiety and depression, too.
  • 来得容易,去得快。
    Easy come easy go.
  • 做一个母亲是不易的。
    Being a mother is not easy.
  • 这件工作本身很易。
    This work itself is very easy.
  • 无法用语言形我当时的感受。
    Words can't express what I felt then.
  • 來得容易去得快
    Easy come, easy go.
  • 待人寬容如待己
    Live and let live.
  • 来得容易,去得快
    Easy come, easy go.
  • 强调形式至上,忽视内的一种非写实主义绘画风格。
    A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter.
  • 这很容易着火。
    It could catch on fire easily.
  • 此工程于年底完工,感谢你施工期间的宽大度。
    This work will be completed by the end of this year. Thank you for your patience during the inevitable disruption
  • 我想做面部美容。
    I want a facial.
  • 面部美大都是先彻底清洁面部皮肤。
    Most facials start with a thorough cleansing.
  • 我要做半小时美外加化妆。
    I'll take the half-hour facial with make-up.
  • 约翰是一个饶舌大王。他能够一连好几个小时滔滔不绝的讲毫无内的话。
    John is such a windbag. He can talk for hours at a time without saying anything.
  • 坐出租车去最易找到。
    The easiest way is to take a taxi.
  • 坐出租车去最易找到。
    The easiest way is to catch a taxi.
  • 我不是那么易被骗的。
    I'm not easily fooled.
  • 我是个易感到寂寞的人。
    I get lonely easily.
  • 我是个易上当的人。
    I'm so gullible.
  • 并不像听起来的那么易。
    It's not as easy as it sounds.
  • 来得容易,去得快。
    Easy come, easy go.
  • 说是容易做时难。
    Easier said than done.